Chapter Nine

769 Words
Alexander’s P.O.V Here I was again, It seems like only yesterday I was stood at the end of an Aisle, Waiting for a bride. Of course, the difference being that then it was for my brother and now, I was waiting for MY bride. My beautiful future was about to walk down in front of me, and I couldn’t wait. Like before, I found myself looking around the room, Chris was sat on the front row next to my brother, Rose, of course, was walking down with Raven, She was maid of honour, and Kane was walking her down the aisle. It was decided that it was best to be Kane than Chris, and Chris didn’t want to make waves, but both are going to have a special dance with her afterwards. I looked across at my brother, Fang, Standing, smiling at me, I smiled back as the music started and the guests got to their feet. Raven’s P.O.V I took a few deep breaths. I didn’t even breath, But, there was something comforting about them, Must be a placebo from my human years, A comfort thing. I don’t know. Suddenly, I heard the music start, signally that it was time. My nerves grew. It was silly, what was really changing? I live with Alexander, We have been together for a while, We have two children... Why was I so scared about this? Why was I so nervous? My dad came over and grabbed my hand, Rubbing his thumb over the back of it, comforting me. It worked. ‘Relax.’ I nodded. ‘We’ll see you up there’. My mum told me, As she left the room with the rest of the wedding Party. Parker in front, Flower girl, Of course. Then Orian being pushed by one of my friends in his pram, The page-boy. Then Kat and my other bridesmaids. Then my mother, My Maid of Honor... Then me and my dad. I waited, Waiting for the signal that everyone was ready for my entrance. ‘It’s time’. My dad whispered in my ear. I nodded and took another few deep ‘’breaths’’ before we headed off. The second I reached the top of the Aisle, my eyes never left Alexanders. Granted, the view was slightly blocked by my vail, but as long as I could still see him. I could hear a few people gasp and whisper compliments as I walked past. The walk seemed to go on forever until finally, I reached my Groom. Dad placed my hand in Alex’s, Kissed my cheek and went to stand next to him. Everyone sat down, and the wedding began. ….. ‘I, Alexander Tavish, take thee, Raven Tavish, to be my wedded Wife, To have and to hold, From this day forward, For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish for all of our eternity, Infront of these persons here today, I pledge myself to you’. I couldn’t help the giant smile that broke my face as I listened to him say his vows to me. As he slid my ring onto my finger and brought my hand to his lips, kissing it softly. ‘I, Raven Tavish, take thee, Alexander Tavish, to be my wedded Husband, To have and to hold, From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish for all of our eternity, Infront of these persons here today, I pledge myself to you’. As I slid his ring onto his finger, I felt like I wanted to cry, With Happiness. My nerves had completely gone and now, it was just happiness and excitement for what our future held for us. ‘I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, You may kiss the Bride’. Our officiator announced, and instantly, Alex pulled me to him and gave me the biggest passionate kiss. Everyone stood and started clapping, but I tuned them out, As far as I was concerned, it was just me and Alex. Us. Noone else. I pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him. ‘I love you so, so much!’. He smiled down at me, I could see he was just as happy as I was. ‘I love you so much too baby girl’. Pulling his face back to mine, I connected our lips and kissed him again.
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