1845 Words
My sharp knocks can be heard as I let my fist meet with the oak door one more time. As I retrieve my hand, my eyes roam over the house as I step back, taking in the new paint job. It's one of those cute little houses with a front porch that also wraps around the whole house, a bench swing near the kitchen window, and yellow rose bushes before the porch as you drive in. The house is two stories, a smaller size, and baby blue paint over the house. Right as I check my phone, the door pulls open, my eyes meeting those blue eyes, the ones so pale yet holding the boldest colors of the ocean. Smiling, I greet Gege, Axel's grandmother and a woman I've turned to as a role model. "Winifred, how are you?" We greet one another on the porch, Gege hugging me as she leads me in, telling me that she will go and brew some tea. I'm led to the same living room, the cream walls filled with family pictures, many of a boy I've tried to forget. Taking a seat upon the couch, I hear her working away in the kitchen, trying to get us some of the usual fruity tea. "How is the family?" I ask, checking my phone for any new texts, anything on what I read last night. "Doing well," Gege begins as she walks back into the room, pinning her silver and white hair back into a bun. For an older woman, she's still in good shape, not having gained any of that extra weight and still likes to go for long morning walks. "Axel is home. I know you don't want to hear that really but I'd rather not keep it from you." I nod, understanding her as she sits across from me. "How is Charlie?" Another smile kisses my lips as she also smiles, happy to know that I'm pleased and thankful for the relationship I am in. "Great! Really are enjoying all the time we have this summer." The topic of Charlie easily fades as my eyes look past her and to a picture of Axel, one more recent, maybe a year ago or something. He's smiling as usual, with a group of friends, visiting Roman ruins as he looks great. I won't deny it, the boy I lost really had a good puberty outcome. "When was the last time you saw him?" I look to Gege, my heart feeling clenched as she asks that question. She takes the hint, disappearing to the kitchen to grab the ready tea as I sit alone, thinking about Axel. "Four years ago, just as we finished middle school," I reply, watching as she moves across the room, grabbing the tea cups. Her face shows concern, knowing that whenever I discuss Axel, a piece of me always feels lost. "I got a text from a friend a day ago, saying that he was back in town." She nods, putting the tea into a cup, her pale blue eyes, just like his, pale and blue as the ocean, watching me. "He's back, yes, for good. To take over his father's business." I nod, crossing my legs as I see a picture of him with his parents. "She said he changed," I explain, remembering the text from this morning when I woke up, hearing the news that he was spotted and really looked good. "Don't we all?" She asks, handing me the tea as my memories of us pop up, from the first meet, to the first kiss, to when we parted ways and he was taken from me, never expecting to return. "We all change at some point in life." Sighing, I take a sip of the drink and get ready for my next words. "I know I've changed." "How so?" My body becomes hot as the nerves go off within me. "I won't be someone he loves and then never contacts again. I've put him behind me, Gege, and I hope he has done the same as well." But have a I really forgotten my emotions for him? He's changed...but something tells me it's not for the best. For another hour I stay as a guest until Charlie texts me to say he's heading to my house, saying he wants to head to the beach together. I missed brunch with the crew, saying I had a matter to discuss with Gege. "I take it you don't want to see him," Gege states, not even asking as I shake my head, telling I do not wish to see him at all. "If he expresses seeing you, I will make sure he understands." "Just don't make me the bad guy." She nods, giving me a goodbye hug as we stand on the pouch. Once the door is shut, I unlock my car and jump in, telling Charlie I have to make a short stop at my house. Driving home takes forever as my mind flashes back to Axel countless times. How he have me flowers for Valentine's Day once, a set of I matching flowers from bright pink to blue, not knowing what to do at a young age. As I think of him, I think of Charlie, almost comparing the two as I feel sour about it. As I pull into the driveway, Carlie's laugh crosses my mind, making me feel miserable. I'll be leaving him soon for another state and I don't want to lose that contact. I don't want us to become like Axel and I did. I change quickly into a simple blue bikini top and bottoms, pulling over some shorts and a casual button up shirt. Pulling my hair up, I head back down the stairs, hoping into my car as I recall the roads to take where Charlie wants to meet up. As I pass bye the dock where multiple little shops are, I catch something, a person. Pulling into the parking lot, I hope our, running over to the figure as he stands with his back to me. I fling my arms out, jumping as I hop onto is back, laughter escaping my lips as I kiss his temple. "Missed you," I giggle, Charlie spinning me around as I hold on tight. "How's my girl?" I'm set down as we pass onto a shaded area of the dock, Charlie turning around to greet me with a light kiss. "She, Mr. Potter, is happy to see you." Charlie smiles, wrapping an arm around my waist as we walk down the steps of the dock and to the beach where other people from school and setting up their own areas. "There's going to be a party here tonight, you wanna go? Surfing, music, drinks, social aspects." I reply with a yes as we head over to a shaded picnic table, Charlie pulling out a bag from under the table, having already claimed the spot for us. His surf board is resting against the bench of table. Pulling off my shorts, I look out to the waves. I've never been one to surf, sometimes heading out only to tumble over. Charlie's a natural at it, competing every summer in the town's surfing competition for young adults. As a surf town, the place is always packed with the local surfers or those who travel to catch the watches. Axel was big on surfing even at a young age, doing tricks as his father would cheer him on. I push Axel out of my mind, focusing back on Charlie as he hands me sun screen. I get my legs covered, pulling off my shirt as I do the rest. As I finish with my ears, I peak from the corner of my eyes as my boyfriend peels off his shirt, making my insides flutter. It will never get old, the washboard abs and tanned skin. I was lucky with this one, not only sweet and loving, but good looking as well. "Ready?" I nod, Charlie taking my hand as in the other, he carries the board. Usually we go surfing together, me bringing my father's board as we laugh at one another when we go down. Sometimes we share one, just drifting in the ocean as we sit and talk. For thirty minutes we just stay in the shallow end, resting as we let the board float us, my body adjusting to the water temperature. Some waves cause us to rise, others we either dive through or let them hit us. It's peaceful out here, especially when we just sit in the silence and listen to laughter or the waves crashing. "Ready?" I nod, swimming with the board as Charlie gets us out deeper, my feet unable to touch the sand as we go further. From the dock that reaches out to deeper water, some people are diving off while others bet on who will do the coolest tricks before hitting the water surface. By the end of the two hours out on the water, I'm holding onto the board as Charlie body surfs, letting me laugh as the waves send his feet over his head. After another wave decreases his ego size, he swims over, settling right next to me as he brings my head down, pulling me in for a long and passionate kiss. My fingers go for his tangled hair, pulling him closer as I lean down from the board more. Suddenly, I'm under the water, the splash echoing in my ears. As I get to the water surface again, I can hear him laughing as he now sits on the board. I scowl, pushing him off and attacking him. Soon, we head to shore, deciding to hit the snow cone stand where the people are diving off. When my shorts are back on, we make our way up the stairs and down the dock, the smell of the ocean making me feel at home. With a secure arm around my waist, I feel content, forgetting Axel and our whole college situation. "What type?" I give my order and we sit down as we wait, watching the people as they dive down, some belly flopping due to dares and some hitting a perfect dive. This is what summer should always feel like. That's when I hear it, the name, the one that makes my head snap to the next person about to dive. He's taller now, and very well built as I can only see his back. The black locks have become silky and thick, something that temps me still even after all those years. "Wini?" I snap back to Charlie as he holds my snow cone, smiling as I take it. We watch the next diver together, watching as he runs off, hitting seven perfect flips before getting into a flawless diving position, breaking the water with grace. My heart clenches as he disappears into ths waters, memories flood my mind. As I catch a glimpse of his black hair, I look away, hoping to never see Axel again.
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