Date Night

1244 Words
Paula mentioned that this gentleman was a teacher knowing I always talked about being a teacher and handling children because I found it amusing and lovely. This man I'd never met before impressed me, though I was still taken by the strange man I had earlier attacked in the subway. Finally I chose a plain dress and let my hair down. Paula kept calling to make sure I would go despite my many. complaints. It was a restaurant called Sally's Vegan special, I'd never been to a Vegan restaurant before and it wasn't very far from where I lived, only a few minutes away in a cab and a long exhausting walk. I sat down on the table hoping I wasn't too late and he had not already left angrily. I was an hour late and I knew how wrong I was, so I sat down and waited. The restaurant had a very comforting ambience and I felt bold enough to sit alone without fear. After some time I refused to use the word ‘stood up’ but that was exactly how it looked, I could blame no one but myself and definitely Paula would blame me too. As I sat there spiraling over my tardy behavior, I noticed a young man approach me, he was tall but slender, with his glasses on, he had a teacher written all over his appearance, except for his long hair which he tied away from his face. “Regina?” he asked as he reached the table, “Ah.. Yes ” He adjusted the seat in front of me and sat down with a friendly smile on his face. “I'm sorry to have kept you waiting,” I quickly said before he could offer any words. “ I should apologize as well. I assume you were not coming so I sat over there instead.” he pointed to the direction he appeared from. “I'm Ryan, it's so lovely to meet you Regina.” “likewise I guess” I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth with both hands “That was rude of me I'm sorry.” “I'm sure Paula forced you to come out today, ” He chuckled softly. I noticed the tiny birthmark on his collar bone. “No! .. she didn't” I quickly said. “It's alright. So where do you work regina?” “I am a creative consultant at a commercial Ad Agency.” I answered proudly, “I didn't know you work with Paula,” he said. “Yea but she isn't in my department. Paula's in the publication department.” A waiter stopped by our table to get our order. “Don't worry I'll pick for us both, you're gonna love it. Trust me.” he said showing the menu to the waiter, he whispered quietly into his ear. The waiter nodded and walked away. “ What about you? What do you do Ryan?” “I'm a music teacher,” “That must be nice.” “Oh God no .. I hate my job” he laughed “Children have no rhythm.. everyday I go to school, I wanna quit” “Why do you still work there?” “I don't know, anytime I see a kid improve, I think to myself .. I love my job but it commands a lot of patience” he said “and a lot of aspirin .” I unexpectedly let out a snorting chuckle and we both laughed. “Have you come here before?” Ryan asked. “No.. but it's really nice” “Well I'm so glad I am the first to bring you here Regina,” he said, I could not find any words, instead I turned away from his pointed stares. The food soon arrived, both burgers, I'd never had a date so casual before, it was always an uncomfortable dinner in a fancy restaurant somewhere. “ Try it,” he said eagerly I carefully took the burger to my mouth and bit hard, the filling inside spilled out both side of my mouth, it was a delightful taste, “It's really good” I exclaimed and went at it again until there was nothing left but cream in my hands. Ryan threw head back in a hearty laugh, “I'll order you another one.” “Thank you,” I laughed, wiping my hands with a paper towel. “What instrument do you teach?” “The saxophone and the violin,” he said proudly. “I love the saxophone” “Really..then I guess I'm in luck today” he laughed “you're so talented” “Wait till you hear me play first before you compliment me.” “whatever.. I know I'd love it,” I shook my head stubbornly and chuckled. “What do you do when you're not working Regina?” he asked. “Well I watch Battle of the drag queens cause I'm love Miss Justina,” I referred to a contestant in the show. “ I prefer Miss Gabby, ” “wait .. you watch the show too ?” “of course ” “Gabby's so dramatic for no reason.” “I think she's the reason the show is still running,” he said “You're right but Miss justina is a better contender,” we soon began to argue playfully about our favourite constants. At the end of the date I was over fed and over joyed to eat something I truly enjoyed and Ryan wasn't a bad date, he listened to me and he wanted to know so much about me. “you weren't so bad Ryan” “so you've had worse? ” “that's not what I meant but yes I have had bad dates” “tell me the worst” “Well it was a good date at first then later on his male lover walked in and made one hell of a scene, he also pulled my hair and called me a b***h” i said “that's not the worst part, his lover asked him why and he said I just wanted to try a woman again. ” “I am so sorry,” he laughed “we were thrown out of the restaurant and I didn't even get a word out.” A bus drove pass speedily, Ryan quickly moved to my other side as if protecting me from the traffic. “well I've been on bad dates as well.” “Really what happened?” “She came with a friend, and they had a great night ignoring me the whole time.” I tried to hid my laughter but couldn't, I threw my head forward laughing loudly. “I'm sorry.. so what happened?” “I walked out and they didn't even notice.” It began to drizzle, and we both ran for cover under the roof of a flower shop. He called a cab for me and before I could get in he pulled me back, “I forgot to say something important” “whats that?.. Did I forget something in the restaurant?” I asked “No.. I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look Regina.” he said I stared back speechless and flustered by his compliment. Ryan opened the door for me, “Good night Ryan” I spouted and waved him goodbye.
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