4. Family

1215 Words
Felicity Pov:   “I’m just saying that this is a trap” Poppy was rambling in my car on the way to New Orleans.   We left about an hour after Kilian and Seth as I had to sort of the Daughters and doubled up on the number of guards I left. I didn’t want to go to Marble as I knew I was hated there. Poppy would usually drive in her own car but since I became the Mother I couldn’t drive on my own.  Hearing Kilian plead for my help to protect my son really played on Estrid’s heartstrings and since I said I would go I had to keep my word.   “They might genuinely need our help and if it really is my father” “Which it isn’t” Poppy commented. “If it is... I will take my sweet time killing him”.   The drive to Marble was about ten hours so by the time we got there it was near midnight. As soon as we entered the forest surrounding Marble Estrid started purring, this was her home, where she first came out and where we first met. She has missed this on every run for the past four years. By Marble’s gates we were met with Seth and Kilian waiting for us.   “What are you doing our here?” Poppy asked as she lowered the window. “We will let you into Marble, no-one can know you’re here” Kilian said. I heard the anger in his voice. I didn’t understand why he was angry at me when he took my child from me and rejected me. I pulled into the Estate’s garage which was left open and we waited them to join us.   We’re home-Estrid spoke out This is not out home, please let’s just focus on the task at hand.     I knew where the dungeons were and I wanted to go there on my own but I was worried that I would be seen by someone. I have never been so close to my son, I knew he was somewhere here. I was ready to run up those stairs and hug my child, have him in my arms and tell him that I have prayed for him every night.   “Are you ready?” Kilian asked.   I clenched both of my swords on either side of my body and nodded, I saw Poppy doing the same. I knew that the man downstairs would be chained up and he wouldn’t hurt me, even if he tried I would kill him, but I had a weird sensation of impending doom.   “These dungeons are nothing but trash” I remarked. I knew I was being spiteful but last time I was here my best friend was being tortured by the man who claimed to love me. I didn’t want anybody else who was close to me crossing paths with Kilian. I knew Kilian was the most powerful Alpha, but I also knew how he got that power, by torturing others.   “Felicity, Marble, Cassius” I heard a rough voice speaking from inside the cell. Surprisingly Estrid’s ears perked up, she and I were intrigued by the voice on the other side of the room. “Felicity, Marble, Cassius” the man repeated.   “Don’t worry he is chained up” Seth pointed out.   As Seth opened the door, I saw a half naked man chained to the wall, his black hair was hanging down and he had a messy beard. It looked like he hasn’t washed in months. If this was going to be my father chained up I would be happy with the state I found him, but for some reason I felt sorry for the person who was in front of me.   “Felicity, Marble, Cassius” the man said again.   For a strange reason, I felt like I needed to be here, I didn’t need to be with Cassius and for the first time in four years I didn’t have to be with Kilian, Estrid wanted to protect this man and I didn’t know why.   “I’m here!” I said. Unexpectedly the man stopped reappearing those three words and looked up at me then I saw them, my eyes, my blue eyes. I felt that he was looking into my soul. Kilian was wrong this wasn’t my father, it couldn’t be. My father was a rapist, power hungry murderer, this man was scared and he needed help. “My name is Felicity, why do you want me?” I demanded.   The man looked puzzled and he had no idea what I was talking about, his eyes, our eyes, were filled with tears. He left go of all the anger that was amped in his body and he fell to the floor.    “He was under a spell, and by the looks of it you broke it” Kilian said. “My name is Felicity, what’s yours?” I asked. “Francis”   I felt my whole world fall apart. Estrid started whimpering in my head and I was praying to the Moon Goddess that this wasn’t who I thought it was.   “Did he just say Francis?” Poppy came up behind me, she was as shocked as we were. “How old are you Francis?” “Just turned twenty-five” my breath stopped, I saw Francis fainting as he was finally drained from the curse.   Touch him- I heard a voice in the room, but it seemed that I was the only one who heard it. Touch him! It was Sarah!   I couldn’t help but do what the voice said, I put my hand on his bare shoulder and I felt as though lightening has struck me. I saw flashes of an old man running toward me, towards Francis. She looked scared as it was obvious she was running away from something. She had dark green eyes and long brown hair, she was clearly a witch. I was watching a flashback, only I wasn’t in it, I was part of it.   “You need to find her Francis” the old woman said to him. “Who are you?” he asked arrogantly.   She put her hands on his temples and said a chant. I knew straight away that she was a witch, although her aura was pure and white.   “You need to find Felicity and Cassius, you need to protect them. Don’t tell anyone who you are. They are in Marble Pack” “Who I am? What?” “She will help you. I’m sorry for what I have done but I did it to protect you. She will brake this curse. Tell her to protect the wolves, they are coming and they are coming for your blood. STUPORAERMIS MEROKCE ZETOK.” She said a chant and Francis started to walk. “Go and find your sister” she added.  
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