
1698 Words
Bethany's POV: Monday It's the first day of classes and I'm excited, the party was good and Marc is an excellent person to be friends with. The mandatory class is considered a first-year seminar to help guide you through university, develop your skills, and how to be a successful student. "Wake up Alex", I shake her awake when I get off my bed. "What?" She yawns. "We got class in one hour and a half." She groans, "no more school." "You chose to be here", I remind her, "Stacy is making us breakfast." "Five more minutes", she pulls the blanket over her head. I shake my head and get my things before going into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My phone rings as I brush my teeth, it's a video call from Dylan. I answer. "Wow, you look terrible", he chuckles. "It's too early for this Dylan, what do you want?" I roll my eyes and rinse out my mouth. "I wanted to wish you luck on your first day of classes, university is a big step, it's nothing like high school", he says. "I know, anything else?" "The swim team misses you." "Well I'm happy that's over with, I signed up for track and field here." "Don't outrun your other teammates, you don't want too much attention on yourself." "I know, I will run at an acceptable pace but win all races." "Good, enjoy your semester and I'll see you soon. What do you plan to do for your birthday?" "Probably attend a party or something", I shrug. "Or I can come over there with Linzey, Kourtney, Duncan, and Leon and we all can do something fun, maybe Carter can join us", he suggests. My heart rate speeds up at the mention of Carter's name. "We'll see if I'm available." "You better be, well have a good day and we'll text during the week. I'm at the academy preparing to go on a morning run with a few students." "Bye." I hang up and get undressed stepping into the shower. 20 minutes later I sit down by the counter as Stacy hands me a plate with toast bread and fried sausage, "thank you." "No problem, but you're on washing duty later." "No problem and we'll have to come up with a day when we're doing our laundry and stuff." She nods, "I have enough clothes, I can do my laundry every ten days or so." "I want to do mine every Friday evening after my class is over since I only have one class that day", I state. I eat my breakfast and pack a mid-morning snack in my bag. Our class together is at 8:30 am and it's 7:30 am now. ____ "Hello ladies, you all are looking fine this morning", Marc catches up to us as we enter the building to our first class. I text Darcy when I was leaving the dorm she said she would meet me there. "You look fine as well Marc", Alex replies. "Thank you, I had fun with you at the party", he winks and she blushes slightly. Did something happen after Damon and I left them to talk? "Hey Beth", Dahlia waves when we enter the room, there are a lot of students here already. "Hey", I wave back just as Darcy approaches. "Hey Darcy, these are my roommates Alex and Stacy, and that is Marc if you can remember from orientation." She nods, "nice to meet you." "Let's go find a seat", I link my arm with hers as we walk down the stairs to find an empty row. Once I am seated, Alex sits next to me, Stacy next to her, and Marc takes a seat above us, preferably behind me. It's 8:20 am, and I wanted to be early to get a good seat. I take out a photo of Darcy and me together, and Marc photobombs our other photo. The professor of the course enters at 8:25 am. "Good morning high school graduates, I'm Professor Wicks, welcome to Georgetown University, by the end of the semester you'll know for sure if you want to continue studying here or not." He writes on the whiteboard, "welcome to the first-year seminar, this is mandatory to all freshmen who walk through those gates and register. You are expected to attend 75% of class throughout the semester and participate in class activities to get marks, there is no final exam but do ensure to complete most activities to get a grade." Mr. Wicks is a man in his late forties with some grey hair and is wearing glasses. He is dressed in those stereotypical outfits professors on TV do. "This will be a piece of cake", Marc comments. "There will be no work today, it's the first day of class in a new environment. I want you all to get into groups of five with persons you don't know and get to know each other then you'll come down here and one person will introduce themselves and the other four persons along with what major they're studying' consider it an ice breaker." The room gets noisy with people talking at the same time. "This is an opportunity to meet others and maybe even become friends for years to come." I get up and look to the back, I squeeze past Alex and Stacy to get to the stairs as people start getting up and shifting around. I approach a girl and a guy, "hey I'm Bethany." They look up at me and smile. "I'm Lexi and this is Landon, we just found out that we're both language culture majors." I sit down and two other persons join, it's two guys. "Can we join?" "Sure." 45 minutes later It's our turn to go down and introduce ourselves. "I'm not with public speaking", Lexi states. "I'll do it", Landon offers. She smiles at him, they are already getting along. "Hello, I'm Landon, Chinese studies major as well as Lexi, this is Bethany, she doesn't have a major yet but she likes art. This is Ted, biochemistry major, and Cole, chemistry major." "Thank you, I'm taking attends as well", Mr. Wicks says from his desk as he ticks off our names from the paper. We return to our seats as another group goes. ______ "I'll see you around", Lexi says to me when we exit the class. I nod. "I have another class soon then I'm working at the cafe at 2:30 pm, I'll see you tomorrow Beth", Darcy informs me. It's 11 now. "What time is your other class?" I ask. "11:30 until 2 pm." "Bye, I'll text you tonight." She nods and leaves. "I got no other class today, what do you want to do?" Alex states. "I want to go to the library, I have to get some textbooks for my other classes", I reply. "I'll go with you", Stacy says. "We'll meet up at the cafe at 12:30 for lunch then." We nod. Stacy and I enter the library, it's huge and there are a lot of students here already. I asked one of the workers for help to get the textbooks I'll need for my other four classes, I had the list with me. "Hey future famous painter", someone says and I turn around, Jeremy is coming towards me. "Hey." "Are you looking for textbooks you'll need?" I nod, "one of the workers is getting it for me", I take a seat by a table. "I'm here getting a book for art class so I can practice my painting skills, we even have our own little art gallery where we display our club members' art at the end of every month", he explains. "That's cool, I don't think I'm that good to get displayed like that." "With practice, you'll get there, if you need help don't hesitate to ask me for assistance." I nod. The worker returns with the textbooks and I go to the librarian to sign an agreement to return them at the end of the semester before going on winter break. Stacy meets me by the desk, she was looking for a cookbook. ______ "Hey, how was your class?" Damon asks me as we all sit around a table for lunch. "Good, what about you?" "My class is at 2 pm, I spend the morning in the gym and with a few freshmen who signed up for soccer", he replies. "So you're into soccer?" Alex asks. He nods. "When will I meet this boyfriend of yours", I nudge him. Stacy's mouth falls open and he turns red. "Soon, maybe this weekend." "You're staying in a dorm or fraternity house?" "Fraternity, we'll be hosting this year's Halloween party, maybe if I put in the word early your birthday celebration can be added in", he tells me. "Your birthday is Halloween?" Alex asks. "The day before, if I don't do anything on my birthday I guess we can celebrate it the next day", I shrug. "Maybe invite your friends from New York", he adds. A waitress comes to our table to take our order. "We have to look for our costumes as early as the beginning of October if we want something good before it's all sold out", Alex states. I wonder if I should go as a werewolf? It's ironic since technically I am a werewolf. The waitress returns with our order ten minutes later, the cafe is busy since it's lunch hour. "My track and field tryout is this evening", I inform them. "Maybe I'll come to watch to see how good you are", Alex offers. "I would of, but I got soccer practice", Damon sighs. "Isn't the racing track near the field?" I frown. "Oh right", he chuckles. Stacy rolls her eyes. "What club are you in Stacy?" "I didn't sign up for any, my class and new work schedule are hectic as it is", she answers. Was I the only one who didn't have a part-time job? It's not like I need it though so I can be completely focused on my studies and figure out ways to get out so Asia can run free without being caught. ______________________
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