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"Since we're going with a black dress and suit, let's move there." He rushed to our right pointing the extravagant boutique waiting for us to enter. "I saw black dresses there last week when I had a meeting here,'' "Well my salute goes to you for being able to juggle work and study.'' I stopped on my feet and faked salute him which he acknowledge in response, giving me an okay sign. "And you're not just a student, you are the President of the Student Council." "Well, I don't do a lot of things in the Student Council. I just hand the instructions to my members and tell them what to do.'' He said to me casually. ''I mostly let D do all the works." I know he was just being humble right now. I can't count how many times I saw him doing labor works for the Student Council's Project. Whenever they have a task to do, I see him at the back of his members, guiding them. We walked inside the boutique, the fragrance inside was very soothing. It's a dress shop but it smells like a flower boutique. ''Hello, good morning Sir Daniel, and to you too, Ms. Alyanna.''Wow. They know my name, too. I wonder if he had a quick meeting with all the staff and introduced my name to them. "Funny yet lovely how they all know me. I sound important." I chuckled lightly. ''I only stated your name when I made the reservation at the restaurant. They did the job of relaying your name to everyone who has the possibility to meet your eyes." ''Let me assist you to the women section." She bowed a little and gave me a warm smile. "She needs a black elegant dress which will match my suit. Make sure to lay all the options. I will match my suit with whatever she choose./" Daniel instructed him, the woman smiled in acknowledgement with both of her hands on her stomach. "See you in a bit." Daniel then turned his back at me. "We walked towards the women section. I was trailing beside her, fascinated by how extraordinary the dresses are. I checked some of the price tags and it kept my mouth wide open for a while. "That is too much for a plain dress." I accidentally murmured what was running on my mind. "The woman briefly looked at me then smiled. "Don't worry, Ms. Alyanna. I was once like that too when I first worked here." I could really say that all the staff here are very accommodating. "Just take a seat here first. Let me lay out all the wonderful dresses for you. For now, you may enjoy tea or wine. She'll serve it to you any moment now." She bowed again then went out of the back door. Not more than a minute passed, another lady came walking towards me with a tray on her hand. "Hello, tea or wine?" "Wine please, thank you." She placed the tray on the table next to me and gently poured the wine on my glass. ''Enjoy."   I enjoyed the company of the wine beside me while waiting for the woman who's busy getting all the black dresses here in the store. Honestly, I could just walk around the store and look around but they insisted that I seat here on this huge soft couch and they will get all the dresses for me. This is the level of comfortability that other people would like to experience when buying, but for me it's awkward to sit and wait then let her do the job. I glanced outside and noticed Daniel talking to someone on the phone. He looked worried, his eyes were squinting as he talked to the person on the other line. When he noticed that I was looking, he immediately turned his back at me. "Hello, sorry to keep you waiting." I looked at what was in front of me. It's a whole load of black dresses. "Oh my.. That's too many to choose from. I cannot even count how many are there." I stood up and went closer to the rack that holds all the dresses. "We're not going to finish anytime soon if I am going to fit all of these." I started the 'dress search' by separating those dress that is basically not my type.  After at least twenty minutes, I managed to narrow down the choices to five. That's when Daniel walked in. "I can tell you haven't picked one yet?'' He told me as he placed his phone inside his pocket. "They are just too many, and everything's beautiful." "Here's her Top five, Sir." The woman moved the rack close to him and he examined each of them. "Why won't you start fitting?" He picked one of the five then handed me the dress. At first I was hesitant to fit this on my body since everyone will be waiting for me and judge me once I go out of the fitting room, and I am not a fan of people laying their eyes on me.  He placed both of his hands on both of my shoulders then gently pushed me inside the fitting area. For what seemed like an eternity of fitting the dresses, I finally get to choose one. ''I'll get the last one.'' I chose the simple plain black dress that goes all the way down to my toes, it has some shining little stones on its chest. "So I can see you're a fan of diamonds." "Wait, those are real diamonds?" Again, my mouth formed an O shape. I thought it as just a simple stones stitched on the dress. Daniel laughed at my reaction. "Wear it again. I will wear the suit, see if we look good together.''  I was taken aback about what he said but I chose to ignore it. However, those around us didn't. I can see them giggling from behind. "Alright.'' The woman handed me the dress. I walked out of the fitting room first, after a couple of seconds, he opened the room curtain and walked outside, fixing his suit one last time before looking at the mirror. ''Alright, let's see."  He offered me his right arm but I gave no response. What should I do? Hold it? ''It's time to be a koala and cling on his arms, Ms. Alyanna. After all,  you are going there as his date." She just winked at me. Trying not to look nervous, I gently took his arm and moved a little closer to him. "You look wonderful.'' The woman clapped and everyone in the room agreed. "Those diamonds will shine bright as you walk on the red carpet. The diamonds on your chest will be hit by the lights and camera flashes." "I thought this is the most plain one." I whispered to him as he leaned closer to listen. "It is. Believe me.'' "Well she's saying we are going to shine bright on the red carpet. That does not look plain." ''Don't worry, even without the diamonds you do shine... They are just going to help you a little." What's with the choices of words, Daniel? You're giving me a heart attack. ''We will get this." Daniel looked at the woman and she smiled happily.  "Once you take off the dress and the suit, I'll pack it for you." ___________________________________________________________________________________________ '' We just fit some and I am already tired." He yawned as he started the engine. Buckling my seatbelt, I agreed with him. ''Yeah. It feels like the fitting room absorbed all my remaining energy." Silence occupied our space, and he's not driving yet. "Are we waiting for someone?'' I asked him. It's been five minutes and we ae still not moving. "You finished the book, right?" "Yeah. I did." "So..'' It was dark inside the car, I only got a glimpse of his face when one of the cars opened their lights and it hit his face. "You saw it, right?" "I did." I answered him plainly. He didn't pushed the conversation further after he saw that I was a bit uncomfortable. It's not that I am uncomfortable. I just don't know what to say, yet, about what I saw on the book. "It's already eight. We should head back. Damn curfew." He instantly changed the conversation. "Well I thought you weren't afraid of curfews. After all, you are the President.'' "I just hope someone will replace me soon. I'm tired of that title.'' I looked at him, focused on his driving while trying to reply to me. "Nothing's gonna change. Addilyn, it's hopeless." ''How can you say so?'' ''Because I know." "You know what?"  Just when I started to focus on our conversation. He went silent then let go of the topic. "Nothing." He pulled his car at the parking lot. I stretched my back as soon as I got up on my seat. "I am sorry we got a long drive, I didn't know the road we took was blocked and we need to turn back around.'' ''That's okay. Thank you for tonight. It was fun, Daniel. Really, really fun."
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