Chapter 24: 'Cause I've Been Talking to My Friends (2 of 2)

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I don’t want to talk about Pluto further so I had to cut off our conversation, I’m still confused as to what happened earlier. What did he mean that he’s wrong about us? And why does he think that we’re together now? We’re just pretending to be couples. After my last class at social welfare, which made us write a thousand words essay for the finals, I headed out to Caracciolo. I thought I was in a wrong place when I saw a long line outside the restaurant but I figured out why those ladies are out there. I usually enter the front door but this time I had to make my way through the back door that leads me to the kitchen. The kitchen wasn’t this chaotic before and to think that it wasn’t even dinner time yet as it’s just almost 4pm, but now everyone seems to be in a rush in preparing dishes. “Desa, you’re here.” kitchen staffs noticed me making my way out from the kitchen to the locker room. “We’re at war now.” “Yeah, I can see that we’re being invaded by female customers now.” “It’s just an hour since we came but it felt like we’ve been here for 8 hours, look how many pending orders we have.” Chef Lee smiles. “I’ll change immediately to help you guys.” almost dashing to the locker room to get change into kitchen uniform. Caracciolo is open form 9am-9pm and normally we only have few customers left before closing time but tonight we’re still full of customers and there’s still long line outside. “Are we still accepting customers?” one of the staff complained. 8:40pm and we still have a lot of pending orders from customers. “I’ll ask the manager if we’re going to extend tonight?” I quickly took off my apron and went upstairs at the manager’s office. “Come in.” Manager standing by the window looking at the view outside. “Look how long the line outside.” “About that manager, I came here on behalf of our kitchen staffs. Are we extending hours tonight?” I asked as I look at the long line. “No, we’re closing at 9pm. I’m not that greedy on earning profit.” she turned to me. “I know you guys are all tired, tell Vincenzo to wrap it up since he’s the main reason these girls are here.” “Thank you, manager. I’ll tell it to him, right away.” I sighed in relieve as I take my leave from the office. I’ve been in the kitchen the whole time and it’s the first time I’m going to the reception area, the moment I come for Vincenzo I can sense the eyes at the dining area on me. Vincenzo is wearing a suit that makes him look like a VIP customer rather than an employee and he really is standing out from everyone. “Desa. I’ve been waiting for you to come since this afternoon. I thought you left me on my official first day at work.” Vincenzo said. “I’m in the kitchen today since it’s Saturday. Manager told me that you should wrap it up. We’re not extending and closing at 9pm, can you do it?” exchanging glances with him. “Sure. I can handle it.” he nodded with a nice smile on his face. “Everyone must be tired working non-stop today.” “It’s part of the job, do you want me to accompany you outside?” I want to see how he handle the long line outside. “They’re going to get angry at me, aren’t they?” he looks anxious. “They’ve been waiting outside for half an hour and now I’m going to tell them that we’re closed.” “Well, it’s my 1st time too. Since I started working here, we never had so much customers like this.” I opened the door for him. “Are you ready?” watching him walk to the door. “Wish me luck.” he sighs deeply as he stepped out from the door. “Goodluck.” following him behind. “Our dear customers …” he calls everyone attention. “It’s already 9pm and Caracciolo is now closed. I apologize for making you wait in the line and sending you off like this.” bow his head in 90 degrees. I also bow my head along with him to apologize for their inconvenience but the staffs are people too who get tired. “It’s alright. You don’t have to apologize; I’ll just come back earlier tomorrow.” the customer in front said to him. “That’s right, we’ll be back tomorrow and keep the time in mind.” other customers agree with her. “Thank you, our dear customers.” Vincenzo raised his head and smile at everyone that makes them blush and giggle. “I’ll wait for everyone to be back tomorrow. Have a safe trip, going home.” And just like that he dispersed everyone in the line without too much commotion as we both expected. “You don’t even need a Goodluck at all. Your charm is enough to make everyone be nice to you.” I uttered. “Honestly, I thought I’ll be cursed at. I’m actually preparing myself to that.” he chuckles. “Let’s go. I’ll help at the kitchen too, since I won’t be needed at the reception area anymore.” “I heard that you distribute flyers this morning, aren’t you tired yet?” coming back with him inside the restaurant. “Nah, I’m fine. It’s nothing compared to the work I do in Italy.” he responded. “There must be a lot of dishes to wash.” He went to the locker room first and when he came out after a few minutes, he’s only wearing his long sleeves on top that are folded up to his elbow. “I’m here to help.” Vincenzo announced in the kitchen. “Since it’s my first day here, I assumed I’ll be the dishwasher.” “He’s not just good-looking but also very smart too.” the head chef uttered. “How can someone be so perfect?” “Do you know how to wash the dishes?” I gave him the apron and gloves. “I think you should be at the dining area and not here.” “I can learn things quickly.” he’s watching the dishwasher do her job. “If you say so, you sure you’ll be fine here?” hesitant to leave him. “Uh-huh.” he nodded as he starts working along with the dishwasher. I left him and continue working with the chefs, it’s my last day but I can’t just leave everyone with so much work left to do so I rendered overtime for the 1st and last time. It’s almost midnight when I left the restaurant with everyone, they asked me to lock the door of Caracciolo and passed the key to Vincenzo as an act of welcoming him upon my leaving. “How are you going home Desa?” Vincenzo asked after everyone left. “Yeah, there’s no train or bus at this hour. I’ll just take a cab?” “Why don’t you ride with me? Manager left her car for me to get home, I can drive you, if you want. It’s not safe for a girl like you to be alone at midnight.” he’s gesturing to come with him. “Desa.” Diso suddenly appeared. “Diso-sunbae?? What are you doing here?” looking at him in surprise. “Picking you up. I figured you’re rendering overtime because of the long line at the restaurant.” Diso stand beside me and look at Vincenzo. “You must be Desa’s replacement?” “Yes. I’m Vincenzo Cartari.” he extends his hand to Diso. “Diso Richy.” shaking hands with Vincenzo. “Let’s go. I brought Ace-hyung’s car with me. I’ll drive you home, Desa.” “I guess I don’t need to worry about you anymore, your boyfriend’s here.” Vincenzo smiles at me. “This is not the last time we’ll see each other, right?” “I doubt it. I’ll drop by at Caracciolo from time to time. Also, you don’t even need a mentor, you’re greater than me.” I smile back at him. “You can handle those complicated matters on your own.” “Nah, you taught me everything I need to know, so thank you.” he said as he slightly bows his head at me. “I won’t hold you two up for long it’s late now, I’ll leave first. Have a safe trip.” walks off. “You’re right. He’s so good-looking. He seems nice and smart too.” “I told you he’s so perfect.” coming with Diso towards his car. “I thought you don’t like driving car that much.” getting in at the passenger seat of the car. “I went out for a drive to buy burger and fries.” he responded as he gets on the driver’s seat. “It’s a bundle set, you want some?” “Now that you mention food, I suddenly feel hungry.” I looked at the back seat. “I don’t usually eat midnight snacks but I missed dinner earlier because we couldn’t even take a break.” “Here.” he took the plastic from the back and handed to me. “Would that be enough for you?” “Mmm. Thank you, Diso-sunbae. Which burger is yours?” looking inside the plastic bag. “It’s just the same, take whichever you want.” he buckles up and start stepping on the gas. I gobbled up the burger in a few minutes and eat the fries after, I noticed that he keeps on glancing at me so I try to feed him fries. “Ah …” telling him to open his mouth. “I’ll feed you while you drive.” “Ah.” he ate the fries I gave to him. “It’s yours but I ate first.” feeding myself and him simultaneously. When we arrived at my apartment building, my Dad is waiting for me by the road so Diso got off from the car to greet him. “Thank you for dropping my daughter off, Diso.” Dad smiling at Diso. “You’re welcome, Mr. Ha. Also, Desa is my friend, so it’s not a big deal to drop her off at home.” Diso responded to Dad. “A good friend indeed and also a gentleman.” Dad looking at Diso favorably. “I would like to ask you for a tea but it’s already this late.” “Maybe next time, Mr. Ha.” Diso said. “We’ll be neighbors soon anyway; this won’t be the last time that I’ll send Desa home.” “Right. You’re just living next door to us.” Dad chuckles. “Thank you Diso-sunbae. You should head back now, drive safely.” clinging onto my dad’s arm. “Let’s go Dad. What are you doing here outside?” dragging him upstairs. “You shouldn’t wait for me.” “How can I not wait for you when you’re not yet home at this hour?” “I rendered overtime at my last day …” I start telling my story to Dad while we’re climbing upstairs to get at the rooftop. The next day, my parents and I went to church before we met the interior designer who will handle our unit, bakeshop, and clinic. They managed to get someone who will do all three for us whom ‘The Unit’ building owner suggested.  “I like it. The design looks warm and nature-friendly atmosphere.” I nodded as I see the designs that the interior designer showed us. “Earthy colors never get out of style.” the designer uttered. “Our company handled most of ‘The Unit’ interiors so you can assure that we’ll give you a high-quality service.” “As long as we get our money’s worth there won’t be any problem.” Mom responded. “How about my bakeshop and clinic’s design?” Mom have allotted ₩ 50 million each for the interior of those three excluding the other cost to be incurred such as labor and overhead that they estimated to be ₩ 30 million or less, so ₩ 180 million was spent in a day again like it’s just hundreds. After hours of discussion, I had lunch with my parents before we proceed to the showroom of the interior company where they let us select the materials to be used in the design. When the long day was over, we headed back home to rest and spend the rest of the evening discussing about the choices we made. The next day, I find myself waiting for Pluto to come like he usually does everyday but this Monday morning he never showed up. I should be happy that he’s not around to bother me, we don’t have to play pretend in front of everyone, but why do I miss him? Days passed by and he didn’t come even once, maybe I’m used to seeing him every day that’s why I feel like missing him but it doesn’t mean anything, it’s just that he didn’t say anything to me before. Or maybe because of what happened to us last Saturday? Is he mad at me because I said that I don’t like him? To be honest, I just said it because I’m mad at him for ridiculing me, considering that I’m also tired and famished. I do like him as a friend but as a man, if that’s what he meant when he asked me if I like him, I don’t know. What we have is just a fake relationship as lovers so I couldn’t consider what he done for me seriously. I do notice that he became affectionate towards me these past few days, but what if it’s just part of his show? I’m confused on what to believe and what-not about us but thinking about relationship shouldn’t be my priority right now, I’ve got finals coming up and I need to review for the exams. After 11 days of extreme studying, it’s finally the last day of finals. When Friday ends, it’s officially the start of summer vacation, mid of July, the day that everyone is looking forward too after finals. Alessia dragged me and Troye to a party in a club where Luke’s band is going to perform. She doesn’t want to accept Luke’s invitation as she prefers to celebrate at Caracciolo to see Vincenzo at work but Luke was so persistent that she couldn’t refused anymore. “You’re wearing shirt, pants, and sneakers again, Alessia.” teasing her as soon as she got out from the cubicle to change her clothes. “I can’t be wearing dress and heels in a place where people go wild.” Alessia tied her hair before removing her make-up. “Makes sense. Your shirt is too big for you. Let me tie it up.” making her shirt fit to her body. “There you go, just a little skin, is fine.” “Is it just me or that blue shirt of yours is hanging?” she raised my arms and my tummy shows up. “Your shirt is small for you, baby girl.” “That’s why I’m wearing high waist pants.” I put my arms down. “Anyway, it looks good on you, you’ve got a great shape. What did Pluto said when he saw you wearing that shirt?” she turned to look at herself in the mirror. “What would he say about the clothes I wear? He’s not even my real boyfriend. Also, I haven’t seen him for almost 2 weeks now.” “Maybe he wanted you to focus on your finals instead of thinking about him but as I can see you were thinking about him.” smiles. “No, I’m not! Well, I did at first few days but because he’s also a student, he’s probably busy preparing for his exams too.” I reasoned. “I doubt about it, he doesn’t need a long time to study. He’s the no.1 student at the college of engineering, not because of hard work but he was born with such brains.” she explained. “Did something happen between you two?” looking at me suspiciously. “Nothing happened.” I answered immediately. “Should I get Troye here inside the women’s room to make you say the truth and not lie to me?” crossing her arms. “Fine, I’ll tell it to you both outside, I don’t want to repeat explaining myself to you and Troye.” I walked out from the women’s room. While we’re in transit to the club where Luke invited Alessia to come, I told them everything that happened that Saturday. “Oh my gosh! You rejected Pluto Nevaeh just like that?!” Troye exclaimed as he stopped for a red light. “What do you mean I rejected him? It’s not like he confessed his feeling for me to reject him.” I’m currently sitting at the backseat. “Desa, he already told you that he loves you. That’s why he thought that you two we’re actually together and you weren’t just faking your relationship.” Alessia turned to look at me at the back. “If that’s a confession of love but he wasn’t serious about it, how do you expect me to take it seriously too??” leaning my back at the seat as I cross my arms and legs. “Geez. You two!” Troye uttered with frustration. “Why do you have to make things complicated when it’s just so simple?!” “Did you mean it, Desa? You don’t really like him??” Alessia asked. “Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know. I’m also confused myself.” I said. -End of Chapter 24-
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