Country Side Wedding

2098 Words
Alfred's POV We decided to was best to tie the knot in the country side, it was easier, there was no rush hour traffic or noisy streets and police sirens, it was simply small towns in a wide spread of grasslands and ranches, it's was quiet and air was fresh. I stood before a small church in a grey suit waiting anxiously for my bride to arrive, I had chosen Huey as my best man only because he'd been begging for the position long before I knew I'd be getting married so I couldn't say no despite the fact that he was overbearing, I hoped he would not make a fool of himself even though that was something he did effortlessly and without Season. The groomsmen wore black suits while the bridesmaids wore cornflower blue dresses and had flower crowns on. with the groomsmen stood behind me, uttering kind words of encouragement as they were known to do, I sighed deeply and tossed my head back defiantly as if to reinforce my courage. God knows I needed courage for pull this off. “Try not to throw up today Alfred,” Huey laughed. “f**k off Huey,” Hunter shoved him away brushing his prints off my jacket. “Make sure I don't drink too much” I instructed. “how's he gonna watch you when he can't watch himself?”Hunter asked “He's not very great in that aspect you know” “geez why didn't you say all this before I made him my best man jimmy?” I snarled and Huey laughed guiltily at the accusations being thrown at him. “He can laugh all he wants as long as he's got the rings, ” I mentioned, adjusting the collar of my suit, there was a sudden unpleasant silence as all 3 of them as they began to search their pockets frantically, “don't tell me you left it back at the hotel? ” I asked hoping it were a bad joke and they would all laughed but it wasn't, they In fact had no clue were it was, an offensively expensive custom made ring my parent's had offered to me. “Where are the rings Hunter?” “Don't ask me you're the best man Huey, ” Hunter shrugged. “Huey this better be a Joke or else I'm gonna break your stupid neck” I threatened, in a calm tone knowing I was being watched by mother and all the wealthy guests, the church was over flowing with some of my ex's, at least the ones I could recognize, as expected the very glamorous lady Madison was seated wearing the largest hat in the room, she was basking in all the attention, there was also Thelma the treacherous as was her nick name, very beautiful but far too clingy for anyone, she would follow me everywhere I went and often stalked me around like a psychopath. There was Miss Hailey seated in a very black dress if black could be any darker. she complimented all that gloom with a black Vail, she probably mistook the occasion for my funeral I assumed. There was Betty with the drinking problem, Alison wondarmin or rather Alice in wonderland as my friends called her, considering her incessant absent minded episodes, she had a habit of staring blankly at the distance leaving her mouth open. There was also Bella and four others I could no longer remember their names. I prayed to my stars, hoping these lovely women would not ruin this day for me most especially my mother whose wariness reflected in her haunted eyes. Their presence was a serious threat which begged the question, who the hell invited them?. The door opened and the congregation stood to their feet quietly as Margret entered in a plain white gown which was in fact the most boring dress I'd ever seen on a bride with long droopy sleeves With a good old fashioned scoop neck. The bickering ended and they quickly composed themselves. Jimmy handed me two rings and hurriedly returned to his seat. It was certainly not the ring I was given and neither were they wedding rings , one had a silver skull on it and the other one had a silver dove like bird on it, at that moment it was obvious enough that my friends were nothing but idiots with poor taste. Margret gracefully marched to me with her father by her side. You could see the confidence in her high cheekbones, her soft chin line, high forehead and slender upturned nose. Her lips were sensuous, velvety and in a perpetual pout with a seductive etch into them. She stood before me and the priest conducted the first hymn and many exhausting hymns later the service began. “dearly beloved we are gathered here to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony,” The priest announced,“Therefore if any one can show any just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.” he looked to the congregation patiently waiting. He turned back to us and began, “Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, keep thee only for her for as long as you both shall live?” Before I could answer his question, we were rudely interrupted by a loud guffaw of laughter from Miss Thelma who quickly stood from the middle of the congregation, “forsaking all others?..he couldn't stay faithful even if you hid his balls from him .” “Oh shut up you even got the best of him, ” Hailey faced her in a sneer. “you're the reason he left me!” Thelma barked. The congregation turned from face to face gasping in shock, I could see mother visibly turning red in her seat. The argument soon erupted into a nasty fight as Thelma pulled out a hand full of Hailey's hair and Betty broke her nails frantically pulling Hailey off of Thelma. Alice began to choke which ever lady I seemed to have dated after her, while Madison slowly ducked under her seat for safety. Regina was the only one who seemed to be entertained by the brawl, with so much excitement in her eyes and in her open mouth, she nearly applauded. Margret on the other hand was only staring at me the whole time with a threatening scorn. I signalled Huey, jimmy, and hunter and they rushed to their feet, peeling these women off themselves, “this is all a front, you couldn't love anyone even if you tried,” Hailey said in a wobbly tone as she being led out, her black Vail was in pieces, hanging over her head like a shredded rag, the sleeves of her dress ruined and tears rolled down her eyes, she was talking to no one else but me, “You're not capable of love Alfred …. you just don't have it in you to love anyone but yourself .” they hastily carried them out of the hall like heavy sack bags over their shoulders, I knew at that moment that I would be haunted by those words, she was probably right and it troubled me as I finally realized just how much I had hurt all those women with my selfness and infidelity. Finally I slid the cheap silver ring into her finger, Margret jerked backwards hesitantly as I put the ring on, both she and the priest turned to me with baffled looks on their faces when they noticed the ridiculous ring I had put in her finger. The service went on with a musical number from my cousin and his wife who both knew nothing about rhyme or rhythm. Finally we both walked down the aisle having our pictures taken, I spotted father wiping his watering eyes with a handkerchief. Everyone marched out to field and took pictures with the new couple in town. “I'm surprised we made it out alive,” mother scoffed as she stood beside me. “ if someone had told me my only son would bring so much shame I wouldn't have believed it for a moment..and yet here we are .” “I'm sorry I'm such a failure mother... Ed would've done a better job if he were alive,” I was not her only son and I certainly wasn't her first, before me there was Edward, he was a tall handsome image of our father, the resemblance was uncanny. Edward was a lot like me, he was far more obedient and meek, a very gentle soul he had. My parents preferred to act as though Ed never existed especially my mother. She stood, speechlessly staring at me and quietly strode away. Regina jumped to my side in a cheerful manner, ready to be photographed, she startled me wearing the same colours as my parents, a royal blue cocktail dress. She looked different, more expressive and added a lot more cleavage to the mix, which was so unlike her. “I must say Freddy you are an extraordinary man,” she said “I've never met any one who continuously refuses to have a normal life like you do .” “give me a break you have it in you as well .” I noticed the look on her face as she paused for a moment. “you might be right..I do have it in me,” “ I'm curious about your choice of clothing today, is there perhaps a fashionable man in your life?”I asked. She nudged my shoulder and laughed shyly avoiding my question. “Matt didn't look so bad” “The man wore patterns on uglier patterns .” We both chuckled. “you're not wrong,” she smiled “We're not together anymore .” “what happened?..did you finally realize that you're too good for him?” “No…he's decided to see other people and now he's engaged .” she said with her eyes down. “I'm sorry about that but he didn't deserved you .” I said, her eyes lit up as she jumped into my arms and a picture was taken of our rare sibling moment. At the reception, every was seated drinking and eating. My best man Huey decided it was time to give a toast. He stood and tinked on his glass with a steel fork, getting everyone's attention he cleared his throat and began “ladies and gentlemen, forgive me for disrupting you from your delicious deserts.. This is my third time being a best man I'm quiet good .” The crowd laughed, “I think it takes guts for a man to propose but bravery to further into marriage .. and I am proud you Freddy,” he turned to me with a crooked smile on his face. “Even though he's done some questionable things like that one time he… ” I palmed my forehead afraid he would dig up ridiculing stories of our crazy strip club expeditions. Thankfully, Huey was cut short by my sister who snatched the microphone from his grip. “To Alfred and Margret!” she proposed and everyone kinked their glasses together and cheered “Thank you,” I mouthed to Regina grateful for her save. She nodded with a smile. Later on the party continued with everyone discussing but no one dancing. Until I and my bride went up to the dance floor the cheering began. Margret was uninterested and offered no smiles to me, she was still angry about humiliating cat fight at the church earlier. Our dance was brief as Margret returned to her seat. Regina rushed to the dance floor with the guys and they danced around me spraying confetti and urging me everyone to dance as well. The dance floor was soon filled with guests dancing. I noticed Margret chatting with an unfamiliar man, he was tall, slim and attractive with very sharp features, I found myself growing jealous of this odd looking man, I clenched my fist but made no attempts to approach him. After all Margret didn't love me and clearly had her eyes on this man the way she smiled at whatever he said, throwing her head back whenever she laughed, I didn't realize how much I long to hear her laugh as everything involving Margret had to be made a serious issue.
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