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"Hey, answer me. What does he mean by that? What danger?" I unbuckle my seatbelt so I can face him better. "Buckle it up, Alyanna." He commanded. "Answer the question first." I demanded. Sighing in defeat, he pulled over at the side of the road. "It's a long story, Alyanna, and don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." "I'm no one's lability. So spill." There I go again with my defense mechanism. He was taken aback by what I said. I am not saying that you are. "Please." I closed my eyes for a second and inhale all the oxygen this car could give me before I exhaled and face him again. "Tell me." I always know there is something that Grey knows about Daniel. I don't want to attend anyone's business but I just heard it first hand that this guy right next to me is putting me in danger. "Alright. I will. Just give me a second first." He unbuckled his seatbelt and hopped out of the car. Confused, I followed him with my gaze. When he noticed it, he just gave me a signal to wait. He walked to the nearest convenience store. He was fast, as he opened the door and sat in front of the wheels, he roared the engine and we made our way to the parking lot at the building across us.   "What are we doing here?" I asked him as I jumped out if his sedan. "I just want somewhere quiet. I can't talk much if I hear cars bustling on the road. As he walked closer to me, I saw him getting a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Not like it was a big deal but I never imagined him smoking. When he saw I was staring, he asked me if it's fine if he smoke while he tell his story. "I don't usually smoke. I just do this when I feel heavy." He defended. "It's not my first time to see someone smoke so don't explain." I told him. "I'm sorry if you feel that way because I asked you what Grey meant by that." "It's okay. I can't keep that foever. Aside from that, I just did kiss you. You know what I feel about you. If I won't tell you what you need to know, then I am not being sincere about what I feel... and I want you to know that I am. He took the first hit of his cigarette. He looked different this time. He looked at ease. Although he just told me he was feeling heavy, this time, without the student council suit on, without his members trailing behind him, without those camera flashes, without thos body guards, just us two at this empty parking lot, with his half unbuttoned top and a cigarette on his right hand, he looked real. "Alyanna.." He finally started. "Andrea might hurt you." He stared hard from where I stand. "She's not afraid of anything. She thinks her family's power, wealth, and connection can solve everything." "Well, it's not a flash news to me, Daniel. From the way she talks to me, I know that." I  stated the obvious. "The way she walks, she talks, and commands people around her. I know that she feels like she can do everthing because she thinks she has everything." "Given that she is the daughter of the President of Addilyn." He took another it and exhaled the smoke far from where I stand. "And his dad? When you see him, you'll know right away where Andrea got her genes. They are so much alike that whe they combine, it feels like you'll receive God's wrath." He was mad, he looked mad, he sound mad. I can tell that he was talking from his experience. "She's your ex-girlfriend, right? If I may pry, what happpened?" He looked at me and that's where his eyes changed. All of a sudden, he was like a lost puppy. "Yeah. She was."  I didn't talk, I just waited for him to talk. "I saw her first at a party outside Grant. She was with her dad. I don't know how but my dad knows his dad. They introduced us to each other." He started. As he leaned at the bumper of his car, he continued the story that I know, judging by the looks of his face, hunts him until now. "We saw each other  frequently since both our families are doing a collaboration project. I was with my dad every single meeting, she's with her dad." His first cigarette was gone now, he took another one then lit it up. "I wn't give the details how we got together since it's not important. I'll tell you how we broke up." I just stood there, leaning at the corner of the wall. "So we were doing our thing, she's busy expanding her business, I was busy with mine. Everything was good until when I told her I want to expand outside Grant and that I want to live outside Grant so I can focus on my business there." I stared at him as he tell his story, he was longing for this, for someone to listen to him. "We had a fight. She wants me to stay here, but I really wanna go because everything that's built here by The Sinclair's, it's my dad. Not me. My dad. I wanted to have something that I can call mine. She told me that I can have my solo business here, but I rejected the idea because I want to prove to my dad that I can do it too. That I can do it alone. He threw the cigarette that wasn't even half finished, then walked to my direction. "I feel suffocated, can we go there?" He pointed at the far end of the building, the one where you can see the cars below us, running in good speed to make it home before dinner. When we arrived, he inhaled before he started telling his story again. "A month went on and we were this on and off couple because I can't convince her, yet I know in my heart that no one can stop me to start my plan, not even her. Even when during that whole time, I loved her. So, I bought a building and started to renovate it. I hired people, contactor, to do the job. I was ready to relocate, but I was ready too, to prove to her that It's for us. I wanted her to be proud of me. Addilyn Holdings was far more successful than The Sinclair's, and I want to create my own, just like what she was doing back then." The busy city below us beccame just a background because of what I was hearing right now. I didn't know know their relationship before was far too serious that includes businesses and futures. After a lot of pleading, she finally came into terms with me. She even told me that she'll buy a place close to mine so she can visit me anythime. I thought it was going well. However, not even just a week passed by after she agreed, an incident happen. A worker from my building fell and died." His eyes looked lost more than ever, the regret, the loneliness, itwas very noticeable, unlike to what I usually see whenever were inside the university, just a passive eyes. "Then I was issued to closed down and stop the renovation when the city government accused me that I failed to comply with the safety laws and potocols."  Tears began to fall his eyes but he was brave enough to continue. "Ending? My dad picked me up and fixed the mess." "I can't believe those happened to you." "It was after a month when someone came to my office. He told me he was one of the workers working that night. They were preparing to come home when he heard a loud tud. He went at the area to check and he saw a man in cap running away, then he saw the body below. He told me the guy has a dragon tattoo on his left neck." I listened carefully to every word he was saying. "I wanted to open a case but my dad told me not to, because it obviously, he's trying to protect the business, not me. After a week, I went to visit Andrea at her office. She was talking to a guy... with a dragon tattoo on his neck." "Of course I told Andrea what the worker saw that night, she told me that she instructed that man  to go there and bring the gift she bought me. But I am not blind. I know what happened there. But I wasn't able to ddo anything, because they are The Addilyn's. I became frank to her, the next morning I came back to her office and told her to tell me the truth. She wasn't being intimidated, it's like she's used to it. I know it was them. I broke up with her." "She didn't accept the break up at first, of course. But during the duration where she wanted me to come back, that's where I saw her real colors. I began to see the real her. The one you are seeing now, even worse than that." "So if you'll ask me again, what does Grey means earlier? She might hurt you. She might do something bad because she hates to see me happy, or with someone, or with anyone." Finally, I managed to talk. "Why would Grey know that?" "Because Grey was her childhood bestfriend."
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