Chapter 572

1979 Words

[Illustration: Temple of Jupiter Ammon.] A few years later Edward Rüppell devoted seven or eight years to the exploration of Nubia, Sennaar, Kordofan, and Abyssinia in 1824, he ascended the White Nile for more than sixty leagues above its mouth. Lastly, in 1836 to 1838, Joseph Russegger, superintendent of the Austrian mines, visited the lower portion of the course of the Bahr-el-Abiad. This official journey was followed by the important and successful surveys afterwards made by order of Mehemet Ali in the same regions. CHAPTER III. THE ORIENTAL SCIENTIFIC MOVEMENT AND AMERICAN DISCOVERIES. The decipherment of cuneiform inscriptions, and the study of Assyrian remains up to 1840--Ancient Iran and the Avesta--The survey of India and the study of Hindustani--The exploration and measuremen

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