Chapter 38: The Way That I've Been Loving You

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(Pluto’s Point of View) It’s no secret to everyone that I was longing for a girl I met before. Every summer since I met that girl, I always asked my parents to go to Canada and spent a week in a particular place where we played together though my other siblings wanted to visit other country or other area in Canada. My only way to make them do what I want was throwing tantrums. Yeah, I acted more like the youngest just to get what I want. My 2 brothers just tagged along with my older sisters since Demeter and Hera already had their own planes that time because they were 14, so it’s just my parents and Hestia I had to troubled. For 3 summers, they had to tolerate my bad habits until I finally had my own plane on my 14th birthday. It’s like a tradition in our family that we get our own plane when we turned 14 since we own an aircraft manufacturing company. Even if I have to go alone on the summer of ’69, I didn’t care as long as I could come back to that park. But my parents and Hestia, came along with me for one last time to support me, they finally understand why I wanted to go back. The next 6 years, it was just me until I gave up since it’s been 10 years yet I haven’t seen her again. Now that I found her, I won’t let her go, I want her to be mine. She belongs to me but the thing is she’s not ready to commit herself into a relationship. She told me to wait until she graduated from college, well I’ve waited for nothing for a decade what’s 4 years for something? Patience isn’t in my vocabulary and I don’t like waiting for someone but she’s the only exception, if it’s her I can wait. But there are times that I couldn’t control myself when it’s just us. The first kiss we had, she said it was a mistake and shouldn’t happen ever again but the second time around, she responded to my kisses and we’re so into each other that I almost put my hand to her part that I shouldn’t touch yet. If she didn’t push me away, I won’t realize that we’re going to fast even though we’re not even together yet. Since that day, although we’re good, I noticed that she’s keeping her distance and she won’t let us be alone together. She must think that I’m a p*****t, though I do dream of us having s*x together almost every night but I don’t have the audacity to force her to do it with me if she doesn’t consent to. 3 months later, it’s finally December, after practicing and preparing everything for the 3 Saturdays nights theater performance, we’re all set to put on a great show for everyone. We actually voted among ourselves to pick the roles but the director had the final say, so some stayed in their role and some were replaced by others after the director’s evaluation. Me and Krystal still get the main roles, while Desa is one of the fairy godmothers of the princess when she’s supposed to be my Queen Mother, we should have interaction together but she got switched. The true love’s kiss part should be fake but this cunning b*tch had her way to make it real and longer than it supposed to be when she must get up from her bed of roses in a few seconds. She even took advantage on the last part for the wedding thing, I swear if she’s not a girl and we’re not on stage with hundreds of people watching our play, I could’ve hit her with my fist. When the show’s over and we’re all at the backstage, I wanted to confront her to give her a piece of my mind but she used Desa as a shield when she sees me coming at her with rage. “I know you’re mad and you won’t listen to my explanation no matter what I say so I have to hide behind Desa while talking to you.” Krystal holding onto Desa as her life depends on her. “Pluto, you’re scaring Krystal. Will you please calm down?” Desa trying to get between me and Krystal. “I don’t know what your problem is, the performance is a success and everything was done perfectly, what’s wrong with you?” “What’s wrong with me??! That b*tch just harassed me on stage!” “H-Harass you?! I just made our act perfect and the audience loved our performance. How can we fake that kiss if that’s the highlight of the story?!” Krystal responded. “You agree with me Desa, right?” “H-Huh?” Desa seems flustered when she found out that Krystal and I kissed for real. “Uhm … yeah, well you’re not wrong.” “Hey! It’s alright for you when other girls kiss me??!” I shouted at Desa in disbelief when she sided with Krystal. “It’s just acting, why are you making it a big deal?!” Desa yelled at me. “And why it won’t be fine with me? We’re just friends.” “Right.” I sneered at her. “That’s what I am to you, just a friend.” I turned my back from them and walked away as I’m hurt more than angry at the moment. Desa just stated the facts, we’re just friends, yeah, that’s true, but still she should be considerate about my feelings for her. That’s why that evening, instead of leaving with everyone using the bus service provided for us, I just hailed a taxi to come home. The next 2 Saturdays, I came to the venue through my own car and performed my role because the show must go on. Since it doesn’t matter to Desa that Krystal and I kiss for real we continue doing it for the show, as she said it’s just acting. “Pluto, wait!” Desa come running towards me. “Aren’t you going to the party? It’s also the crew’s advance Christmas celebration.” “I’m not in the mood to party tonight.” I took out some bills from my wallet. “Here, take it as my contribution, I’m sure everyone wants to party until tomorrow since it’s also winter break now.” “I’ll give it to them.” she took my money as she keeps on staring at me like she wants to say something else. “Anything else you want to say?” I asked her coldly as the weather. “You’ve been cold to everyone since last Saturday and now your colder than this winter breeze, is there something wrong?” she asked like she doesn’t have a single clue why I’m acting this way. “Are you asking because you want to hear the answer through words even if you already knew what I’m gonna say or you’re asking because you really don’t know why am I like this?” I sarcastically asked her since I’m still upset how insensitive she is. “How am I supposed to know if you’re not telling me anything?? You just walked out after our 1st performance then treat me indifferently like how you ignore everybody else.” she stated. “Then forget about it, we got nothing to talk about.” I feel more offended now that she doesn’t know her mistake. “Enjoy the party with everyone, I’m going home to take a rest.” I turned my back against her and walked towards the backseat of my car. “Is Young Miss Desa coming with us?” Butler Kim opened the car door for me as he asked. “No, she’s going to the party with everyone.” I get in. “Why do I feel colder here inside than outside?” Driver Jongin said metaphorically as he glances at me through the rearview mirror. Once Butler Kim take his seat in front, I start ranting to them. “She doesn’t even know what she did wrong! I can’t believe that I fall in love with an insensitive girl like her!” I keep on complaining to them while we’re in transit to our residence. When we arrived home, Butler Kim opened the backseat door for me and said. “Aren’t you worried about Young Miss Desa getting drunk tonight? As you said, it’s not just a celebration party for the success of the theater performance but also a Christmas party.” “It’s alright, everyone in the crew knows that Desa belongs to me so no man would dare to touch her unless they have a death wish.” I walked straight to my room and rest while Ato is preparing my bath. While soaking myself in the bathtub I’m listening to Michael Jackson’s songs, starting Forever Michael to Music & Me to Ben to Got to be there. I’ve been humming to the songs even I’m done bathing and putting my pajamas on as I lay down on my bed. It’s almost midnight and yet I’m still wide awake because I’m thinking about what Butler Kim told me earlier. I know my crew members won’t dare to defy me but the thinking about the influence of alcohol. “I got to be there for Desa!” I jumped out from bed immediately and changed my clothes before I rushed out to the garage and drove my car to the party’s venue. I heard their plans earlier so I’m aware where to go, they’re probably on their 2nd round so I went straight to the club and I’m actually right everyone is partying like there’s tomorrow. It’s almost 1am so most of them are pretty wasted but the only person I came here for is Desa, so I searched the area thoroughly to find her. Two men walked past by me carrying a girl who’s also wasted from partying, I usually ignore this kind of scenario because it’s normal in the club but I recognized the girl they taking away. “Stop right there!” I shouted to the two malicious men but they don’t seem to be bothered by me as they continue to walk. “I said stop you a**holes!” I grabbed the back of their shirts to get their attention. “Where do you think you’re going?!” “Huh??!” the two men looked back at me. “And who the hell are you?!” “Did you just call us a**holes?!” the man on the left frowns at me. “Yeah that’s right, a**hole. If you want to get out from here unscathed, hand over the girl to me. She’s mine. She’s not someone that you two should touch with your filthy hands.” I uttered. “Hahaha!” the right man laughed out loud. “Do you even know who are you talking to, you jerk?!” he shouted at me. “Aside from athletes and families that interact with my family I don’t give a damn about pipsqueak like you.” I smirked at him. He handed Desa to the other man and walked towards me, I’m taller than him and he doesn’t look strong at all but he’s trying to intimidate me like he’s my match. “Hey, lower your eyes!” he almost spatting on me because of our gap. “I’m giving you one more chance to leave this club before you regret going against me. You don’t know me, kiddo.” patting my shoulder. I slapped his hand away from me. “Do you want to give it a go? “Tch. Hahaha. Do you know Congressman Han Li Mu?” he sneered. “Ah, so you’re a son of a congressman.” I nodded. “Yeah, our family doesn’t have to do with politicians, there’s no way I’ll know you.” “Now you know, so scram! My kindness ends here, so listen while I’m being nice to you.” he smirked at me before he turned around. “I’m not sure if we brought a politician down before but maybe this will be the first.” I uttered. “Should I tell you who my father is?” “Do I look interested to your family?” he looked back at me. “Sir Pluto Nevaeh!” the club owner walked towards me. “Chungdam-ssi.” I greeted him back. “Are these two your regular customers here?” referring to the two men who are now dumbfounded when they heard my last name. “Ah, yes, Sir.” Chungdam glanced at the two for a second before he nodded to me. “They’re on the VIP list.” “Would it affect your business if you banned these two in all of your clubs from now on?” I asked Chungdam while looking at the two. “Uh … is that what you want, Sir?” Chungdam asked me anxiously. “Yes.” I nodded without hesitation. “And if you could talk to other club owners too, I want them blacklisted from all the high-end clubs. Tell them that it’s a favor from me.” “Definitely, sir.” Chungdam nodded. “Now, hand me over that girl.” I stared at the two coldly. “Or you two wants to humiliate yourselves furthermore?” “H-Here.” the man assisting Desa to stand up knows the right thing to do without thinking twice. “Come on, man. Let’s get out of here.” dragging the congressman’s son out from the club. “Geez, what do I do to you?” shaking my head as I look at Desa’s wasted state. “Everyone’s on their own when they’re having too much fun.” looking at the other crew members around. “Thank you, Chungdam-ssi, I’ll take it from here.” I lifted Desa up and carry her like a princess as we walk towards the club’s exit. I put her in my passenger seat and drove her home, I thought it’ll be over smoothly but while we’re in transit she vomited at her seat and I had to stopped over at the side road as she continued to throw up while we’re in motion. Once she’s done, I put her to my backseat and changed her clothes with my spare clothes at the compartment, dressing someone with eyes closed isn’t easy. “Don’t you dare drink again, Desa Ha.” sighing as I look at her mess. -End of Chapter 38-
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