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A very awkward silence overcame the three of us. We were standing by the entrance of the cafe, my hand in Tatum's and Cal had a smile on his face that made it difficult for me to determine if he was glad to see me or not. Tatum may have influenced that forced smile because I saw the way Cal looked down at our hands. I had some affection for Cal and, naturally, I hoped that he would have some for me as well. I didn't want to ruin that chance by involuntarily pushing him away when we just found each other again. I slowly slipped my hand out of Tatum's grip and moved it up so that I was holding onto his arm. I nudged him slightly as I turned to face Cal again. "Tatum... this is Cal. The guy I met at the aquarium the other day," I said as a way to diffuse the awkward tension between the two.

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