Chapter 4: Truth or Dare

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*Present day at Daisy’s party* Lexi’s POV I laughed to myself as Peter and I walked back over to the area to start dancing. I am not surprised he didn’t remember me, the last time he saw me I was 6 inches shorter, had acne, braces, glasses and was 15 pounds overweight for my height at the time, and had absolutely no curves. But I think it was funnier watching him stare at me and his eyes almost pop out of his head when he finally realized who I was. Now he can’t take his eyes off of me. I have been dancing and grinding up against Peter and I can feel his eyes bore into me. I know Jacey that I am hot now but it isn’t polite to stare.  Peter leans forward and whispers into my ear, “He hasn’t stopped staring at you since the moment you told him off.” I laugh and look over my shoulder at my best friend as my ass grinds against him, “He’s just mad that he could have had all of this but sadly he f****d that up.”  Peter chuckles, “You sure he can’t have you still.”  I shake my head, “Only if hell freezes over, maybe I will consider it.” He just laughs than the song changes to “My First Kiss” by 3oh!3 and Peter dies as he says through a laughing fit, “Your life is just one big irony, isn’t it.” Peter and Maddy know that Jason was my first kiss and that the two of us made out in that closet all those years ago, but I didn’t even tell them that I was Jason’s first kiss. When I make a promise, I keep it. I agree before turning back around to find Jason still staring. I finally make contact with him as I mouth the words of the song to him. My first kiss went a little like this Mwah mwah and twist Mwah mwah and twist Well my first kiss went a little like this And twist And twist I said no more teachers And no more books I got a kiss under the bleachers Hoping that nobody looked Lips like licorice Tongue like candy Excuse me miss but can I get you out your panties (As this lyric plays I wink at him and point downwards towards mine)  I watch as his eyes turn darker from anger because I am taunting him and I absolutely love it. His grip on his beer can tightens as his knuckles turn white and the can begins to crinkle where his fingers are. After a few more lyrics he finally stops staring at me and it gives me satisfaction that I won in a way. That I got him to stop staring because I pissed him off so much from my taunting.  I notice that Cameron is also watching Peter and me, and he is slightly glaring at me. Buddy, do you not realize Peter has no interest in me. Like you want to feel how flaccid he is right now, my ass is doing absolutely nothing to this boy. I chuckle slightly to myself before I turn around to face Peter after Cameron, Jason, and the other guys walk away somewhere.  He notices me grinning and asks, “What?” I laugh, “Your boyfriend seems to not like me and seems to be jealous.” He rolls his eyes, “He isn’t my boyfriend.” “Whatever, does he not realize that we all bat for the same team. I think he is mad I get to be the one grinding up against you and not him.” Peter just shakes his head trying to brush it off. I am confident these two like each other and what is going on between them is more than s*x.  He changes the topic and asks, “You want to go play beer pong?” I nod yes and the two of us head downstairs to play. On the ping pong table, they have cups set up to play. I see this tall attractive guy with dark brown, short hair, and brown eyes that I don’t recognize so he must have not gone to middle school with us, and a girl with curly black hair and super fair skin standing on the other side of the table. I recognize her from middle school, her name is Bella.  Also downstairs is a group of kids sitting on the couches playing truth or dare. And guess which group of kids it is. That's right, freaking Jason and his asshole friends and Sam and her group of wannabe barbie bimbos. Well, I figured out where those guys walked off to when Peter and I were dancing. I can feel a bunch of them staring at me but ignore them. Peter and I just walk over to the table to play.  Bella notices Peter and I walk over to the table and asks, “Hey guys, you want to play?” We nod yes and she says, “Okay, well I call Peter cause Blake sucks.”  The hot guy who I learned to be Blake groans, “Bells, don’t be mean.” She laughs, “Don’t suck.”  I smile as I walk over to the side Blake is on and say, “Hi, I am Lexi.” He gives me an adorable grin saying, “Blake, so Lexi you new around here?” I shake my head, “No, I used to live here but my dad got stationed in Texas for a couple of years, we just moved back this summer.” He nods, “I get it, my family lived in Italy for the last 4 years before my mom got stationed here.”  So, military brat, nice. Damn this boy is attractive and his voice is deep and sexy. Thanks, Bella for pairing us up. I know Bella and him aren’t together since we're friends on f******k and she has been dating the same guy for the last 4 years. I smile, “Wow, Italy must have been amazing.” He nods, “It was…” Before he could finish Peter speaks up, “If you two are done flirting, I would love to start playing.”  I roll my eyes at him, “Suck a dick.” He smirks, “I am counting on it.” I just laugh at my shameless friend and we start playing. Bella wasn’t kidding when she said Blake kind of sucked, but it’s okay I have been making the shots for both of us. Halfway through the game, I hear a voice that literally sounds like nails being dragged across the chalkboard as she says, “Hey, Alexis.”  I turn around and look at her and her friends playing truth or dare, “Yes, Samantha, what did I do to be graced by your presence today.” I can hear Peter snickering at my sarcastic remark towards this b***h. I watch as her classic grade-a b***h face comes across her overly makeuped face. “Truth or Dare?” I roll my eyes, “Sweetie, if you can’t tell I am not playing your little childish game.” She growls, “Just pick one.” I mutter, “Fine, to get you to shut up, I pick truth.” She smirks, “Is it true that you are a bad kisser?” As she asks that I look at Peter like ‘is she for real?’ and he returns a similar look. Aren’t we past this? I then smirk at him and it seems like he knew exactly what I was thinking. I turn to Sam and put my index finger up indicating ‘give me a second’ before turning around and fisting Blake’s shirt with my other hand and bringing his lips to mine. I kiss this boy giving him some of my best work and he kisses me back. Damn this boy is a good kisser. As we are kissing I switch to holding up my middle finger at her and I hear a combination of cheers and ohhhs.  Blake and I pull apart as I smile at him, “Thanks for being part of the demonstration, how did I do?” He replies slightly breathless, “Damn, you can do that anytime you would like.” I turn around looking at Sam smirking, “Does that answer your question?” She just glares at me. As I am turning back around to play beer pong I notice Jason glaring at Blake. Don’t know what his problem is, but whatever. I go back to playing and Blake wraps his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him and leaves his hand there, but I don’t mind at all.  Blake is really funny and sweet so I am enjoying playing with him. The whole time we were playing we were laughing and flirting. The four of us finish up the game, Blake and I lost by the way, and we decide to play another round but switch up teams. Right as Peter is coming to my side I hear someone say my name from the group of people playing truth or dare. I didn’t catch what they were actually saying about me. I learned years ago to tune them out when they are talking s**t about me, just easier and less painful that way. After hearing the hundreds of comments on my weight and looks which lead to me sticking my finger down my throat and spending hours on end trying to figure out how to apply makeup and do my hair, it was easier to just tune them out and live my life without worrying about what they thought of me. Well, that only happened after mom found me in the bathroom throwing up and I went to see a therapist for some time. However, I realized pretty quick what they actually said when Jason approached me saying, "Let's go" I looked at him like he lost his mind as I said, "Excuse me?" He replies, "I got dared to play 7 minutes in heaven with you, so it looks like it is your lucky day" Then proceeds to smirk at Blake. I groan, "How hard is it for you idiots to realize, I am not playing. Let me explain this to you simply, if I am in the circle then I am playing if I am outside of the circle I am not. Pretty easy to understand a 3-year-old could get it."  Jason doesn't seem to care as he replies, "If you are done, we can go to the closet now." For f***s sake is this guy for real? I just roll my eyes, "Sorry, but I am playing and I am Peter's partner." As I say that Cameron walks over saying kind of nervously but I don't think anyone noticed he was nervous, "I can take your spot. Not a big deal." I look over to Peter and we do that best friend thing where you stare at each other and read the other's mind. He was begging for me to do this for him and I just told him you owe me for this.  I sigh as I walk towards the closet not caring if Jason is following, "Fine, whatever let's get this over with."  The two of us get in the closet and it's like  6th grade all over again as Justin says he will keep time for us. Jason finds a chair to sit on and I just prop myself on a tote.  I take my phone out and immediately text Maddy Me: Guess who I am playing 7 minutes in heaven with Maddy: No f*****g way! Are you two going to make out again?  Me: Hell no! I rather kiss a damn frog Maddy: Haha! You sure this hatred you have towards him isn't just s****l tension and you truly want to hook up with him. Me: Mads, just because you haven’t been laid this whole week doesn’t mean you get to vicariously live through me.  Maddy: Oh come on! I can only live through Peter for so long. Me: Oh that reminds me, I figured out who the mystery guy is. I will tell you later. Before I can see what Maddy said, Jason asks, “Are you going to just sit on your phone the entire time?” I reply clearly bored, “What else am I supposed to do?” He smirks, “We can make out.” “Gag me with a spoon.” “What, you seemed to enjoy it last time.” I can’t help but roll my eyes at that one, “Actually, if I remember correctly you were the one who really enjoyed it.” I flick my eyes to his d**k then look back at him so he gets what I am referring to. He just chuckles slightly, “Well let's see if you can have the same effect on me again. What do you say, AK?” I glare at him. I can’t believe he used my freaking nickname to talk to me. I look at him with disgust, “Don’t call me that” He looks at me confused, “Why, that is your nickname” I shake my head, “No, that was my nickname from one of my best friends Jacey, unfortunately, I am not friends with him anymore and I don’t want to be his friend anyway.” He seemed hurt by that comment, “Are you seriously mad about what happened all those years ago?” I shake my head, “No, I am long over it. But I am also over you.” He looked at me confused, “What does that mean?” I laugh slightly out of frustration, “I had the biggest crush on you, but more importantly you were one of my best friends.” His eyes seemed to light up for a second as he asked, “You had a crush on me?” I nodded and he asked, “Why didn't tell me?” I looked at him shocked like is he for real. “Because you were way out of my league and every girl in our class, Sam included, had a crush on you.”  “Yeah, I knew about all the other girls, but I never knew you liked me.” I shrug, “Whatever, doesn’t matter now. That crush ended the night of Daisy’s party and so did our friendship.”  He seemed to be upset by these realizations, I don’t understand why. He can feel guilty for what he did, doesn’t change the fact that he did it. Also, why would he care if I had a crush on him or not? It seemed like he wanted to say something as he opened his mouth but then closed it like he changed his mind. Frankly, I don’t care if what I am saying to him right now is hurting him, “You know, you were my only kiss all of middle school. No guy showed any interest in me that entire time. No guy wanted to come within 10 feet of Lex-Rex” I smirked to myself, “Luckily, that changed real quick in Texas and it seems like it will be similar here as it was there.” He glared at me and gritted through his teeth, “You really want attention from guys like Blake.” “What’s wrong with Blake? Also, why do you care?” He shakes his head, “I don’t. I just know how Blake is and he isn’t a good guy.” I raise my brow at him, “And you are?” He groans, “Okay, I get it, I hurt you and I can’t take that back. But I have seen Blake hurt a lot of girls.” I shrug, “Who says I am going to get hurt?” “Because that is what he does. He takes a girl's virginity then dumps them.” “Well, it is a good thing he has nothing to take then.” He looks at me surprised, “Wait, what?” I smirk slightly, “What, are you surprised that ugly, fat Lexi lost her v-card?” “I’m just surprised how much you changed. The Lexi I knew wouldn’t be kissing random guys at parties, hooking up with random guys, and walking around wearing that” I roll my eyes, “That's because the Lexi you knew was from middle school and had zero confidence because of what you and your friends did to her. Don’t act like you know me and don’t judge me. Also, who says I am hooking up with random guys. I have only been with one.” He asks, “So who was he?” I chuckle, “This is going to make me sound really bad, my boyfriend's best friend.”  “So you are also a cheater. Wow, you really changed, seriously Alexis what happened to you.” I roll my eyes, “Don’t judge me. My boyfriend Jack was cheating on me our entire relationship and his friend Matt told me about it. But Jack was on vacation for winter break and I told him through text that I knew and when he got back we were done. I wasn’t going to break up with him over text but our relationship ended then. So Matt and I got to talking than kissing then hooking up.” “So this guy took advantage of you because you were depressed.” “No, he didn’t. I was the one that initiated everything and we started dating right after that. The funny thing is he was a virgin too. Seems like I am pretty good at being a guy’s first while he is mine.”  He just shakes his head looking at the ground. I take his silence as my opportunity to ask, “So who you lose yours to?” He looks up at me, “How do you know that I am not a virgin?” “Because you are Jason Humphrey, so who.” He bites his bottom lip and looks down, embarrassed and I realize immediately who it was, “It was Sam wasn’t it?” He refuses to look at me and I laugh, “I’m not surprised. And frankly, I don’t care who you sleep with, it's your life  and honestly, I don’t plan to be part of it again so do whatever you want with it.” Maybe that was mean, but it’s the truth. Before Jason can say anything, Justin knocks on the door indicating time is up. I mutter, “Time to leave Hell” and walk out pretty satisfied with myself. I begin walking back to the ping pong table and I see Peter looking at me waiting for me to tell him what happened but before I reach there I hear Jason say in front of everyone, “Hey Lexi, thanks for the blowjob.” Oh, this is how he wants to be, because I was mean to him. Peter looks at me shocked, not that he thought I did that but more Jason would do something like that. Are you surprised Peter, it is Jason Humphrey? Well, fine two can play at that game. Oh, Jason, I get ahead not even. But you don’t know that, because the girl you knew was too scared to stand up for herself.  I turn around facing him and smirk, “No problem, too bad we had nothing to do for the remaining 6 minutes.” The stupid smirk on his face instantly fell off his face when he heard that. I just laughed, “Man, do I feel bad for the girls you sleep with. Do they even get wet before you finish?” That comment resulted in a lot of ohhhs and got them.  His eyes turn darker and his face has a slight tint of pink from embarrassment. “Oh, Jason, I was right when I said your ego is bigger than your dick...but it isn’t like there is much competition since you are Muy pequeño”. That resulted in a lot of laughs.  I smiled at myself and walked over to Blake asking, “I am going to head out, can I see your phone?” He passed it to me and quickly put my number in it and passed it back smiling, “text me anytime.” He proceeded to ask, “Do you need me to walk you home?” I shake my head, “No, I am good. I will see you around.” I walk over to Peter and tell him, “I am heading home.” He looks sad, “Don’t let that guy make you leave.” I shake my head, “I am not, I am just ready to go home. You have fun tonight and I will text you when I get home.” We hug goodbye and I grab my bag heading out of Daisy’s house to walk home.  I take my hoodie out of my bag and put it on. I put my hood up and pop one of my headphones in and start walking home, just done with tonight and ready to go to bed.
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