Silent treatment

1962 Words
“you're still working?” Paula said as she stopped by my cubicle,“I was thinking about dropping you off today. ” “Thank you so much but that won't be necessary, cause I fixed my car,” I stretched my lips into a proud smile. “Well isn't that lovely, I was wondering what took you so long to fix it ,” “I don't know, I kept procrastinating but while I was home, I thought it would be best to fix it,” I replied “I couldn't imagine myself jumping anymore cabs and taking the horrifying Subway, do you know how many people get their belongings stolen in a train every year?.” “I don't.” “Well it's a lot people Paula.” ,“I don't think you'd ever be part of that majority with the way you hold your bag when you're outside,” She laughed “what? I like to be cautious,” “See you tomorrow Reggie!” Paula waved and headed out. By the time I was done, it was forty minutes to midnight. I packed up my work and switched off the computer, i'd spent most of the hours drooling on my papers. I grabbed my bag and took out my car keys, the office was scary when there's no one there, like a horror movie of some sort. “I shouldn't have stayed so late, ”I rushed into the elevator and out to the parking lot. The clanking sound of my shoes, the wind had my hair flying about my face. It felt strange like I was been followed, I continued to look back as I ran, searching for my car, I was too terrified to remember to press the the button on my car keys. Constantly Looking over my shoulder I forgot to look before me and accidentally ran into the arms of a person. I feel safe, in his wide and strong arms enclosing me, my eyes were closed and my face buried into the arms of this man, his cologne compelled my thoughts into a calm state. “Are you alright Regina?” said the man. I opened my eyes at looked up. Only to find myself in Cole's arm. He was staring down at me, dumbfounded, with those eyes of his, he held me as though he knew that I was scared. I was rid of words before him, my mouth was open but no words came out. I quickly pulled out of his warm embrace. “I was in a hurry … I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention Sir. ” I muttered stupidly, unsure of my own words. He did not blink for a moment as his eyes were glued to me, “Why did you stay so late today ? ” He asked, I wanted to ask him the same question but I wasn't ready to converse with him, I simply wanted to go home where I would be safe. “ I ... Had work I wanted to finish up with. ” I looked around and found my car right under the light. “I'll be going now,” I said “Good night sir.” “it's dangerous let me at least drive you home,” “ Thank you for the offer, you're so kind sir but I already have a ride, ” I smiled politely and unlocked my car which was parked a few yards away. He still couldn't say whatever it was that hung on his tongue, the words I wanted to hear from him. He robbed his hair back with his fingers as he watched me get into my car, I pulled out of the driveway slowly, as if waiting for him to run after me like he was in an old movie and I was the love of his life. But he didn't so I drove home. I got home that night, to find my house in a mess, it lacked every any form of order. My clothes scattered around the floor, I tripped over a lonely pair of shoe and knocked my leg against a stool. “s**t! ” I winced loudly. Rubbing my throbbing leg. I moved to the kitchen and met a pile of dirty dishes waiting for me, I'd gotten lazy all of a sudden. I took a shower, got into my pajamas and shuffled about, clearing out the mess. I stuffed the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, washed up all the dishes with music playing, I was doing so much to prevent myself from thinking about it, thinking about Cole's innocent eyes. After dancing around, I crashed tiredly on my bed. Groaning at my aching bones, I was more than out of shape. I heard a ding from my phone, i jumped up but couldn't tell where it could have been. I searched the sheets frantically till I realized it was in my pocket the whole time. It was a notification from the app, Sharon's friend had downloaded in my phone. “welcome to splice,” I read aloud and tapped on it. The next thing that popped into the screen was, “creat profile,” I continued and followed the instructions, I searched for an attractive picture of myself, I hardly took pictures of myself, my phone was overrun with pictures of food and barely any of myself. I forced to take a picture, but I wearing my banana patterned pajamas, I climbed down from my bed and hastily found a more appealing top to wear. I found a black cut cut top, it was part of the things I'd bought over the weekend. It was just what I needed. I pulled it down lower to show off my cleavage, hiding the rest of my body. Afterwards uploaded the picture on my profile. It asked for a brief description of myself and I really had to think cause I never really knew who I was. “Hi my name is … no, ‘Hi’ would sound too desperate,” I started typing again. “I am Regina, I work at a commercial agency, no!” I stared thoughtfully at the screen, “They don't need to where I work, what if someone tries to dupe me?.” “Hi I'm Regina, I love sports and all kinds of cake. ” It still wasnt enough. “Hi I'm Regina, I am a.. ” I still couldn't think of anything. Who was I exactly? I studied literature in college but I never really considered myself a poet even after the number of bad poems I'd written over the years. I owned several anthologies of different poets . “Hi I'm Regina, I am an artist , I love reality TV and soccer, I love food and science fiction as well, a burst of energy and sunshine,” I continued “looking for a partner.” I obviously wasn't an artist but didn't know what else to put. “This doesn't feel right, I don't know what to say.” Then I was asked to put down the kind of man I was looking for. I'd never really thought of that, I never had a strick preference when it came to men. I simply went with who ever would love me back, though I'd only been in one relationship my entire life. “Tall, handsome, built,” I laughed at my selection. Before I knew it, “I received a heart message” as it was called. It was from a guy named “Griffin69,” profile had pictures of cute dogs. I tapped the message. “Hey! ” “Hi” I responded “I'm Griffin whats your name? ” “Regina ” “I love the picture on your profile,” “Thank you.” “Are you interested?” he said and the next thing that came after was a picture of his p***s. “My goodness, ” I jumped and quickly exited the application. “I didn't see that coming.” I knew it wouldn't be such a good idea to sign into a dating site, knowing how unpleasant people could be. I turned off the lamp and went to sleep. The next day work was somewhat easier, everyone was waiting to party to celebrate the end of a project, it was a tradition upheld by our former manager Mr Wade. Everyone crossed their fingers anxiously, hoping Cole would honor a long tradition though it was not in his nature to honor anything at all. In my free time, I sat back and played games on my phone, my stomach growled in hunger. I pushed my seat back and headed for the elevator. “Where are going? ” one of my colleagues asked, “I'm going to Abby's for coffee,” I responded. “You know there's coffee at work right? ” “I know I just prefer to get mine from Abby's” “Can you get something for me?” “yea what do want? ” “can you get me coffee as well? ” “I thought you just talked about the one at work? ” I lifted an eyebrow quizzically. “Its so boring, I want a latte,” she whined. “Sure. ” “wait, I want a frappuccino , with a lot of ice but not too much, ” I turned to leave again. “Wait! Not too much milk and a sandwich!” I turned around, “I'm not in the mood cold coffee, get me a latte instead.” “What exactly do I look like today ?” I snapped, “A waitress? If you're not sure then get it yourself. ” She froze in her cubicle, her eyes widened in shock as she watched me walked away from her, I turned around and got into the elevator. I got out in the editing department, just for the fun of it and besides I wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to ridicule Kenneth. Who would be working tirelessly to finish up before the deadline. There were two computers in front of him and a large screen hanging on the wall before him. Whatever he did in the computer reflected in the bigger screen, his department was dark a bit, the only light it got, was the one from all the numerous screens, it was noisy from all the sounds playing repeated. I stood behind him and watched quietly. “s**t! ” he jolted as he turned around and noticed me. “Damn it Regina, you scared me! ” he yelled. “You look so tired, ” I laughed and he pouted stubbornly. “I'm so glad you asked about my well being cause I'm alright,” “You don't look so alright to me, you've got dark circles around your eyes Kenneth,” “ Dark circles? tell me you're joking,” he searched around for something, he picked up a mirror and accessed his face, “You're right!” he sighed. “I look hideous.” “You look like this all the time you know,” “Have I ever told you how encouraging you are?” he said sarcastically and turned to me slowly. I laughed heartily “Would you like a cup of coffee for the good work? ” I offered. “Coffee? ” he repeated “You want to buy me coffee? ” “Yes coffee! Don't flatter yourself, I'm just trying to encourage you. ” “Well since this only happens once, I accept your offer,” he laughed. From the windows, I could see the clouds gather, thick dark lumps of clouds, forming what looked like a giant sea of foamy waves.
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