Chapter 2

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I was done packing up. Everything else was my roommates'. Her bed was here the dresser. I came to rent a room here in Memphis Mary Anne Wheeler when I moved here. I called her ad when I was studying medical in college. Then ended up in the nursing field from there. So, I had a few books and a few clothing. Nothing heavy to move over to my new room in Graceland. I still could not fathom that I was going to Graceland. This was going to be amazing. I always had been a huge Elvis fan. I had saw everyone of his movies. Of all the years I had been living here in Memphis, I never once got to meet the man in person. Now here was my chance. I was going to be working for him. He was going to be my boss. After hearing so many stories about how generous he was I hoped he was going to be a great boss. I hoped I would not be to star struck when I came to work for him. "Hey, Sandra, the movers here to pick up your things" Mary Anne knocks on my door. I whirl around. "Movers? I did not hire any movers. I do not need them!" I laugh. "Well Mr. Presley hired them and sent them over" she says with a smile. I was going to miss Mary Anne. I enjoyed living here with her. "No worries about me. I will find a new roomie in no time" she adds as though she read my mind. She hugs me. "You are working for Elvis. Some girls have all the luck" she sighs. Her blond hair dangles in her face. She takes the strand then tucks it back into her bun that was on top of her head. Some movers come in. Looking for things to move. They looked a little confused. I did not blame them. I had about two boxes. Of clothing and bed sheets. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Is this it miss?" one man asks me. I nod. "Yes, this is it. The bed and things are hers. Do not take them" I warn the movers. They shrug at one another. Then one each grabs a box and heads out the door. "Elvis did not need to hire movers for me. I wish Ginger would have let me know about this" I sigh as I place my hands on my hips. Mary Anne smiles at me. "Maybe there was not enough time. Or maybe Elvis did it and Ginger did not know about it. You know how men are. They like to take charge. I wish I had one" she grumbles. "The right man will come along in the right time" I remind her. She always tells me that. She winces. "Ouch, feeding me my own words eh?" I laugh and nod my head yes. "I know one thing I will really miss around here" I say wistfully. "Oh, what is that?" she wonders. "Borrowing all your groovy clothing. Who am I going to borrow from now?" I tease her. She had great taste. Always had something in the latest fashion. Me well I could hardly afford anything new. I was still paying off college loans. And paying rent. I often shopped and the local thrift stores. That was all I could afford right now. I was fine with that. Until I had a date. I had not had one in some time now. Nor did I have time for romance right now. Speaking of Mary Anne, she was wearing this stunning one-piece dress that was real wild. It had flowers on it. They were hot pink and orange. She had a yellow ribbon to hold up the bun on her head. She had hot pink nails. She looked stunning. "Maybe Ginger will let you raid her closet" jokes Mary Anne. I smirk. "I highly doubt that" She laughs. ♡♪♬♪♡ The movers are back in the apartment. "Seeing as there is nothing else to move can we give you a lift to Graceland?" offers the mover. "Me? Sure, thanks" I agree. I grab my purse. "Wait you know I do not ride with strangers. What is your name?" I ask him. He points to his name tag. "Joshua" he informs me. "This over here is Burt" "Alright let's go Joshua" I say. "See you around Mary Anne" I follow the men out the door. Joshua opens the door of the moving van. I hop in the front with them. It smelled like canned cheese. I wrinkle my nose. Burt cracks a window open for me. "Sorry it smells a bit in here. We travel the roads all day then we buy snacks when we need to eat. We often do not clean up after ourselves do we Josh?" Burt retorts over at Joshua. "Well I am not the only one in charge of the van" snaps Joshua. "So immature. See what happens when you hire your brother to work with you?" sighs Burt. "Oh, so you are related?" I ask them. "No!" they both pout at the same time. I bite my lip and try not to laugh at them. We drive in silence across town. Joshua turns on the radio then Burt reaches over turning it off. I could not wait to get out of here. It seemed like these brothers were not getting along having to work side by side. I never had a brother, so I did not know what that was like. We pull into Graceland once the gates open for us. I could not get out of here soon enough. As soon as Joshua opened that door, I hopped on out of there. ♡♪♬♪♡ Ginger Alden comes out of Graceland to greet me. "Hi there! Sandra McCall, right? I am so thrilled you made it" she tells me as we shake hands. "I am glad to be here. Though I did not need any movers. I have like two boxes" I laugh. "Sorry about that. Elvis hired them" she informs me. "I had nothing to do with that" The guys were getting my two boxes. Ginger let them come in. We all follow her upstairs. "I will show you where your room is at. You can get settled in. Elvis should be back from karate class by lunch time then you two can meet. Please join us for lunch" she tells me. I nod. "I would be thrilled to" The men set the boxes down. "Well that is it. Need anything else?" Burt asks Ginger. "That is, it. Thanks fellas" Ginger answers. They leave at last. The room was huge. It was about as big as Mary Anne's little apartment. I had a private bathroom to. I glance around while Ginger was seeing the movers out. I could not wait to see the rest of the house. Graceland looked stunning. It was so big. I was sure to get lost being there. The bed in there was a king size. A stunning flowered print bed spread was on the bed. Two-night stands. One on either side. White ones. And little lamps on either stand. There was a grandfather clock over in the corner. And vanity for makeup. With a chair. Wow. I always wanted one of these. Mary Anne had one. I always used hers in her bedroom. I brush my hand along the top of the vanity. On the bottom it was a lacy light blue. I glance in the mirror. I loved it. I could not wait to set my perfume on it. And my little makeup I owned. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Do you like this room? We could get you another one" Ginger offers as she comes back in the room. I twirl around on my heel. "Oh no. I was wondering should I wear my nurse uniform when on duty? I can" I offer. "Sure, that would be respectable" agrees Ginger with a curt nod. "I will change" I say. "I will leave you to unpack. See you at lunch time" she reminds me. "Downstairs in the dining room" she says before leaving and shutting the door behind her. I begin to put away my clothing. I kept glancing up at the clock to see if it was noon yet. I could hardly wait to meet Elvis. I was thrilled I was going to get to have lunch with him. Get to know him. Spend my days with him. How exciting was this job? It was thrilling!! After I put away my clothing everything was done. I put my bed sheets I brought with me in the closet. Clearly, I did not need them. I place my makeup on my vanity. Though it was not much. I had my grandmother's old silver brush and my Covergirl blush and eye shadow. One bottle of Channel Number 9 to add on there. A few little hair ties to leave on it near my brush. I get my nurses bag out. And I get into my uniform. I was ready for the day. I decided to touch my makeup up. After all I was working for Elvis. It did not hurt to look decent. I notice that there is a phone on one of the night stands in my room. I had major butterflies in my tummy right now. I sit down on the bed and call Mary Anne. She answers. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Hi Mary Anne. I was just calling you to tell you that I am here" I announce. "Are you calling me from Graceland?" squeals Mary Anne. "I am" I giggle. "Will you get in trouble?" she worries. "No, I am allowed to. Ginger told me to get settled in. I did and now I am waiting to meet Elvis. He will be home around noon. I get to have lunch with them" I brag. "Wow promise me that you will tell me everything" she begs me. I smile. "I will tell as much as I can. But I can't tell you about my job. Or what I will be doing. Elvis is a very private person. I do not want to get fired" I explain. "I get that. I just want to know what your first meeting is like. I never met Elvis. I am dying. I am so happy for you!" jokes Mary Anne. "Thanks. I am so nervous right now" I admit. Suddenly the clock chimes noon. It was time for lunch. Time to meet Elvis! I jump a little off the bed. "I better go" I tell Mary Anne. "Was that the clock? That means it is noon! It is time!" gushes Mary Anne. "I know. I better not be late. Bye Mary Anne" I tell her before I hang up on her. The clock chimes again. I take a deep breath. I glance in the mirror one more time. Show time. Time to meet Mr. Elvis Presley. ♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡
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