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I woke up to the sound of the students running in the hallway. Groaning, I sat up straight and stared blankly at the windows in front of me. The weather is good today. After few more minutes of having a staring contest with the birds flying outside, I stood up and grabbed the papers inside the bag. Today is the presentation of the project Grey and I were working on. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and called Grey. It was just ringing. I called again but I was transferred to voice mail. I was about to take a bath when my phone rang. I thought it was Grey calling me back but when I look at the screen, it was Claude. "I think I'll know my second assignment today." I murmured. I actually forgot that I have a lot of things to do here in the university. Lot of not related to school kind of activities. For a moment, I forgot I was doing something important. Being with the other students, especially Grey and Daniel, they made me feel as if I a just a student who wanted to have passing marks.  "Hey Claude." I said to him over the phone. "How was the party Cinderella?" He chuckled on the other line. "Before it was Wonder Woman, and now you are calling me Cinderella."  "Well, lots of people were talking about how you left Andrea's party just to be with Grey." I instantly heard his voice turned from teasing to worry. "What do you mean?" I arched my eyebrows in confusion as I sat on the couch. "Well, rumors has it that you went out with Grey after the party." He said slowly. "Well, I did." What's wrong with that? "The thing is, someone told the whole Addilyn that you went to Paradox. "What? Where is Paradox?" The only places I know here are either Glider's, Mitchell's or the one where I had a dinner with Daniel. "It's a hotel." He said plainly. "What the hell? We didn't! We ate at the Mitchell's! His restaurant! Who told them that?" I instantly felt my blood running in my head.  "It doesn't matter who spilled that crap. People here in Addilyn wants tea. They want something to happen so they can talk about it. Even if you speak up, no one will listen to you." He calmly explained it to me but I am pretty sure I am the total difference of him right now. "That's why I called you. To tell you what to do."  "What?" I am really trying to calm myself down because I know I will benefit nothing from being straight mad. "Do the organization's assignment tonight. That way, it will be on the news, they will easily forget that Paradox thing. I already have it here, meet me later at the grounds." I moved swiftly to pack my stuff. I put everything inside my bag. Now I just need a hot bath. --- I reviewed my project with Grey as I waited for Claude. As usual, people were busy doing their stuff.  "Hey." Claude appeared behind me. Claude sat across me, he scanned the area. His eyes went hard. I looked around and noticed people were staring at me. "Well, that's too much attention for me who is about to spill more university teas." Claude didn't respond. His hands were clenched.  "Hey, Claude. Why are you mad? Let them be. It won't affect the mission don't worry." He turned his gaze away from the people and looked at me instead. "You know yourself better, don't let this get into you." "Well, it's not getting into me, it's getting into you." I gave him a confident smile so he won't worry too much. Finally, he managed to sigh and smile. "Here is the new assignment. Keep this okay? Read it at your room once your done with your classes. Tell me if there is anything more you need." I placed the file at the farthest back of my bag then zipped it. "Okay." Just like that, he walked away. I went to my next class. I am the first one to arrive, that usually happens.  After few more minutes, my classmates are starting to arrive one by one but I have seen no signs of Grey. I grabbed my phone immediately and called him. Still, no answer. Where is he? Now that his presence is mandatory, he is not here. I am starting to get annoyed but at the same time I am kind of worried. He worked on this assignment and he always tell me that he doesn't want me to leave as her partner.  I am sure he will show up. "Oh, there is our Cinderella." Someone said from my back. I know they were pertaining to me but I decided to not look around. "Well, free drinks from the party? Then straight to Paradox? That is definitely heaven." Most of the guys in the group were laughing. Clenching my teeth, I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I became aware of what's happening around me, they are staring at me. Are they seriously judging me without even asking my side first? Who the hell made that kind of gossip? I didn't even know where that hell is Paradox. "Well, Grey might be a pain in the ass but that kid is damn rich. That guy is dumb, you can even use him for money and he won't notice." The guy told his friends. "All right that's it." I said to them, still not facing this garbage. "Oh. Someone is hurt?" They all laughed again. I turned around to face them. "I don't care what you guys think and I know the gossip lurking around the halls. But have you seen me getting crazy trying to explain my side? No. Because I don't care. I won't waste my time making you guys try to understand what really happened since you will just believe what you like to believe in." I just stared them in the eyes, each of them. I stood up from my seat and started walking to them. "Of course, you like to believe that it's true, because you guys need something to drink. You need tea, regardless if it is true or not." I stopped, close enough to face them. " But if you're talking about Grey, that's different."  "Well, I'm just stating facts, but I am sorry if I told them that your boyfriend is dumb." He gave me a smirk then quickly he grabbed my collar. "But aren't you too close, lady? His face is entering my personal bubble. I can just smash him here but I don't need more attention. I can feel his fingers piercing in my neck. " Don't try to lecture me, you don't know me." "You, Peterson." I heard a voice from behind me. "D- Daniel. Wait. I'll explain." He took his hands out of my collar then rushed to Daniel. "Office. Later." He just said plainly while looking at me." His face were mad, his fist were clenched. He was just staring at me. "Wait Daniel." That guy, Peterson walked next to him until I lost sight of them.
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