3.spill the tea

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Angel's POV... I slowly turn around to see the twins,May and Ray. My best friends. My babies,siblings,my everything. "Where the f**k were you?",May asks with her hands on her hips and Ray looks at me curiously. "I was in the hospital. I actually ran away yesterday",I answer. "What happened this time?",Ray asks with a sigh. "New record,3 whole hours,no pulse,dead cold",I say. They know about my life,well not all but what I allow. Which is basically everything. "Where did he aim?",May asks. "Stomach. He shot twice but look who's still alive bitches",I say with a proud smirk giving a small bow. "Uhm you forgot they were there", May says pointing behind me. Oh s**t I totally forgot they were with me. "The f**k you two doing here?",I ask. As they're about to answer I say,"oh s**t sorry I need to get you to class,it's the last class on your left,class number A19 ,right there",and point towards it for them. They nod and leave. "So who are they?", May asks with a smirk. "Mason and Chris",I say. "They're hot",she says. "I know right",I say nodding. "I can already imagine having a threesome and the amount of times I would c*m would definitely be countless",she says with her eyes closed. "I would totally get dripping wet if they just said my name for sure",I say. Well not true but maybe. You never know. "First of all,ew. Secondly,we have class. You're lucky we haven't done much in most classes. And lastly,eeewwww",Ray says shuddering in disgust and leaves us laughing . We follow behind him and when we get in the class we find that our seats are right next to Chris and Mason. "Morning sir",we greet as we walk in. "Ah if it isn't Angel and the twins. How are you?",Mr Henderson asks looking from his laptop. "We're good", May and Ray say as they head towards their desks. "I'm fine thanks and how are you sir ?",I say politely. "Well this laptop is an issue. I'm trying to look into your notes so I can start the lesson but it won't budge",he says in distress. "Oh I'll help you lemme just put my bag where I sit then come help you",I say and he nods with a smile. I see that there's an empty seat in front of Mason so I put my school bag and walk to help Mr Henderson. "So what exactly is the problem?",I ask clicking on the laptop. "The slides are not showing on the projector",he says. I laugh,"Did you switch on the projector this time or did you forget again?". "Ah Oooh I forgot I have to switch it on again",he says laughing at himself too. The class is pretty much used to this,he usually forgets. But he's a good teacher. I help him in switching on the projector and connecting the laptop to it before walking to the back to switch the lights off and closing the blinds. "Thank you angel",he says. I nod with a smile as I walk past the others towards Mason then sit down in my seat. "Okay so today we'll start off with poetry,we'll do The Garden of Love",he starts causing most learners to groan. "You don't want to learn,fine. I'll give you your notes cause I'm also too damn tired for this. We'll just continue tomorrow. Agreed?",he asks. "Yes sir",we all say. "Okay just talk among yourselves. Angel will you please pass out the notes to everyone?",he asks holding a stack of papers. "Sure",I say. I take the notes and give to everyone in class. I give him back the extras then switch on the lights while Nora opens the blinds. "Thanks",I say and she nods. I go to my seat. "So who's having a party this weekend?",May asks pulling her chair closer to mine. "Why the f**k are you asking me? You know I don't like parties",I say sliding down in my chair so I can put my head on the chair with my hair flowing down behind it nicely. And I close my eyes. "But you're always invited and also,you make them more fun", Ray says. "Well you two are also always invited and always go. I'm not going this time",I say shrugging as I entwine my fingers and put them over my stomach. I feel someone touching my hair,in a soothing way causing me to smile. "I'm still not going but keep doing that",I say. "Doing what?",May asks teasingly,I can hear it in her voice. "Touching my hair so good. b***h when did you start doing this and how are your hands so good. I swear,if you weren't like a sister,I would want you to finger me",I say causing her to laugh and she goes deeper into my scalp causing me to release a small moan. "Oh...my...god",she laughs immediately after taking away her hands. "Why did you stop?",I whine sitting up properly to face her. "Did you just moan?",Ray asks. "I think I did, maybe?",I ask. I thought I imagined it. Or not. I look around to see who heard and seems like nobody did. But Mason looks distracted and in some sort of pain. Could he be having a....oh s**t. I laugh. I stop and put my hand on his knee rubbing it as though going up and teasingly say in a seductive voice,"are you okay?". He nods. "You seem to be in pain. Want me to help ?",I tease with hand reaching higher and finally I feel his huge rockhard bulge. He groans closing his eyes and I pull my arm away. Damn he feels huge. For someone his age at least. I always knew I was capable but damn. I turn to the twins who are talking not minding us,and Chris is on his phone. "I think you should go to the bathroom for a bit",I suggest and he nods. He raises his hand. "Uh yes young man",Sir says. "Sir I Uhm uh*clears throat*I Uhm",he stutters. "Sir may he be excused for a few",I ask for him. "Ah yes that's okay",sir says and Mason immediately gets up and leaves. "Girl I fear you", May says. "Did you seriously give Mase a boner?",Chris asks. "I think so",I shrug. "And you're not helping him?",he asks. "Yes",I say. "How is it a yes if you're still here?",he asks. "Oh you're not getting me. I mean yes as in yes I'm not helping him",I say. "But why. I mean you caused it?",he says. "I never said he must f*****g make me moan now did I?",I ask with a raised eyebrow. "For someone who's seen as an angel you sure do cuss a lot",he says. I give him a blank look then turn to Ray and May,"What happened while I was gone?", I ask. "b***h lemme spill the tea for you cause our gossip page has been banned for a while now. So apparently Francesca is pregnant,and now she moved in with the baby daddy who by the way is in varsity,and guess what happened next?",she says . "What?",I ask . "Slut I said guess",she says in frustration. "Uhm she got an STD?",I ask. I mean she was basically one of those girls who slept around and didn't hide it so I wouldn't be surprised. "Nope. She was actually being used by the guy and his fiancee as they couldn't have a child so she was basically a side chick s***h surrogate",she says and I gasp. "You lie",I say with wide eyes. "Nope,I went to her house on Monday cause she was supposed to come see me to finish up the art project for the shelter,and her parents said she left saying she wants to live with her boyfriend and will not come back",she tells me. "Shit... that's just f****d up",I say. "That's not even the worse part",she says shaking her head. "What else now?",I ask with furrowed eyebrows. "You remember that b***h Britney?",she asks. "Uhm yeah aren't they like best friends or something?",I ask. "Ex best friends", she corrects, "I overheard Britney talking on the phone yesterday that she wants her money cause she did her part in finding an easy girl for him who is now pregnant. Who is obviously-",I cut her off. "Francesca",I say . "Yep",she says nodding. "I always knew that w***e was bitchy but not this bitchy",I say. "Yep and when I confronted her she was like*clears throat* 'ugh just mind your own business do you envy me that much that you would listen in on my conversations' -",she mimicks Britney in an annoying girly voice then says in her normal voice,"- and I was like b***h who the f**k do you think you are, like hell would I envy an STD and she was like she doesn't have time for sluts and that just pissed me off so I pulled her hair. And you know what happened next?",she asks with a smirk. "You took her hair didn't you?",I ask. "Was I that obvious but b***h yes, I pulled the sluts hair and enjoyed hearing her scream and run out of the bathroom. She's so lucky it was already afterschool. Oh why did she run away quickly though?",she says glaring into the air shaking her head. "She's as weak as d**k",I say and we laugh. "You know I have a d**k right?",Ray asks. We look at him,roll our eyes and look at each other. "As I was saying before someone decided to rudely interrupt me",she says squinting her eyes at Ray who simply rolls his eyes, "-That was the drama right. Then our favourite couple broke up...again. But they probably f****d and got back together again so let's not mind it. And then I heard that we're having-",she looks around then pulls me closer to her while she also leans in to whisper,"-mafia kids coming to our school,they're supposed to come this week. There's I think 4 or 5 of them,oh yeah its 5. So 3 are from the Spanish mafia ,I think some twins in grade 10 and their brother in 11 and 1 from the Italian mafia and 1 from the American mafia,I think they're in our grade",she goes back. "How the f**k did you find out?",I ask. "You seem to forget I work in the admin office when I'm free. Plus I overheard the principal and our deputy talking about them",she says. "When I saw you with Chris and Mason I hoped they were the new guys but you know what,it doesn't matter cause they're not the mafia and we actually have 3 more boys coming but they're normal so it's probably them and one missing",she says. "I think they are the mafia kids",I say. "There's 5 coming,not 3",she says and Mason suddenly comes back. "Yeah they were five,I helped them getting to class",I say causing her to look from Mason to Chris them me with wide eyes. "Holy s**t",she says.
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