Finished Product

1905 Words
Regina's pov “I'll be there soon,” he walked to the door and I opened it and let him out. “I'm not home, I'm … at work.” I stood in front of him and we were on opposite sides again, he was outside in the doorway and I was inside. “No why would I lie? ” “Thank you for the cake” I mouthed. “Please don't come over again.” I said and slowly shut the door, I got a good look at the shock on his face from hearing my words. He paused and watched me till the door finally shut. I remained there for a while till i heard his foot steps leave. I went back to the couch after turning on the television. I couldn't hear a thing, all I could think of was the anger growing in me waiting to explode, I just didn't know when. The week went by like every other week, Cole wasn't any colder than he already was. In fact, he ignored me the entire week as though nothing had happened between us. Like he didn't leave me hanging for hours with no explanations and no apology. It was apparent to me that I could simply never get an apology from him no matter how long I waited. I couldn't bare to look at him, I would quickly changed my mind and forgive him. What if he got catch up in something, what if he didn't mean to stand me up. So many “what Ifs.” and very little explanation going on. “We're finishing the Hemming's toy store project this week, hopefully we get a party.” Paula mentioned. I took a few packets of sugar from the coffee table and sat with her. “I don't think we're ever gonna party,” I blurted out coldly. She turned to me, I could tell he highly disagreed with me. “I don't believe you, it's just not possible,” she said. “The last party we had was Mr Wade's sendoff,” “Oh s**t that's true, ” she sighed in frustration. “I think we should tell Jacob to talk the Mr Cole.” I suggested. Jacob was our head consultant and he had his way around Mr Wade and hopefully he would have the same effect on Cole. I took a sip of my coffee and immediately my face wrinkled into an irritated expression, “Does this sugar even work?” I grumbled at the bitter taste. “Telling Jacob would be pointless,” she muttered. “What do you mean?” “Jacob's planning to quit next week.” “you're kidding … you're definitely kidding!” I stood and grabbed both her shoulders, “Telling me you're kidding!” I yelled, shaking her vigorously till her glasses fell and hung on the tip of her nose. Paula chuckled as she took her hand to her face and adjusted the glasses on her nose. “Well sadly I'm not kidding, he told me about a month ago that he was searching for another job.” “Damn,” I said and solemnly returned to my seat. I looked down at my cup of coffee and slid it to Paula, she glanced at me switching between my face and the cup, “You know I hate wasting stuff, it's best you finish it,” I said slowly and convincingly, she rolled her eyes and laughed. I tired my best to avoid the thought of Jacob quitting. I felt betrayed, first Mr Wade and the jacob, who knew just how many more would leave, it would no longer feel like a big family if everyone would leave. I tried to avoid many things but I couldn't help but run into everything I ran from. My Stomach rumbled loud as I sat in front of my computer, I didn't have breakfast and I couldn't seem to enjoy the coffee at work. I grabbed my jacket and sprinted out of my office, I could hear Andy calling for me but I couldn't stop, I needed to eat as quickly as possible. The elevator doors began to close but I successfully entered before it closed. Breathing heavily I looked at the person beside me and immediately swallow my breath as I noticed the person standing next to me. It was Cole, I quickly looked away and moved to the corner, I could see his reflection of the mirrored walls, he was staring pointedly at me. I could feel my heart beating a thousand beats per second as he parted his lips to speak. Luckily the elevator door came open and a group of people walked in, they were co workers from another department, Rodney who was head of the publications department an old man with a very off sense of fashion, he had a knitted sweater and bright blue pants with the sharpest cut crease I'd ever seen, his hair was always a mess, when I first started working at Wadfort I assumed that he came to work in a motorcycle; without a helmet given the fact that his hair was constantly a windy mess and I couldn't figure what else could be behind his looks. Though I wasn't certain about the motorcycle cause no one ever saw him coming to work, he was just always there. No matter how early you'd go, Rodney would be there in his favorite antler sweater. They greeted Cole as they entered and In the group I noticed Jacob troop in as well. He turned and saw me standing behind him. His eyes crinkled into a wide smile that caused the wrinkles beside his eyes to wrinkle further. He was old as well, pretty much the age as Mr Wade and they had similar qualities. “Gina! you look terribly dressed again,” he mentioned. “Not everyone can be as handsome as you Sir, ” I replied, he tapped my shoulder as he laughed, “You're not wrong about that,” he said. I wanted to say so much to him but I had to restrain myself. I could see the jealousy in Cole's eyes. He adjusted his tie and slid his hands back into his pockets. The elevator opened at the fifth floor and all four of them exited, I realised it would be just Cole and I and given the history we had in that very elevator I was forced to exit with the old guys, leaving Cole behind. I was far from where I needed to be as my hunger increased, I couldn't take the elevator knowing that I was bound to bump into Cole again. I then took a brilliant step by using the stairs. After climbing down ten flights to stairs I could feel the muscles in my thighs beginning to throb. I nearly vowed to never wear skirts as it made my experience even more dreadful than I intended. finally reached the bottom and celebrated my success with an accomplished smile on my sweaty face. By the time I got outside I realized that I had forgotten my card and purse back in my office. I groaned angrily and began to climb back up, “You're such an i***t!” I said to myself, panting heavily, “I'm so out of shape,” I panted as I lifted my feet. I reached my office, looking as dejected as possible, I crashed on my chair and wipped the sweat off my forehead with the hem of my jacket. I no longer felt as hungry as I did before I'd embarked on my shameful journey. I leaned back on my chair and concluded not to leave again. “Gina!” Andy yelled as he approached my office, “What do you want? ” I asked interestedly. He dropped a paper bag on my table. “Is that food?” I asked as my eyes popped open. “Yes, it's my wife's coconut cake, ” he smiled proudly. I snatched the bag and tore it open. I realised that he'd earlier called me before I left, if only I had listened I wouldn't have made such a pointless trip. “Thank you!” I whispered as I took his hands, “ Stop being weird Gina,” he replied pulling his hand out of my grip. At the end of the week we wrap up Mrs hemming's project and to our surprise Cole proposes that we celebrate. We all head out to a bar, where we had drinks and more than enough to eat. The entire bar was overrun with the Wadfort staff. The celebration we'd long awaited and the Hemming's project was no small work. We shared ourselves to all the long tables and chattered away. I sat in the same table as Joanne, Paula, Kenneth and some others who were from my department. Kenneth poured into his glass and quickly stood to make a toast, “Attention! Attention!” he shouted, “Sit down you're already drunk,” one of my colleagues said as he pulled Kenneth by the shirt and fixed him back in his seat. “I can't blame him, it's long overdue you know, ” I said knowing I myself was already slipping from all the shots. “He's just drunk cause his girl Charlie dumped his ass,” Joanne announced in a guffaw of laughter. “She didn't dump me Joe!” Kenneth yelled. “Really! so what did she do? ” “She moved in with another guy … but they're just friends okay!” The bar got even louder as everyone burst Into laughter, Kenneth shuffled away with his glass in hand. “Guy's that wasn't nice,” I muttered under my breath with was hot from alcohol. Suddenly Mr Cole stopped by our table, he found a vacant seat next to Andy which was Kenneth's. Everyone quietly watched him get seated, I thanked my stars that I was on the other side and he was at the breath of the table. He looked around at the awkward faces and said “Please don't let me spoil the fun.” Joanne's tight lips stretched into a crocked smile and I could tell she was cooking up something devious. “You're not spoiling the fun Sir … in fact it's just about to start,” She cleared her throat and turned to face me, “Well since we're on the relationship topic Gina, I was wondering if you were single, cause I know someone who totally interested.” Everyone went Silent as they waited for my response, I could see the shock in Cole's eyes, which made me nervous. “Interested in me?” “Yea ” “How?” “I sent him your social media handle,” she smiled. I lifted my eyebrows in confusion, knowing I only posted pictures of food on my social media. I could tell the game she was playing and I already had a name for it “The Joeporting” Her tactics were to glamorously ask questions she'd already been dying to clarify and would often pretend to care about your personal affairs. Joanne only liked to Joeport when other people were around, I guess for her, there was a satisfying feeling to it but I was far too tipsy to not play along and bait myself
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