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Daniel. I walked inside the messy cafeteria hoping to find Demetry. Another school year has begun and we have a lot of things to do. Being the President and Vice President of the Student Council, you just can't lay back at all. I have  a lot on my plate and I'll be sure to finish everything within this Academic year. "Daniel! Here!" I can hear him from across to where I was standing The moment they heard Demetry say my name, everyone went quiet. Almost everyone inside the university calculates their move whenever I am around, little did they know, that most of the time, I don't give a damn. "Hey, have you finish the paper works?" I leaned at the counter beside him. "Not yet, but don't worry, I'll finish it on time." He tapped my bag and offered me his fries, which I politely declined. I was scanning my eyes inside the room,  it was half to being full, everyone seemed familiar. I know most of the people here, even their families. Some were tied up to ours, some of which we already bought, and some were  our company's rival. Aside from that lady, across to where I was standing. She's new here, I haven't seen her.  It's very much obvious she's a transferee judging how she looks awkward from here. Just as I was to turn my back around, I was too late. Her eyes met mine. She caught me. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Her name was Alyanna. Before I went out of the cafeteria, I had the chance to ask Demetry if he knows her. He laughed and told me he bumped into her on the way to her class. He knew the name from the registration paper she was holding. First class has ended and I immediately went to the Student's Council hide out. We have two rooms, one that is for public use, and the second one, which is at the basement, it's only for me, Demetry, and our Secretary. Although sometimes, we held our meetings there, but they can never get inside without my permission. Greeted by the scent of the old books hidden in here, I turned on the lights. I checked the bookshelf located at the corner if it is clean. It is. I am happy the staff really cleaned this room even during the non school days. It's a very big room actually, with nothing by a couple of chair and one bookshelf at the corner. Whenever I wanna go hiding from the buzzing of students, I come here to either read a book, finish my paper works, or simply, just sleep because it's so quiet. I scanned the books piled up in the shelf, not actually looking for anything specific, my fingertips grazed on the book titles. "The lost memoirs..." I heard the bell rang. I hurriedly put the book on my bag, then went up again to take my next class. _______________________________________________________________________________________ "I will be your teacher for this class..." I didn't mind what he was saying, I was just focusing on the book I am reading right now. Students were trying to introduce themselves one by one in front, when it was my turn, I stood up from my seat and everyone went silent... Again. "Hi, I am Daniel Rowder, I am nineteen. I am the President of the Student Council, if you have any concerns, you can reach out to me." That's all I said. Unlike those other guys trying to make a statement by providing their family names and what company they own. I went back to my seat then started reading again. When the class was dismissed, I didn't leave the room. This room is vacant for at least an hour so  I have an hour to keep this room to myself. I opened my phone and played a little music. Then I started reading again. If there is one thing I do most of the time, it's reading. I've been fond of reading ever since I was a child. Whenever I have the time, I read books like this, but usually, I read business books. Why? Well of course, I'll be inheriting our family's business. The Sinclair Corp. Sinclair Corp is composed of a mall, restaurant, and a hotel. The name is very much famous here in Grant City. Although I know that having the company would be very beneficial to me, I don't know if that's what I like to do in the future. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Just when I was about to turn to the next page, a group of students piled up outside the room. I took a peek to see if they are the next class who will be in this room, seeing some of the familiar faces, I packed up my things then walked out of the room. There is Alyanna. She was still holding her registration paper. She's not talking to anyone else, she's jut by herself. I locked my eyes on her as she went inside the room and sat on the corner seat. Behind her, I see students pointing their fingers at her. Then there they are, they started to bully her. Bullying is not a new issue here, it's actually something I am trying to eradicate but having students with the same large amount of ego, that would be very hard.  Another thing, it's their parents who do the magic whenever they are being called out after committing an offense. I stood there, waiting for her reaction but she did nothing. I heard her said something but in the end, she just transferred seat. I hate weak people. I hate people who don't do anything for their own selves. It just gives those trashes more opportunity for them to bully more people. I don't know her, but I felt a disappointment. However, I am more disappointed on myself. Why? Simply because the whole duration of the meeting with the Student Council, she's running on my mind. "Is there anything else you need?" "None as of the moment." "For event request, send me an email." I said. Here in Addilyn, students love events. Events that would make their social status stand out. And I am the one who approves it first before it reaches the head office. "Thank you so much for your time guys. I'll see you around, and don't forget your first assignment okay?" Demetry said, smiling the whole time. __________________________________________________________________________________________ It's already seven in the evening but I am still reading the book. With her, still running on my mind. Now, it's my first time reading something without actually understanding what's happening. I groaned in my bed. I put the book on my face. "What's happening to me..." I whispered. Checking the remaining pages of the book, I saw a blank page at the end. I don't know what get into me, I looked for a pen then I started scribbling down notes. Alyanna... Who are you? You're in my head what should I do? I can't erase the thought of you, walking down the halls without a clue... That I was staring, out of the blue. So tell me, how do I get to know you? _______________________________________________________________________________________ I need to go to the Sinclair's office this morning, dad told me I have some stuff to sign. "Good morning Sir Daniel." "Yes good morning." I walked down the lobby then went straight to the elevator. As the door opened, more staff greeted me and bowed their head. I always told them they don't have to do that but they insist. So whenever they bow, I always try to tap their shoulders. "Dad. I thought you're not here." Dad and I lives in the same house, but since I am living inside the university, we don't get to see often. There is no bad blood between us, but our opinions in life are entirely different. "I have something to tell you." Whenever dad told me those words. I know I am not going to like the next words he'll utter, but I have no choice but to agree, because that's how he is. He don't ask for my side, he instructs. He always does. "I need you to sign a partnership again with Andrea's family business." "The Addilyn's? Why? I thought we're done with them?" I moved closer to him. He went to his seat then opened his favorite vodka. He then filled his glasses then he replied to me. "We need them." "You know what they did to my business outside Grant." I sat down in front of him. I tried to remain my composure but this is just too much for me. "I know the two of you broke up but business is business and you should set aside the personal matters. "Well just to inform you again, Andrea destroyed the first business I built outside Grant because she wants me to stay here." "We don't know it's them, son.'' He put another ice on his glass. "Who else could it be?!" My voice trembled in anger. I thought I can contain it but I can't. I really can't. "I don't want to do anything with the Addilyn's, dad. Please."
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