The no-nonsense approach

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I could see across the courtyard that Coach Blackclaw was already standing outside the administration building.  He was talking with Siobhan and Saoirse while Nerezza stood a few feet away, with her arms crossed defensively in front of her and a scowl on her face.  I could see from a distance that her hair was flat and still slightly oily from all the butter in the alfredo sauce bath I gave her last night. She did not look happy, one bit.  I looked down at my watch to check the time.  'He said 8 a.m. sharp.  It is just 7:50.  Why is everyone here already?  What is going on here?' I thought as I quickened my step and jogged the last few feet to where everyone was standing on the sidewalk. "Thank you girls for bringing this to my attention.  I have it from here." I could hear Coach Blackclaw say to the twins as I approached.  "Have what from here?" I asked as the twins scurried away.   "We will see you at the assessments, Sophia." one of the twins said as she was leaving. The other waved and then they clasped hands and walked away together toward the gymnasium. 'I have got to figure out a way to tell them apart' I chuckled to myself. "The situation in the dining room yesterday.  I know the truth.  I saw everything that happened." Coach Blackclaw said. I was shocked. ' How in the world did he see it?'  "Did you use a memory spell?  A crystal ball? Do you have retrocognition?  What did you do?" I was amazed at what I thought were his abilities. Coach Blackclaw looked at me like I was crazy.  Like, really, REALLY crazy. "Ummm.  Sophia? We have security cameras. I watched the video recording." he said quietly. I could tell he was trying really hard not to laugh.   'Can I just fall through the floor now?' "Nerezza, you and Sophia follow me into my office." Coach Blackclaw said as he quickly switched the mood back to serious mode. We followed Coach Blackclaw back inside the building and headed toward his office.  Robin was working around the little chapel in the atrium.  He was clearing dead foliage. He waved  a gloved hand as he saw us walking by.  I gave him a slight wave but couldn't really focus on anything other than what was about to happen.   'It is my second day and I am already in trouble.' "Sophia. I know that you were defending Siobhan, or was it Saoirse? I cannot ever tell them apart. Either way, you were defending them and, while I understand why, we cannot resort to violence to solve our problems." Coach said as we all sat down in his office.  "The same goes for you Nerezza.  Your behavior was unacceptable and uncalled for and if it continues you will be sent home.  Do you both understand me?" "Oh trust me.  That wasn't violence... yet!" I snapped back, remembering the hurtful words that Nerezza spewed yesterday. "As I was saying" Coach Blackclaw quickly redirected me "I am not going to suspend either of you for this incident, BUT, and this is a big but... You both are going on warning.  I am also not going to make you two work together on some project as a 'show of good will towards each other'. This isn't television or some cheesy teen movie. This is real life and you are here to get an education.  You are not here to disrupt my school. Period.  In fact, if you two cannot get along with each other then I want you to stay as far away from each other as possible. If you have classes together, sit on opposite sides of the room.  Am I making myself understood? I do not have time to babysit young ladies who behave like thugs." he said, thumping his fist on his desk like adding an exclamation point at the end of a sentence.  Coach continued to lecture us about accepting each other's differences and cultures and spent another ten minutes talking before finally dismissing us.   Nerezza jumped up and left as soon as he dismissed us; brushing up against me, knocking me slightly back as she pushed her way out of the door.  I stopped and turned to him and asked. "Coach?  Can I ask you a question about what you saw on that tape? It is really important and I need to know." I asked.  "Who was behind me in the dining hall yesterday?  On the video?  Who was standing behind me whispering in my ear? I heard someone but I never saw them." Coach Blackclaw got a puzzled look on his face and asked me "Are you sure you heard someone?". "Yeah, I heard them clear as a bell." I replied. "No one was there, Sophia.  There was no one standing near you." Coach Blackclaw insisted. "Perhaps you need to see the school doctor." He suggested. "I probably had my earbuds in and forgot.  It's fine.  Don't worry about it.  I'm not worried about it. Ok, got to go. I have to go to assessments in the gymnasium this morning. Bye!" I rambled as I rushed out of the room.  'I know I heard what I heard. But, who was it?' "Stay away from her, Sophia" Coach Blackclaw yelled after me bringing me back to the reason I was even there to begin with.   'Maybe I should  go and see the doctor?' As I left his office I hurried past the stone wall of fading class pictures. I could see him through the glass walls of his office.  He was texting someone on his phone.  I sure hope it isn't about me. I waved at Robin as I hurriedly exited the building and turned toward the third structure furthest away from the bird sanctuary and to the right of the main building.  There was already a line of about twenty or so students waiting to enter.  I walked to the back of the line and took my place for what looked like was going to be a long, long wait.  I heard a loud scrape behind me and turned to see Mo, sliding up on her skateboard. She kicked the end and flipped it up into her hand and took a place in line behind me.   'I have got to get her to teach me how to do that'  "So, do you have to clean bird cages or what?" Mo asked. "Coach Blackclaw looked upset when I just rolled by his office.  You didn't make him mad again did you?" "No.  Actually, we didn't get any punishment at all. Saoirse and Siobhan were talking to him before I got there this morning.  I wonder if they have anything to do with him reviewing the security footage." I asked Mo. "Sophia!" I heard a loud whisper. "There it is!! I heard my name!" Mo looked at me and pointed to the corner of the building where one of the twins was waving Mo and I over.  As we rounded the corner we could see that the other twin was holding open a side door ."We knew you would be late because you  had to talk to Coach Blackclaw so we already got you both checked in.  Hurry up!  Your turn is next, Sophia!!"  I wasn't sure if I was ready for this today.  Things haven't exactly been going my way since I got here.   'What happens if I don't have any other powers other than telepathy? What if because I am a hybrid I am no good at magic OR at being a werewolf?  How can I rule my pack back home in Spain if I cannot learn this?' My mind was preoccupied and racing with self deprecating thoughts of doubt. Mo snapped her fingers in front of my dazed face.  "Hey.  They are calling you over there at table four." she said. 'It's go time!'
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