Chapter 67: Hawthorn Wands

1464 Words

A hawthorn wand is any wand that is crafted out of wood from a hawthorn tree. More specifically, a hawthorn wand is any wand that has a hawthorn shaft, a hawthorn handle, or both. Hawthorn Trees Hawthorn gets its name from its thorny branches and an old word for hedge ("haw") because farmers used to plant hedge rows of hawthorn trees to separate their livestock. Hawthorn has had many folk names over the centuries. Because of its thorns, it has been called Thorn, Quickthorn (because it its rapid growth), Whitethorn (because of the whiteness of its bark when young), Thornapple, Hagthorn, and Witchthorn. As Whitethorn, hawthorn is the sister tree to the blackthorn. The hawthorn tree is covered in flowers, leading to its names: Mayblossom, May, May tree, and May bush (because young hawthorn

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