keeping a secret

1921 Words
He pressed so deep I felt my eyes rolling backwards, as he did not slow down or give me any breaks, his tongue was in my ear and kissing beside my chin. My toes curled up and my fingers grabbed on to anything close by. He groaned as he climaxed, biting into the same spot on my neck. The next morning I opened my eyes slowly as i struggled to adjust to the bright lights coming in. I realized I was on his bed but didn't know when or how I had gotten there, I rubbed my swollen eyes and I laid back down. Feeling rather exhausted and sore, my entire body throbbed, my neck hurt and so did my n*****s, he took it farther than the last time, Perhaps he could no longer hold back, perhaps he was not sleeping with that lady after all. I turned back and soon realized there was no one laying next to me, I jumped from my drowsy state. Holding the sheets to my bare chest. I hoped he had not ditch me again to deal with the my negative emotions alone. I rushed down the bed and picked up whatever clothing I could find whether mine or his I did not know for certain. I quickly buttoned up the shirt and peered around the room, it wasn't the same one I'd snuck into earlier. This was a lot brighter, and occupied. His closet door was open and there was an empty mug of coffee. It was surprisingly cluttered, I began to wonder if his organised habit was nothing but a front for us at work to believe he was actually a clean person. It was almost as if he had two different personalities. He never talked about work when we weren't at work and then at work he played me around, he either bullied me or flirted with me. Who really was this man?, what was the really story behind Mr Wade's retirement? I had so many questions to ask and so many things to uncover. I imagined myself as a detective in a vintage black and white movie, I was being delusional again. “Good morning!” Cole said sitting across the room, he was out in the balcony reading newspaper. I was startled and embarrassed. I'd assumed I was alone the whole time. “Morning,” I said frozen. “Come Here,” he said calmly, putting aside his papers. I walked slowly towards him, “I didn't know people still read newspapers,” I mentioned, standing obediently beside him. He looked up at me and pulled me down on his laps. “It makes me feel intelligent ” he muttered, resting his head on my shoulder. I smiled at his response, I wanted him to hold me like that forever and rest his weight on me, I fantasized about us living together and going like a real couples did but I had to remind myself of our agreement, just as I was haunted by Vivian's words, I was playing a dangerous game with his man and it'd only just begun and I was failing, i wasn't cut out for this. “Have you been with another man This past month Regina?” he asked “Yes … I have ” I answered “Do you like him?” “why do you ask strange questions?” i asked quizzically staring at him. “Cause I get jealous .” I remembered asking him a similar question about the name on his shoulder, I also remembered he did not entertain me with an answer. “Why are you so bothered by who I see?” I asked. He had that look on his face, the one that made me feel like he couldn't say what he really meant to say. He looked at his watch and his gesture soon reminded me that is was a Monday morning and I was at still at his house, sitting comfortably on his thighs. I sprang up and dashed into the room, searching for my clothes. “Where'd you put them?” I asked, running about frantically. “I don't know,” he laughed, I wondered why my phone wasn't hot with Paula's calls then It dawned on me that I'd forgotten my phone back at home. I palmed my forehead in regret. Cole remained seated comfortably, he picked up his newspaper and resumed his reading as though I was not there struggling. I opened the closet door and searched through, hoping to find my clothes hanging but instead found a dress that did not belong to me. It was a cream colored A-line dress. With my clothes out of sight, I was left with no choice but to wear the available dress in front of me, a feeling of anger grew in me but I shook off the thought. I rushed to work, in the sneakers I'd worn out of haste the previous day and my hair a terrifying mess. The dress was a lot smaller than me as it squeezed the air out of me. I rushed out of the elevator as and met Paula waiting for me in my office. “where's the sale's report?” she yelled nervously, I crashed into my office chair, panting heavily. I looked up to her, staring blankly. “where the hell's the sale's report?” she asked again. I realized the urgency and immediately scattered through my desk. “Here it is,” I sigh in relief “Did you proof read it?” “Did i proof read it? Of course! ” I actually did not remember I was given the sales report over the previous week, I had been too busy worrying about Cole's love life and truthfully The mystery of him worried me deeply. The pictures, the dress I was wearing, he's incredibly nonchalant behavior towards his own decisions like he had nothing to lose. Paula glared at me as she took the report from my hand and stared me. down. “You look ridiculous,” she whispered. “Thanks .” Our managing director could not make it to work for personal reasons and I wondered if it had anything to do with me being with him all night, but how could my presence change anything, Cole was never absence no matter the weather or the holiday, he'd be at work before everyone and leave after everyone. We had lunch at the famous coffee joint, Andy talked about the same things everyday. His kids, he was so feminine much guys didn't like being around him cause they assumed he was gay and making advances towards them, when his intentions were In fact clear. When one has kids all other sorts of conversations and interest seem to die down as they only have room to talk about the inevitable excesses of their children. “Tyler's birthday's today are you guys gonna come?” Tyler was his only kid and he was spoiled rotten. The table was silent as neither of us wished to spend the rest of our day running after Tyler. “come on guys,” he said, as I scratched my head awkwardly. Paula and I turned to each other, hoping one of us would refuse first. “There's cake!” he smiled knowing we both had a weakness for cake. “You evil man!” Paula cried, knowing she could not refuse cake. “That's a yes!” he spouted happily. I sighed in defeat. “So Regina how's the boss been” Andy winked. “I don't know why would you ask me, I mean I wouldn't know,” I prattled nervously as my inability to lie crept in. “Did you take my advice?” “I.. I ” I stuttered “What's up with you? Did you sleep with him or not?” Andy asked impatiently. Paula's ears perked up as she leaned closer. “You know you can tell us anything right” “I… I .. I did” I finally broke to their incessant pestering. Paula and Andy had their mouths wide open in shock but fortunately before they could pounced on me with questions, one of our colleagues Kenneth joined us on the table and their open mouths quickly shut. “What's cracking guys?” he asked snatching away my sandwich. Kenneth wasn't really a team player he only did things for his benefit his selfish habits pushed people away from him so he spent everyday poking his nose into everybody's business, it was never wise to tell him anything. The table went Silent with awkward smiles on our faces, there was no possible way to get rid of Kenneth. He was short and round and very loud, he was impossible to ignore and insensitive as well. “These pass few weeks have been simple but the real works about to begin,” he said referring to the hemming project we were about to begin. “What do you know about work, after all you're in the editing department .. all you guys do is sit at screen at day .” Andy snapped, “Really, my job requires expertise, everything you do rests on me to make the magic you guys do have,” “Are you kidding me … the production and set management are gonna be out there, filming in this f****d up weather, ” I quickly stepped in. “ok ok all the departments are important and over worked lately” Paula tried to easy the tensions arising. “Look I'm not saying I'm the best.. I'm not bragging about nothing,” Kenneth retracted handing me the cheese slice inside my sandwich. “I don't like cheese .” He said munching down on my sandwich. “Why do people do this to me!” I protested. Back at work I sat in the bathroom in a bathroom stall. filing my sharp fingers nails to a safe length to prevent myself from leaving anymore red scratches on Cole's back. His absence from work worried me, he probably had other things to attend to but at a time like this when work began to intensify it simply was just too odd to ignore. I heard two familiar voices walking into restroom, they were giggling loudly. “Did you see what Regina wore to the work today?” the voice said “Yea, she's really over doing it” “She's obviously trying to get the managers attention in that really tight dress .” Clearly they had assumed they were the only ones in the restroom. “she's changed, she use to be such a decent girl .” “no matter how shorter the dresses get, no matter how revealing, the manager will never notice her desperate call for attention .” “It's a shame he didn't come to work today, Regina must be disappointed.” I stood immediately from the covered toilet seat and flushed loudly before exiting the stall to wash my hands. I met both ladies standing before the mirror retouching their heavily made up faces. They froze as I walked up the sink were they stood. I washed my hands carefully, dried them and marched out of the restroom in graceful strides. I could see the shock in their eyes as they realized that i was in there the whole time. Apparently I wasn't the only one taken by the boss's good looks.
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