Chapter Twenty Two- Drug of Choice

1563 Words

Her eyes fluttered open as she tried to regain control of what she had last remembered. With the hazy white light adjusting to her eyes, she recalled the sight of sniffing coke before going into a daze, and then being here. There hadn't been a euphoric feeling as she had hoped, or even a high of any kind. Instead, she had simply felt ill. Her head was throbbing and her body began to feel heavy, as she opened her eyes to see a doctor checking her vitals. When going to speak, she recognized the sore throat from having had her stomach pumped from before, as well as the leftover taste of medicine in her mouth.  "Try to relax, your body is still regaining its strength." The doctor spoke before writing something down on a tablet and telling her she would be seen by a nurse in a moment. As she t

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