Chapter 644

1967 Words

"As you please," replied Harris. "Let us go. Dingo, be quiet," added d**k Sand, briefly, so as to end the conversation. The second observation made by the novice was in connection with the American horse. He did not appear to "feel the stable," as do animals of his species. He did not suck in the air; he did not hasten his speed; he did not dilate his nostrils; he uttered none of the neighings that indicate the end of a journey. To observe him well, he appeared to be as indifferent as if the farm, to which he had gone several times, however, and which he ought to know, had been several hundreds of miles away. "That is not a horse near home," thought the young novice. And, meanwhile, according to what Harris had said the evening before, there only remained six miles to go, and, of these

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