Chapter 1

2291 Words
     It was strange being out. People dressed how they wanted and spoke in voices higher than a whisper. Everyone else lived their own little lives, disconnected from everyone else. It was strangely refreshing and equally terrifying. This city used to be my home and now everything seemed new and unfamiliar. I was on the outside, almost as if I was eavesdropping on those who would never even glance my way.  I took a deep breath and straightened my bag on my shoulders. The large crowd of people that had gotten off with me had long since dispersed, much to my enjoyment. I have never done well in crowds and it has gotten even worse since the compound. The campus was a short walk away but I took my time as I strode down the sidewalk. This residential part of the city was the most familiar to me. I knew my mom lived a few blocks to my left but we aren’t going to talk about my mom.  The University was huge. The main road was lined with tents and tables with quickly talking upperclassmen that called after me as I passed by. The road itself was blocked off and other students wandered around the pavement. I kept my eyes forward as I glanced down at the name scrawled out on my hand.  Paro Hall… The packet said it stood along the main road that led to the college hall. I sighed as I glanced around until I found the large letters etched into the side of a building a few buildings down. I sighed in relief as I hurried toward it, anxious to get out of the crowd of people that had no idea what personal space was.    Like the rest of the buildings on campus, it stood tall with sand colored bricks that went well with the red colored roof. I passed by the large groups of people and bounded up the steps and toward the glass front doors. My steps slowed as my eyes caught the brightly dressed girl standing beside the doors with a pile of papers in her hands. I sighed loudly as she stepped in front of the doors and blocked my exit.  “Come see me present at college hall!” she said with a bright smile as she forced one of her papers into my hands. I didn’t even look down at her as I stepped past her. I pulled open the door just as I heard her yell after me. The door cut off her words and I sighed in relief as I entered a quiet lobby. There was one desk with a tired looking woman that looked bored out of her mind. She didn’t even notice me until I knocked softly on the desk. She jumped and gave an apologetic smile.  “Can I help you?” “I’m Alex Blackwell,” I told her, “I’m moving in today to room 332. I’m just here to pick up the key.”  “Ah, Mr. Blackwell,” she said as she opened a drawer out of my line of sight. She handed the key over to him as well as a folder, “there's a campus map, dorm rules, and other things to help you successfully start here at Oasis University. Tell me, Alexander, any relation to Kelmer Blackwell?”  “Unfortunately,” I said as I flinched at the sound of the name. I knew this was bound to happen. Blackwell wasn’t a common enough last name to get ignored. She looked like she wanted to say more but I turned away and headed toward the elevator. I had no interest in discussing my father. Never have, never will.  The elevator slowly carried me up and I closed my eyes for a moment. I took a deep breath as I calmed my heavy breathing. I was finally out and free to do as I pleased and yet there was a part of me that didn’t want to. The doors pinged open and I stepped into the noisy hallway. Parents and students alike were talking in loud tones as I stepped through the crowded hallway, eyes narrowed as I searched for my room.  I froze as I finally found my room number. Shadowmaster was written across the red door in black paint. A small crowd grew around me as I stepped forward and pulled the door open. I ignored the whispers and slammed the door shut. I should have known that this wasn’t going to be easy. I couldn’t be the only person with a super villain father, however, my father was probably the biggest one of this century. People were bound to judge me based on the blood that filled my body, or that’s what the compound people warned me of when I refused to change my name.  “I take it the shadowmaster was for you?” I sighed as I tossed my only bag onto the unfilled bed. I turned toward the man that had spoken. He was relatively handsome. He had dark brown skin that reminded me of those small chocolates my dad used to give me before he was taken away to jail. His golden brown eyes were like the sweet caramel that my mom used to drizzle over her sundaes… Why did I keep comparing him to a snack? “Yeah,” I shrugged, turning my attention to my side of the room. He was slowly unpacking a large suitcase and I turned to unpack, however, my lack of personal belongings made it an easy chore, “I’m Alex Blackwell. My father-” “The Shadowmaster,” the man nodded, “whoa.” “Yeah,” I muttered, “So I completely understand if you want to switch roommates.” “You aren’t the only one with a villainous parent,” he said as he crossed the room and held out his hand, “I’m Owen.” “Alex,” I said as I shook his hand. I groaned, “but you already knew that.” “Well, it was a pleasure to meet you but,” Owen sighed, “I’m meeting a friend. Don’t let those idiots outside bother you, okay?”  I nodded as he left, shutting the door softly behind him. I sighed as I flopped back against the bed. I made it. I was out and it wasn’t half as bad as I was expecting. I shouldn’t get my hopes up, though. I still had actual classes to get through and I couldn’t avoid anyone that way.  “Alexander Blackwell,” I sat up and raised an eyebrow at the woman standing in my newly open doorway. She was tall with a slender build. She looked like she belonged in an office building rather than a dorm hall. Her pantsuit was a dark blue and her hair was tied up in a loose bun. Her makeup was lightly done except for the bright red lipstick, something that worked well with her olive skin tone.  Everything seemed off. It wasn’t something I could explain. She didn’t seem to fit the outfit and I couldn’t tell why until I noticed how strikingly blue her eyes were. After that, everything else made sense. It seemed off because I had never seen my sister out of her Gothic, old fashioned costumes she used to wear religiously.  “Sara,” I smiled as I slowly pushed myself up, “look at you.” “I know,” she shrugged, “but a girl has gotta grow up sometime. I can’t believe you’re really here!” I rolled my eyes as she let out a squeal and lunged at me. I stumbled back as she slammed into me. She hugged my tightly against her chest as she bounced up and down.  “My baby brother! Oh, it’s been so long!”  “Yep,” I said as she pulled away, “not that I don’t love seeing you, but how’d you find me?”  “I run this place. I was the one that made sure you were put here. I’ve been hoping you’d come to this university because it’s been your dream since forever and here you are!”  “Cool,” I muttered as I pushed away from her. For someone so skinny, she sure had a strong grip. “Oh, come on,” she said, hugging me tightly as I struggled against her hold, “I haven’t seen you in four years. I need to make up for it!” “You really don’t,” I chuckled as I pushed against her, “let me go!” “Never!”  “Sara!” I complained. She giggled as she finally released me from her grasp. I shook my head at her before plopping back down on my bed.  “No,” she said, speaking sternly as if talking to a disobedient child. She grabbed my arm and yanked me up before leading me out of my small dorm room, “this is your first day back into the real world! I would be a terrible sister if I didn’t re-introduce you to your home city, now as an adult. You still have a few years before your twenty one but I know a place that doesn’t even card you.” “I am definitely not drinking,” I told her as I let her lead me out into the hallway, “I need to keep my record clean. I don’t need to give the state any reason to want me back at the compound.” “You were always the goody two shoes,” she shook her head as we passed the crowd that was pretending not to watch us leave. I rolled my eyes as she pushed my into the elevator and pulled out her phone, “I’m going to get your door taken care of. Have you met your roommate yet?” “Yeah,” I told her, making my voice as monotone as I could, “he seems cool.” “Yeah?” she raised an eyebrow at me. She looked like she wanted to say more but whoever she was calling answered before she could. I sighed in relief as the elevator slowly lowered us to the first floor. Sure, the guy was cute but I didn’t need her turning it into something it wasn’t. She often did that with nearly every friendship I had with a guy either of us found even slightly cute. Except for Arthur. She had always hated Arthur. I only wished I had listened to her when I had the chance.  “I can’t wait to meet him,” she said as she hung up the phone just as the doors opened to the lobby area. She hooked her arm through his as she led the way outside, “I’m sure he’s going to be switching soon anyway. I can see what I can do about getting you your own room.” “I don’t need any favors,” I said, “and he didn’t seem too bothered by me or my parentage.” “No?” she grinned widely, “that’s nice.” “I know,” I nodded as she led me toward the back of the building. She gestured toward a bright yellow, old fashioned beetle. I smiled as I walked around the side and pulled the door open. It creaked loudly as if complaining about being distrubed. I slid into the car just as she started it.  “Good to know some things never change,” I said as she pulled out of the parking lot, “you have had this car since high school. How long ago was that? Ten years?”  “Fourteen, actually,” she sighed, “Next year I’ll be thirty. Can you believe it?” “Can you believe I’m eighteen?” I replied.  “No, I will forever see you as the awkward fourteen year old that fell down the stairs that one christmas,” she giggled, “that's a good memory.” “No,” I argued, “that’s a painful one.” “You didn’t get to watch yourself,” she reminded him. I shook my head as she sped through the city, going at a much faster pace than I was comfortable with. I made no move to complain, though, as I knew it would fall on deaf ears. It didn’t take long for us to fall back into our old habits. Her bubbly voice filled my ears with nonsense and I pretended to listen to her incessant chatter. She stopped at every store we passed by and refused to let me pay for anything I picked out. She bought me sheets, food, and even a new pair of shoes. She didn’t even let me finish saying thanks.  “I want to take care of you, Alex,” she told me as we stepped into yet another store, “like I would have if mom hadn’t sent you away.”  There was something strange about her voice. Her tone didn’t match her words. Her voice sounded cold and monotone as if she was reading off a poorly written script. I frowned as I slowly followed her through the clothing store. The Sara I knew was never devoid of emotion. She was either overly excited or pissed. There was no between. She was obsessed with the fashion of old timely villainess’ that haunted the news feeds of the past. She wore her hair big and dark lipstick. She stuck out and did it proudly.  This woman was brand new.  Don’t be overdramatic, I thought to myself, it has been four years. Things change. People change. “What about this one?” she asked, spinning around and holding a shirt against her chest. I rolled my eyes and launched it back toward the rack. She giggled as she hooked her arm around mine and we continued on our shopping spree.  It was hours before we stumbled back down the now empty hallway. We may have stopped at a bar and I probably should have told her not to drink. She had assured me, however, that she lived nearby.  “Here yous go,” she said, leaning heavily against my door. Shadowmaster was still sprawled out across the dark wood but I frowned as I reached for the bright yellow note that was taped to it.  “What's that?” she asked. I shrugged as I slowly slid it open. I let out a shaky breath as I I scrunched the paper up in my hand. Sara grabbed my shoulder as my breathing came out in shaky gasps. Arthur Stevens was dead and they had the audacity to invite me to his funeral. 
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