Chapter 7: I Guess It's All Working Out, Now (2 of 2)

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“The best time to introduce you to the club.” Alessia continued. “Club?? What club?!” getting confused of what’s happening. “Should we tell her now??” Troye looking at Alessia for confirmation. “Uhm … fine, I’ll tell you about me but in exchange you’ll tell us the truth.” Alessia giving me a serious look. “Promise me, Desa.” “Mmm.” I nodded since I’m not sure of what she wants to hear. “I have a special sense of smell.” Alessia uttered. “I smell death in you Desa like how people smelled when they’re about to die in any minute, so I followed you secretly at home to see what’s going to happen but to my surprise you’re living at the haunted attic.” “The previous tenants who lived there lasted only for days because of the lady in white that haunts the place but you, you’ve been living there for a month now and you’re still normal.” Troye continued. “Nothing bad happened to you that night, so I thought it was the scent of the lady in white that got attached to you the reason you smelled death but then I saw you two weeks ago.” Alessia proceeded. “Chef Musgraves wife got killed last month and I smelled her spirit around her husband, I saw how you keep your distance from the chef to give way to the ghost of her wife. You can see dead people, right?” “Haha. Are you guys pulling a prank on me, right now? What’s this all about? Are you doing some psychological experiment on me??” “We know what happened in Vancouver last year. The reason your family came back here in Korea.” Troye handed me an envelope. “What’s this?” keeping my cool as I open the envelope, he gave. I took out the papers from the envelope and it contains the article about the terrorist attack on the 25th of June last year. Just the photo of the stadium itself brings back all the memories I had that day so I trembled in fear as my tears fall down from my eyes and I can’t stop crying no matter how hard I try to stop. “You’re not curse Desa, it’s a gift that you don’t have any control, we can help you to …” Alessia trying to console me. “You don’t know me.” wiping my tears. “I don’t just see ghosts but I see how people die … and that ability of mine didn’t work that day. I never seen it coming … I could’ve saved everyone or at least my friends who died on me that day. What the people said in this article is true, I am cursed and I bring death to anyone I get attach with.” “Oh my! You got the grim reaper’s eyes!” Troye exclaimed. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be insensitive but Alessia is right, we can help you to get your ability in control and improved it like a skill, but we need your help too. Join SOS with us.” “What the hell are you talking about?!!” frowning at him. “SOS stands for Secret Organization for Supernatural.” Alessia explained. “Some of the members like me and Troye got the ability to sense things that ordinary people don’t.” “You got the eyes, Alessia got the nose, I have the lips. I can speak any languages, to supernatural beings and I can manipulate any living thing with my words but it takes toll on me so I rarely use that second ability of mine, only for emergency purposes.” Troye said. “Look whatever you two have must be gift like what you guys believe it is, but mine is different. I am cursed, my Halmeoni told me that I made a pact with the devil, when she saw my right hand where I used to have a big scar. I shouldn’t have touched those tablets!” I said. “Tablets??!” Alessia exchanged glances with Troye. “Well I saw these five tablets in the secret basement of my Aunt Lily’s house in Vancouver. I was a kid back then and I’m curious about everything so touched those tablets then the last tablet cut my palm, there was blood and I’m wounded but I didn’t feel the pain.” “Five tablets … Five tablets …” Troye thinking deeply. “Ah! Five Latin Curse Tablets!” he exclaimed like he’s answering on a quiz show. “You know those tablets??!” focusing on him. “No, but I will know if I read what’s written on those tablets. There’s no details about those tablets in the book we have in SOS.” Troye replied. “You said it’s in the secret basement in your house in Canada, right? Can I see it? We can book a flight there today.” “Yeah, it’s in the basement …” I realized that I can talk to them about the basement and I clearly remembered everything down there and it’s not blurry like when I tried to tell it to my parents. “Why? What’s wrong??” Alessia looking at me worriedly. “I never talked to anyone before about that basement because it got deleted in my memory when I tried to tell it to anyone, but I can tell it to you guys and that person I’ve met before who also came down with me to the basement.” I uttered. “Really? Then that person must be special too.” Troye responded. I still remember that teenage boy’s face because he’s the one who set my Dad free, however he didn’t tell me his name. That Saturday night, Troye drove me home along with Alessia and I invited them in to the apartment. Tae Ro isn’t as strong as before that she can make herself visible if she wanted to, but Alessia got her scent while Troye talked to her even though they can’t see her, they had conversation with her. The next day, Troye gave me a ride to the camp, maybe he and Alessia brings good luck to me that I finally found Timothy Swift. “Now, how will I bring Mr. Swift here in Korea to see Tae Ro?” I’m done with identifying the person but I got another problem now. “Let’s pick him up from LA.” Alessia suggested with ease. “You have your passport with you?” smiling at me. “I’m going to make a phone call for our flight.” Troye went to the phone booth at the side street. “Wait are we going out of the country?” looking at Alessia in puzzled. “Uh-huh. We’re bringing Timothy Swift to Tae Ro!” Alessia said with conviction. “That’s the only way she’ll crossover.” “Tae Ro is the first ghost that I’ve helped for a long time and now I’m going out of the country for her.” I suddenly remember something important.  “Uhm … Alessia, I don’t want to be a party pooper but how about school tomorrow? Also, I don’t have the money for the flight ticket.” “Money is not the problem, as for the flight Troye is talking to SOS Vice President right now, he’ll take care of it for us.” Alessia said. “Then what about school??” I asked again out of concern for our studies since we’re all college students. “Uhm … we can catch up to the lessons that we’re going to miss so it’s not much of a big deal. Let’s just focus on reuniting Swift and Tae Ro for now, alright?” holding on to my shoulders. Based from her answer, they been doing this kind of thing a lot and there’s no limit on what they do or wherever they go just to finish the case they take on. After Troye made a phone call to the VP, we headed straight to the airport and instead of the normal way for passengers who have a flight, we went to the runway and took the private plane that has a capacity for 121 passengers. “The VP of SOS owns this plane?!” I got shocked with their answer. “Mmm. It’s a mission so he lends his plane to us.” Troye said. “In return, he wants to meet you after we complete the mission.” “Haist, we’re going to miss his party.” Alessia sighs. “I want to see his handsome brothers.” “Yeah, me too. Specially Z. That cute baby boy of mine!” Troye said. “Sorry, if I put you guys into this.” feeling guilty for the party their going to miss because they chose to help me out. “Nah, don’t be sorry. Silly. The mission goes first above anything else.” Troye uttered. “We can party afterwards anyway.” “That’s right. You’re still wearing that gown on the day that we introduce you to SOS.” Alessia points at me as she turns to Troye. “I’ll tell them to be formal too so you won’t be overdressed for the event.” Troye uttered. “You deserved a warm welcome to SOS.” I actually haven’t agreed yet that I want to be part of SOS but it looks like that I need their help to answer all the questions I’ve been bottling inside about the tablets that gave me this curse. After a long flight to LA, we didn’t waste time and headed straight to Timothy Swift’s place. I knocked on Mr. Swift’s door with mixed emotions of nervousness and excitement, I also have a lot of questions running in my head. When an old man opened the screened door for me, I just knew that he’s the T. Swift Tae Ro is waiting for. He’s 73 years old, a father of 3 sons and grandfather to 9 grandchildren, got married to a nurse when he was 37. We didn’t tell him that Tae Ro’s dead, but he came with us when we told him that Tae Ro’s in her deathbed and wanted to see him before she died, well it’s somehow the truth only that it’s her spirit that is dying since she already lost her meat suit decades ago. “I met Tae Ro when I was assigned to Camp Humphreys, she works at a tea shop that me and my comrades used to go whenever we’re out from the base.” Mr. Swift started telling their story while we’re in the plane back to Seoul. It was my first time to LA but I got no time to roam around the area and enjoy California because all I think about is taking Mr. Swift to Tae Ro which wasn’t that hard because he agreed immediately after we told him about Tae Ro. His youngest son came with us to support his father since he knows about Tae Ro too because Mr. Swift confessed to his wife that he had an affair in Korea. “I promised marriage to Tae Ro and came back to America to file divorce with my wife but when I saw his mother again, I couldn’t help but to be honest about everything. Allie forgave me so I did my best to make it up for her.” Mr. Swift smiling bitterly. “I thought Tae Ro would forget about me since I haven’t come back to her but …” “She’s waiting for you. She’s waiting for you like a fool because you promised her.” clenching my fists. “How could you leave her hanging like that?! You should’ve at least written her a letter, told her that you won’t be back again and made her forget about you.” I wiped the tear that suddenly fell from my eye because I’m hurt for Tae Ro. “Desa, calm down.” Alessia move to the seat beside me and pat my back. “You’re being too emotional right now.” “Sorry, I just think that it’s unfair for Tae Ro.” stand up abruptly. “Life is always unfair, what’s new about that?” Troye uttered. “I’ll just go to the lavatory.” walks off from everyone. Have I attached myself to Tae Ro that’s why I’m being affected this much? I admit she listens to me every night like a good friend that’s why I listened to her too, as if we’re sharing each other pains. I’ve helped a lot of souls before to crossover and never let my emotion get ahead of me but now it seems like I’m new to this. Tuesday evening when we arrived to Seoul, Mr. Swift wants to see Tae Ro immediately and didn’t want to wait for the morning to come, so we headed straight to my place where Tae Ro is. The attic is basically on the 6th floor but Mr. Swift doesn’t mind the stairs and climbed with all his strength until he reached the peak. Mr. Swift is catching his breath as he sits down at the wooden pallet, when Tae Ro appears beside him. Mr. Swift son’s flopped down on the floor when he saw Tae Ro’s ghost but Mr. Swift himself recognized Tae Ro immediately. “Let’s leave them alone.” I gesture the others to follow me inside the house. “Don’t worry your father will be fine.” looking at Mr. Swift’s son who’s still terrified. We let Tae Ro and Mr. Swift talk to each other and have their closure, after a while, Tae Ro showed up inside the house and bid her farewell to me. “Thank you, Desa. Thank you for bringing my love back to me, now I can rest in peace.” Tae Ro smiling at me as she turns to Mr. Swift’s son. “You look just like your father when I first saw him.” Tae Ro’s soul started to diminish in thin air until she’s no longer visible to anyone of us including me. “She crossover now.” looking at the window on the upper wall. “Now, I’m all alone in this attic.” “Father.” Mr. Swift’s son rushed outside to check on his father. “I’ll take care of the father and son.” Troye stand up after emptying his glass of water. “Hey, do you want me to stay here for the night?” Alessia asked. “I’m fine. I just feel strange that this attic is no longer haunted.” “Tch. Haha. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” Alessia taking her leave too. Wednesday morning, I’m thinking of jumping out from the attic to be on the road immediately because I’m running late again. I had ups and downs of emotions last night including the jetlag from the long flight, how I wish I could do flicker like ghosts. I got lucky when I caught the bus but it’s too crowded inside since a lot of people are going to work too aside from us students, well I got no choice but to endure the ride until I reach the campus. I’m panting as I opened the back door of the classroom and what’s worse Professor Lee is standing at the back row. “You’re absent last meeting and now you’re late, Ms. Ha.” Professor Lee crossing his arms on his chest. “I wonder if you’ll pass the quiz.” I keep my head down as I take the quiz paper from Professor Lee’s hand and walk quietly to my seat. Right, I got no one in this classroom because I’m cold to them and they think of me that I only make friends to rich people because they always see me with Alessia and Troye. I tried to c***k down my brain to answer all the questions on the paper and luckily, I still remember some of the lessons last week so my answer sheet is not all blank. “Come with me, Ms. Ha.” Professor Lee giving me a serious look when I passed my paper to him. “Sorry, Professor Lee.” bowing my head to him in 90 degrees. “Please give me another chance don’t fail me.” “You don’t want me to fail you but you’re failing me.” Professor Lee uttered. “Don’t you think you should get what you give, Ms. Ha?” “I’m really sorry, Professor Lee.” still keeping my head down to him. “I’ll give you another chance, Ms. Ha. If you’re absent or tardy on my class again, sorry but I’ll mark you dropped out on my subject.” “I understand, Professor Lee. I won’t be absent or tardy from your class ever again.” I didn’t stand up straight until I saw his shoes past by me. “I’ll be damn, can I do it?” watching his back view. I came back inside the classroom and even though my classmates don’t say a word I can tell that they like what they saw outside with the smiles on their faces. No one likes me, I know, I made myself an outcast on first day of class, but I just wish they leave me alone instead of talking behind my back, for goodness sake we’re already in college and not kids. Since my part time job starts at 4pm, I always go to the library after class every MWF and leave at 3pm. When I came to Caracciolo, I went to the manager’s office first to apologized for my unannounced leave for the last 2 days but I guess Alessia already made up a story to her mother. I just got back to the reception area after assisting the customers to the dining when another customer appears. “Good evening, Sir.” smiling at the man who keeps on staring at me. “Oh, you’re here today!” Edna come back to her post after taking the VIPs to the 2nd floor. “You’re alone?” “Yeah, it’s just me tonight. Is Alessia here?” the man talks to Edna with familiarity. “Miss Alessia didn’t come today.” Edna smiles at the man. “Rooftop is reserved tonight, is 2nd floor good?” “Sure.” the man nodded. “Can she accompany instead?” looking at me. “Of course. Desa.” Edna turns to me. “Please accompany our VVIP.” VVIP?? I only handled ordinary customers so far because Edna take care of VIPs but she’s giving me a VVIP?? Who’s this young man?? “This way Sir, please follow me.” leading the man to the 2nd floor after Edna gave me a key to one of the VIP rooms. -End of Chapter 7-
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