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The race was too tough for the wounded man as he tried running his way out of the enemies clutches but he had no choice, he wanted to live that bad. Living in this moment was him being free, he was tired of being a slave to people of his own kind too and when the opportunity came, he didn’t waste time and just grabbed it but he was wounded by his fierce owners who would do anything to make sure he doesn’t escape.  He dived into the thick bush and ran for his dear life till he couldn’t be traced no more. He sat inside the cave and used the strength remaining in him to cover his scent before trying to shift back to human, the sound of bones cracking filled the air and that was what the princess heard. The strength must have not been enough to carry out the task as he fainted as a half human and half wolf, a terrifying sight to see, no wonder Debra fainted. They had raced there with the princess leading with her bow and arrow and at the sight of the creature that was lying on the floor, they paused in fear to process what was happening right now What in the world is this?” she gasped at the sight of what was making the groan “My Princess, let us go back eh?” Lady Carolyn cautioned but that was not for her because she turned a deaf ear to all her warnings “Are you telling me to leave someone wounded here? Where in the world is that done?” she asked rolling her eyes and the lady sighed in frustration “this is not human, this is a beast, can’t you see? How can someone have a head and human body but have the hands and feet of a wolf? This is a bad sign” Lady Carolyn replied immediately to talk her out “Gosh! You talk too much, are you going to help me or not?” the princess lashed, she was already getting angry at all the lectures “What do you want us to do now?” Lady Carolyn finally gave in with a deep and worried sigh “That I do not know, what do you suggest we do now?” she asked turning to see the head maid who stared at her speechlessly “Please save me” they heard the creature groan and both turned back to see him fighting for his life as he held his bleeding side She leaned closer to him to get a closer look but no matter how she thinks of saving him, she doesn’t know what to do “Let me examine his wound and stop the blood seeping out first” the lady finally suggested and she shifted for her to gain full access The lady dipped her hand into the deep pocket sewn under the layer of her clothes and brought out a small covered container which she opened and the princess saw it contained stitching wools and needles “Wow! You carry this around?” the Princess gasped and the Lady just eyed her “Who knew this would be helpful someday thanks to the Princess who can’t mind her business” she grumbled and the Princess blinked severally to make a cute face but she wasn’t having it easy with her “You are a nurse, nurses should be eager to save isn’t it?” the Princess said trying to encourage her but the Lady just sealed her mouth shut before she utter something inappropriate, she might be a nurse but she didn’t train to experience or treat something like this She carefully got a hold of the wound and tore a portion of her clothes to clean off some part to see where she would begin the stitches from. She carefully sat on the floor beside the creature releasing a deep groan every two minutes and proceeded to stitch up the wound “it will hurt so you should be prepared” she declared and drove in the needle without giving him the time to process her warning which made him cry out loud The rest of the stitches were accompanied with just a groan as he tried his best to hold it in and in few minutes, she was done. Although she couldn’t see well due to the blood but the years of training and working before becoming the head maid must have paid off since she still did an excellent job “It’s done” she announced to the princess who bent down to check the wound “Wow! You still haven’t lost your touch” she complimented but the lady was not interested “You will be late for the King’s birthday, let’s go” the lady announced but she was adamant “We can’t leave him like this though, what if he dies? I don’t think I will be able to live with that guilt” the Princess whined and the lady was so frustrated at this point “So what do we do now?” the lady asked rolling her eyes “Bring my palanquin here!” she instructed the maids and they ran to carry out the order “What do you think you are doing?” Lady Carolyn yelled  “What does it seem like? I’m helping someone out” the Princess replied firmly They were back with her palanquin in some minutes and this time, Debra was already awake. She instructed them to help him into the palanquin and shut it tight before leading the way “don’t tell me you are walking to the palace with your legs” the lady quickly asked running after her “Are my legs not for walking? Let them exercise their rights a little” she stated and the lady bit her lips in frustration  “She will be the end of me” she grumbled and the Princess smiled as she led the way The lady led the troop through the easiest and quiet way instead and they entered the palace naturally thanks to the Princess’ superiority “Take him to the secret room” she instructed and they marched there She watched them place him on the bed in the room and instructed the head maid to tend to him while she go ahead to dress up for her father’s party which she was luckily not late for. The secret room was just few steps to her room, it was where she used for her flower bed before transferring them to the garden in her bedroom so no one would suspect anything was hiding there, a perfect place! The maids came in with her clothes and accessories after she washed up and they dressed her in a Amethyst Cherie convertible halter dress with a long rope of the cloth which was passing through her neck and braided to her waist. Her milk skin was showing at back and shoulder but who cared, she was the princess and a beauty at that so why not flaunt it. Her hair was packed into a messy bun with some strands left to stray at both sides of her head, her cosmetics were applied and her glowing skin couldn’t hide the beauty, her lips were full with cherry red lipstick and her brows were arranged accordingly. “You are set my Princess” Debra announced to her and turned the mirror to her so she could check herself out “You didn’t have to make me look this pretty” she blushed but she obviously loving, she was stunning. She was escorted into the hall with Lady Carolyn in front and taken to her seat just before the event started. Her seat was close to Jerrick’s seat and she cursed whoever arranged it that way silently “You didn’t have to paint your face this much, I still wouldn’t be interested” Jerrick said to her and she closed her eyes to keep calm and not reply his teasing “the lipstick sealed your mouth? You are usually not the quiet type” he proceeded to talk more but she just smiled at him briefly before turning to face front “I see you are trying to play elegant, it doesn’t suit you. You are better off being rough” he stated and she slammed the table before she could control herself and all attention turned to her She pretended it was an accident and held her wrist to blow on it like it was in pain while Jerrick tried his best not to release the snort lurking around his throat “Are you okay my Princess?” one of the officials asked and she smiled “Yes I am, thank you” she replied showing her teeth to assure him and he nodded before facing the people playing the instruments at the corner of the hall “Don’t let me catch you outside this hall, I will rip that your mouth to pieces I promise” she gritted between her teeth but Jerrick only chuckled “I have never seen anyone as annoying as this jungle rat” she munched in her mouth as she poured herself a cup of water from the jug sitting in front of her “calm down or you might choke” Jerrick stated and she immediately choked  She glared at him and all that was running through her mind was how to slap him hard at the back of his head “See? I thought you that you might choke” he remarked with a shrug “Hey!” she yelled to the head maid to call her attention, she wanted to request for a change of seat when the king entered with his gorgeous queen He was putting on a butter royal robe with beautiful and artistic golden dragon embroider at the neck, wrist and down region, the stylist took their time to arrange golden dragons on them in a crown pattern at the chest region while the golden braided aigulliette was fastened to his waist region, everywhere was screaming royalty. The queen was following in her orange gown laced with yellow butterfly designs, it was as if they were both designed by the same person but with different feels, her face was shining so bright with the cosmetics and her small lips glistering with the lipstick applied, she was surely a gorgeous lady The king addressed everyone in the hall and they all wished him a happy birthday before they got to party and eat as they liked with the performances from different groups, they also presented their gifts to him turn by turn but everything that was going on was tiring to the princess already, all her mind was with her wounded visitor while Jerrick was trying his best to annoy her the more but she just ignored him, she doesn’t have time for him at least not now. She finally saw the chance to get out of the hall and signaled to the head maid to follow her with Debra. They got to the room and saw him sleeping but the strange was that his wound had disappeared, he was brand new as if nothing ever happened which fazed them “he must be one of those things we saw in the books” the princess exclaimed as she scanned him from head to toe His claws were still visible but his human side was so handsome, his hair was long and black with thick eyebrows, his eyelashes were extra- long and he was hairy, his built chest was rising and falling as he slept soundly She left the room and sealed it so nothing could come in or go out because she was sure she wouldn’t be available every time. She went for dinner with her father that night and came back so tired and late, she just slept off after managing to get rid of her clothes, the day was too stressful for her The next day, the first smile of the sun smiling through the window woke her up and she turned to open her eyes lazily before a cracking sound made her eyes open fully. She ran to the secret room and opened the door only to find a big white wolf with so much furs standing in front of her, its eyes were as dark as the night ocean “This is so magnificent” she wowed aloud as she covered her mouth in awe
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