The Unexpected Visitor

1989 Words
“Don't try to patronize me Regina, ” she laughed carefully as it trying not to exert herself in any way. I wanted to see her, I wanted to go to Abby's right away and get her the peach pie I promised but there I was, waiting for cole to get back as he said he would. “Don't worry I'll be there next weekend I promise.” “I'll be waiting for you baby, ” “No! Stop calling me that, ” I chuckled. “Take care of yourself Gina,” “I will. ” “And remember, I love you just the way you are, Infact we all do and if someone doesn't appreciate the real you then they don't deserve you.” “Did Alfred say anything to you? ” I asked, wondering how she knew about my struggles, perhaps I was easy to read after all. “I know you Gina,” she said, “Bye Anna! ” I replied. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I couldn't hid my worry, “She's gonna be fine, Anna is a strong woman, ” I muttered encouraging words. I after an hour, I stretched out on the couch, and fell asleep after worrying endlessly about Cole and Where he'd gone. I woke up with a start from the terrifying dream I had, I looked around and realized that I was still in Coles house. My stomach growled in hunger, and my head felt rather heavy, perhaps the was the hunger kicking it. I jumped off the couch and staggered to the kitchen, it was spotlessly clean, I restrained myself from touching the counter top with my dirty fingers. Advancing to the fridge and unfortunately it was empty as well. “you've got to be kidding me,” I sighed. I checked my phone and it was three in the afternoon, “How long did i sleep?” I hurried back to his room and changed into last night's dress. It somehow felt a lot more uncomfortable than it did the previous night. I wanted to leave but part of me kept thinking, what if I leave and he comes back and doesn't see me?, wouldn't he be worried?. But who was I kidding. There I was waiting for him for more than seven hours. He definitely wasn't getting groceries, but why would he lie? He had no reason to, he could've told me something came up or even answer my calls. He was doing it again. Leaving me in the dark like he did many other times. At the end of it all, I picked up my bag and I left. Wearing a dinner gown in broad daylight felt a bit odd, plus I didn't look so good with my hair roughly packed away from my face, I did as best as I could, with no comb or hair brush in sight. I wasn't heart broken at that point, I was just disappointed. So angry my fingers began to shake and my eyes watered. “Don't cry,” I said to myself, “Don't you dare cry. ” I couldn't be angry without shedding tears. It was infuriating how sensitive I was; It made me look weak. I got a cab which took me home. At home I quickly wiggled out of the itchy dress then put on comfortable clothes. A blue tank top and matching shorts. I prepared something to eat. Eggs and bacon and whatever snack I could find. I was too hungry to make a proper meal and made do with what ever I could cook under five minutes. I settled down and ate hastily, as if someone were waiting on me or to put it another way, I ate like I'd missed food all my life. I was eating breakfast in the evening and I hoped it wouldn't bother my stomach, I already felt drained in every possible way. I heard a knock on the door, I couldn't think of anyone particular that would come see me. Vivain went to her aunt's house on Saturdays and Paula never really came by cause of her strict adherence to work ethics. The only exception was if there was cake or a party, as we all knew she loved three things, cake, beer and single men. “Could it be Alfred?” I thought, but it was impossible. Alfred would rather die than spend a minute at my place not to mention spending the whole night, apparently I annoyed him that much. I marching to the door and unlocked it, only to find Matt standing before me. He looked like somewhat pathetic, standing at my door with my mail in his hand. “These were starting pile up, ” he smiled, It took me back to days when we were still together and he would get my mail for me, cause I was too lazy to get it myself and they would often pile up in the book. “Gimme that, ” I said tartily and snatched them from his hands. “So how are you doing? ” “We already saw yesterday … what do you want now Matt? ” I sighed. “I just wanted to catch up you know,” he moved closer and I quickly blocked him from getting in. “It's obvious to me that you don't know how things work,” I scorned “I know, I know but please just let me in Gina,” I shook my head stubbornly, and looked away. “I really want us to be friends Gi, I can't just forget about you, I've tried but I need you … so please let me in,” he begged “You won't try anything funny right? ” “I promise, ” he answered with a cheerful smile. “You sure you're not drunk? ” I stared quizzically. “Oh come on, I'm sober,” “Go home Matt,” I said as I slowly closed the door. “ Wait! I brought cake! .” he shouted, lifting up the paper bag in his hand. I opened the door slightly I stuck out my head, “What kind?” “ Chocolate! It's chocolate!, ” “You may come in,” I smiled and pulled the door open and he came in. How could I refuse cake and besides I was still hungry. He crashed tiredly on the couch. “A peace offering to you,” he smiled and handed me the paper bag. “Don't expect me to share this with you, ” I replied and marched to the kitchen to get a plate. He looked around as if expecting things to have changed over the last month. “your place is still the same and you're still the same, ” he chuckled softly. “What did you think was gonna happen. Were you expecting me to gain a few more pounds from stress eating?” I asked “No that's not what I meant.” “Well you weren't wrong about that, cause I did. I gain a few more pounds from stress eating and I'm still stress eating,” I said taking a big bite from the slice of cake. “I'm stress eating right now,” He threw his head back in laughter. “I've missed you so much!” “Don't say things like that, I forbid you,” I utter sternly. “But I mean it” “If you really want to be my friend then don't say things like, I miss you or Iove you, and I also don't wanna hear I need you!.” “Gina I know I've hurt you…” “That's not the point. The thing you don't need me, in fact you don't need anyone, I figured that out a while ago and now everything that comes out of your mouth sounds like a joke to me.” “ You're right, you're right, but just don't want to fight with you anymore.” “I never wanted to.” “I won't say those words anymore, I'm really sorry.” “Thanks” I said, sitting on the chair away from him. “So how's work? ” “Same as always.” “I didn't know Harrison was your new boss,” “Yea he is.” “What's it like?” he asked “I don't understand.” “I mean, what's it like working with him?” “It's great!” I spouted, hoping he wouldn't see through my lie, “How do know Mr Harrison anyway?” “He was a final year student when I was a freshman in college.” he said “Really!? ” I asked, “Yea we were in the same dorm till he graduated.” I looked trying to hide my surprise. Cole had earlier told me that he had never met Matt before and I really didn't know who to be believe. “Waw, so you were friends?” “We were pretty close until about a month to his final exams. he just blow everyone off.” “I can't believe that,” I really couldn't, the entire time I had assumed that cole was a celestial being who fell from the sky. I simply couldn't entertain the thought of him being known by other people. “Was he always so pompous? ” I asked. “Not at all, he just wasn't open about his life and most people just assumed he was gay cause he didn't like any of the hot girls in college.” “That's not possible!” my eyes widened in shock. “No one was certain, people just made up lies about him cause they were jealous.” “Did he ever say anything about his dad? ” “He told me he didn't have a dad or a mom.” Matt stood up and headed for the fridge. “Don't you dare touch my fridge! ” I yelled running after him. “Why are you so interested in his life anyway?” he stopped and faced me. “Well … I was just curious that's all!” I rushed and blocked the fridge with my body. “You're just curious huh? ” he rolled his eyes and stood in front of me. “You don't live here, so you can't touch my stuff. ” “Can I at least have water? ” “yea sure” I left were I stood and headed for the sink, forgetting my post. He quickly opened the fridge and stole a bottle of orange juice. “Really Matt? ” I found myself snickering. “You're such an i***t. ” “So do you like him? ” “Why do you care?” “Cause it'll be a bad idea Regina.” I walked to him and snatched the bottle of juice from his hand. “I can decide for myself.” I said coldly. “I'm just looking out for you.” “I'm adding that to the list of words I don't want to hear from you.” He started to laugh again, “Ok ok, you're wish Is my command.” I wanted to say, I'm really glad you stopped by, and that it was nice having someone around cause I didn't feel so great all by myself after the dream I had while at Cole's house. His phone rang and all the words flew out of me. He rushed back to the couch and picked up his phone. “Hey babe! How was your day at the … spa? ” he smiled with the phone on his ear. “No! I did not forget, you told me like a hundred times,” he looked to me and it went back to being awkward. He had that look on his face, the pathetic one he came with.
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