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I survived another day. I stared at the ceiling for a while before I started preparing myself for the next class. I took a warm shower and relaxed myself in the tub. "Feel so good." I let myself in for a few more minutes before I rushed and hopped out. I have a class in less than forty five minutes, that's enough time for me to prepare. I started to recall what happened last night. It was a blast. In a way that I found out so many things. I know Andrea has some rebellious side but I didn't expect her to be that bad. Well, I am still giving her the benefit of the doubt since when I asked Daniel if he found any proof, he just told me he didn't but he knew it was her. He told me he knew it the moment he saw the guy with the dragon tattoo talking to Andrea. I would like to dig more about it but the Fashion Night is coming right up and I need to do this job first. Maybe, just maybe... I'll work on it after the Fashion Night. But for now, I need to focus on fulfilling what I came here to do. I called Claude while I combing my hair. "Hello Cinderella, how was your night?" "It's fine. Anyway, can we meet?"  "Sure, I'll give you fifteen minutes, I'll be meeting Elise outside the gates later." "Seems like things are going well, huh." I was happy that Claude found someone to lean on, at least he's not all drained from our job here. Especially that he keeps it to himself. _________________________________________________________________________________________ "So go ahead, spill the beans." He handed me a pack of juice. "I was hoping if maybe you can come with me later tonight? I'll spy on Cleo Xiao. The guest at The Fashion Night. We might gather some stuff that could be helpful before the night." I asked him. "But you are not obligated, if you have things to do, please prioritize those." "There you go again with the "I-don't-want-to-be-an-inconvenience" nugget. Of course, count me in. I may be in love but I know what to put first." He winked at me as he gave me a light tap on the back. He's very reliable, as always. He is one of the reasons I am surviving here. "And still, you won't let me help you with yours." "I am a great agent, I can do it myself." "Yeah right." "So, how about last night? Anything you wanna tell me?" His eyebrows were bouncing up and down, his mouth smirking. Obviously waiting for some tea. "Nothing important." I said. "Something not important, then?" He then again bounced his eyebrows up and down. I pushed his back so he can start moving and stop interviewing me. "You have a date, right? Go now." "Very secretive." I saw him walked out of the halls. Sighing, I opened the pack of juice he just gave me. I really wanna know what his mission is. He's not giving me even an ounce of clue. He's the one who is secretive. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Before I could open the door to my next class, I spotted Grey talking to Andrea at the far corner of the halls where the lockers are located. I moved closer without them noticing. "Don't do anything stupid, Andrea." He commanded. "She's getting on my nerves! And who are you to stop me?!" I was shocked when Andrea slapped him on his face. I thought he'll yell at him or something, knowing Grey who tends to have so little patience, but he just stood there. She then slapped him again but he didn't defended himself, he just let her hurt him. I was so close into defending him when he talked again. "Not her. Just don't hurt her. Or anyone, stop hurting anyone, Andrea." "You know I will do anything to get him back, G. And that girl, if I need to throw her outside the city I will." She gritted her teeth as she punched the locker beside her. She's delusional. When I heard the story from Daniel, I still gave her the empathy, but seeing this first hand? I can now imagine up to what depths she can go for Daniel.  She's obsessed. "I already told you, she's a threat. I thought you were getting close together! Now look! They got closer! You're very useless!" What did I just hear? So.. He was just toying with me all this time? I should've known better. I should've listened to myself the first time I doubted his kindness to me. I can't believe I let him toy me for this whole period of time. So he was just getting close to me because both of them thinks I am a threat to her and Daniel getting back together. Grey is her dog. It's stupid of me to think he's different. I lost my balance. I got weak from what I heard. I was about to fall when I leaned my arms on the locker. "Alyanna?" Grey said. His face was in panic. On the other hand, there's Andrea, smirking. "Oh? Have you heard something?" Andrea asked sarcastically. "Unfortunately, I heard everything." I gave them a faint smile, trying to look strong despite of what I heard. "Oops. My bad." She faked flinched. "It's okay, Andrea. No big deal. It's not like I treated him as someone special, anyway." I immediately walked out of the locker. My tears started falling down. It hurts me. After a long time, he's the first person I ever trusted again... And look where it got me. I was caught in a trap that Andrea set up. I thought Grey saved me a lot of times. He didn't, he was just there, waiting for me to be saved, because he knows I am gonna fall into the trap sooner. The night where I was so thankful to him, the night where it felt like a freaking fairytale, at Andrea's party. I thought he saved me there. I guess that's on the plan, too. I guess it became mandatory for him to take me away and take me home so that I won't bother Andrea because I was at the garden with Daniel. My tears kept on falling down. I deserve this. This is what I get from trusting people. I already learned it the hard way, why did I gave 'trust' a second chance? I decided not to attend on my next class and sit at the bleachers instead. I put on my headphones and started listening to music. It should be like that, Alyanna. That's what you get for considering Grey more than just a classmate. Trust no one. That became my mantra for the whole day. __________________________________________________________________________________________ "Hey!" Claude waved at me from behind. "Can we eat first, I am starving. The juice you gave me is the only thing I digested today." I walked towards the cafeteria. "You guys broke up already?"  "I'm not anyone's girlfriend, but it seems like my trust was broken again." I replied, opening the door. "Oh, trust issues, that's hard." He just followed me. "Never again." "That's the first thing the organization told you, right? Never trust anyone. That will put you in danger." He patted my back. "You should start studying the 101 again." I didn't reply. I took out a tray and pointed the foods I wanted to eat. "Alyanna, you are here for a reason, not to make friends." "Says someone who's dating a girl." I retorted "But she doesn't know anything about me, and I don't know much about her, it's a tie." "Good thing they served my favorite dish today or else I am really about to curse." We were halfway done with our meals when Grey came barging into the room. When he saw me, he rushed to my direction. "Let me explain first." "I don't need an explanation. It's not like it matters, anyway." I continued on sipping my juice. "Please, just five minutes." He begged, his eyes were red. Never again, Mitchell. "Go away, find another playmate." I looked straight into her eyes and gave her the most sarcastic smile I could provide. "Please." He started to go down on his knees. "You heard the lady, go." Claude forced him to stand up. "Stop meddling." Grey closed his fist, trying to meet Claude's face. "Stop it, Grey." I stood up from my seat. "Stop meddling in my life." I said, sternly. " Don't ever come near me."
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