1066 Words
So here's for my second mission. It would be mandatory for me to attend the Fashion Night since that would be where my next mission will happen. I was instructed to attend the party and stalk the main guest of the event. Her name is Cleo Xiao. He is a chinese model who graduated here in Addilyn. I was told that he loads the drugs inside the university with a help of a student which we are not sure yet who is. The night of the event is exactly the night where he will be unloading the drugs in the school.  "So I just need to take a photo of them and the drugs that are being transferred inside the university right?" "Yes, Alyanna, and make sure to find where they hide it." "Guess this mission is much easier than me having trouble what dress to wear that night." "Don't consider any mission easy. You don't know what you might encounter while that night so be extra careful always. Remember what you learned here.' --- Too many thoughts are occupying my mind right now. Why is Grey avoiding me? Is he? Or am I just being paranoid? But he left me to present our assignment all by myself. I can hate him for that, right? Yet, at the back of my mind I know he has his reason. I'm just waiting for him to come to me. Another one, why does Daniel gives me a percent of his attention? Sometimes I feel like he cares for me, other times I know he doesn't give a s**t about me. Even after a series of meeting him, being with him, he is still a mystery in my eyes. Next, I wonder why Claude was here. What is his mission?   Lastly, how is this connected to the death of my dad? I just cannot wait to unravel everything so it would make sense in my mind. --- I just finished fixing my hair. Claude called me earlier and asked me if I wanna go to the mall. With a lot that is going on lately, I could totally use a day off. I faced in front of the mirror for the last time just to make sure I look alright. "Alright. Let's take out some stress today." I walked out of the building to find some of the students also going out of the campus. This place might be huge, this might look prestigious. At first, you may think you can live here, but being stuck in this place for long will make you crave for the outside world, too. Of course, this is still a university, and kids hate studying. "Hey. Are you having a meeting with yourself? You seem occupied." Claude waved his hands in front of me. I didn't notice he was already here. "Oh. Yeah. Just having some random thoughts." Claude chuckled lightly. "That's why I invited you today. You were being eaten by this university. You need to go out and breathe some air." "That's what I am doing now. So let's go before my bed pull me back and I ditch you." We went for the nearest mall downtown.  The Sinclair. "Ready to play, shop and pig out?" Claude tapped my shoulder. I can feel his excitement right now. After all, we are still kiddos. We still want to play, just shop, roam around and be free. It's just that Claude and I were under a different circumstances and life offered us a different experience to live.  I nodded in agreement. When the thought of playing the claw machine came into my mind, my lips automatically smirked. "Let's go play first." I instructed him. "Sure! Oh but wait.." He looked past me. "There she is." My head turned in confusion. I saw a girl running towards our direction. "You invited your girlfriend? You made a me a third wheel?"  He laughed at my reaction. "Girlfriend? No." He held both of my shoulder so I could face him. "Actually, I invited her for you." My head tilted, still confused. "You know I don't like talking." "I see you with a bunch of guys, I haven't see you with a girl yet. Maybe talking to someone-- with a girl, will make you feel comfortable. I don't know." "I thought you were checking if I am a lesbian." I huffed. He left out a big laugh. "I am not. But if ever you are, that's hot." Kidding aside. I think he has a point. I don't talk with a lot of people. Just him, Demetry, Daniel and Grey. I talked to some of my classmates when I need to but not to the point where I get to know them. "Maybe you can be friends with her, right? So you don't have to be obligated to be with me, and the double D...And the spoiled brat because you don't have anyone aside from them. "Hi." She instantly gave me her hand. "Elise." "Hi, Alyanna." I gave her a warm smile which she gave back with a tight hug. "Oh."  I was taken aback, but it was alright. "Glad to see to ladies hugging. Come on now, let's go inside." "Okay pervy." Elise replied as she hit his back with her bag. --- "Is this a mall?" That's my first word inside. "Welcome to Sinclair where they say it's a mall but it looks like you are inside a cruise ship. He wasn't kidding with that. The whole exterior of the mall looks like a big ship. The mall actually surrounded by water. Their entrance is an elevator going up then you cross a bridge before you reach the main mall. "It's nice, it feels like we are far from Addilyn because the whole area looks different." Claude gave me a smile of contentment. "Shall we eat first?" "Play." Elise and I shouted in unison. "Alright kids. Play." It's really nice to be out once in a while. I know after this I will be busy but I will set it aside for the meantime. After this comes the Fashion Night. Wait, I remember Daniel asked me that night if I can come with him to some formal party. Is that party the Fashion Night? Or is it a different one? "Hey, you are spacing out again." Claude snapped his fingers in front of me. "Oh. Sorry."
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