Chapter Five

1077 Words
It wasn’t long after his phone call that Fang and Kat arrived. I offered them a drink while Alex took them into the living room. While they settled, I got a bottle of blood and a couple of glasses and made my way into the room. ‘So what’s up?’ Alex asked as I took a seat next to him and poured the drinks. Fang and Kat took them and exchanged a look. ‘Well, Me and Fang were talking and we decided that we want to adopt too so, wondered if you two could possibly…’ ‘Help us out and give us some advice?’ Fang finished her sentence when she seemed to become lost for words. ‘Oh that's amazing, Congratulations!’ I couldn’t contain my excitement. I always knew Kat wanted a little one, but Fang never seemed to be all that interested. He was amazing with Parker but... I don't know, he never really seemed like he’d be interested in being a father. ‘What do you wanna know? Of course, we will be happy to help’. Alex told them. Over the next few hours, We did nothing but chat and talk the newlyweds though everything we could remember and think of that would be relevant for them. When they left, they were surer than ever that this is what they wanted, and what they were going to do. In fact, I’m almost certain I heard Kat whisper to Fang about giving the adoption-house a call this afternoon. I was so happy for them. ‘Wow, How amazing is that?’ I asked Alex as he said he goodbyes, closed the door and came back into the front room to sit with me. ‘I know, And just think, It was us getting Orian that made them even think about it.’ I nodded. ‘I mean, they would have probably decided on adoption themselves at some point we just…’ ‘Helped them along to the decision’ I finished his sentence, which made me smile. ‘So…’ ‘So?’ I already knew what he was going to say before he said it, so, predicting it, I stood up and walked over to where he sat, Climbing into his lap, straddling him. ‘Where were we babe?’ He grinned. ‘Hm.. Well, You were giving me an amazing Blowjob and now I think it’s time I repay the favour’. Before I had time to react, He had me pinned under him on the sofa and his hands were already in the process of undressing me. ‘f*****g hell, You work fast’. He just let out a small laugh as he leaned down to assault my neck. Simultaneously pulling my jeans off. ‘Well, I’m not fast when it counts’. ‘Well, ain't that the truth’. Rose’s P.O.V Parker was up in her room, I wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she was being good and quiet, so, I can’t really complain. I had to remember sometimes that she’s NOT a child and there-for could be trusted to be left alone without needing to worry. Kane was currently having cuddles with Orian in the garden and I was making him a bottle. I remember making these for Raven back when she was baby, A human baby. Of course, she could eat normal things or drink blood. Screwing the lid on the bottle, I walked out the back doors and into the sunshine where my husband and grandson were sat. Grandson. Thats so strange. ‘How you boys doing?’ I asked, Passing the bottle over to Kane, he took it and started feeding Orian instantly. ‘Oh, Thirsty boy’. ‘We’re good thanks babe’. He looked up at me for only a split second before his attention was back on the baby. It made me smile, remembering how he used to be with Ray when she was little, It was so sad in a way, He is an amazing father, yet unable to father any more children. Don’t get me wrong, we are both super happy, and now we have grandbabies to look after. I shook my head, pulling myself out of my thoughts. ‘Would you like a drink honey?’ He shook his head. That was good, it meant I could just sit and relax and watch them together. It wasn’t much later that Parker came running out of the house and came to sit next to me. Raven had mentioned that she and Alex thought Park might be feeling a little bit left out since Orian came into the family. I put my arm over her and she cuddled up to me, Not taking her eyes off Kane or the baby. ‘You ok?’ I asked She nodded. ‘Are you happy with your little brother?’ She nodded again. Hmm, I see what they mean, she wasn’t being herself. ‘Does dad and Raven still love me though?’ I looked down at her, confused. ‘Of course, they do! Why would you think otherwise?’ She shrugged. ‘Come on Parks, Talk to me’. ‘Well... Why did Raven want another child if dad already had me... Was I not good enough’. ‘Don’t be silly, Of course, you are, You will always be super special to them, its just..’ I didn’t know what to say without coming across as patronising, ‘They just wanted to add someone into the family that needed love and they have so much love to give’. ‘But he’s human’. ‘I know, and so were you once upon a time, and me, There's nothing wrong with being human’. ‘I know, I know.’ ‘Just remember, you’re his big sister now and it's your job to keep him all safe as he grows up, that’s what older siblings are for’. I told her, She seemed to like that idea and jumped up, rushing over to sit next to Kane and her little brother. 
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