Chapter 20: Hey! (2 of 2)

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Honestly, we’re the only dance crew that has ballet part in our performance and everyone else focus more on one genre only, even if we presented first our number weren’t forgotten by the audience but we actually set the standard and we set it high that no one got on the same level with us. We won and when the host was asking for a speech Pluto finally appeared to do the victorious talk. It’s a team effort and we worked as one but we owe it all to him because of his perfect guide even if we did curse him a lot before. Aside from the trophy and the title, we obtained a prize money so everyone decided to have dinner together. “You know what’s the good thing about being the unofficial representative of our university, Desa?” Dante sitting on my right. “We get the prize money on ourselves??” I replied to him. “Uh-huh! That’s right, but if we win, we should credit the name of our alma mater. You’ll see tomorrow, how proud they are on us.” “You should also think if you want to transfer to the dance department because it’s highly probable that they’re going to recruit you tomorrow.” Pluto sitting on my left responded. “Nah, dancing is just my hobby not the profession I want. I already failed to be a med student so I’ll hold on being a nurse at least.” “You’re in the right circle then.” Dante proposing a toast to me. No one in our dance club belongs to the college of music and we’re actually from different departments united as one. Not that we’re going against with the college of music but I realized how they see us as their rival the next day. “Who’s Desa Ha??” a group of girls appeared in my classroom first thing in the morning. One of them pointed at me and then they all come to surround me. “I’m giving you a chance to be part of SNU’s official dance club when you transfer to our college next semester.” a girl who looks like their leader handed me a form. “I’m good with my course, thank you for considering me but I’m not going to your department.” I handed over the form to her. “Are you sure about that? You’re only a freshman, you could definitely transfer with ease.” she insisted to give back the form to me. “Just keep it, think about my offer carefully for a month.” “Sunny.” Pluto make his way towards me. “Are you ganging up on my girlfriend?” he stands behind my chair and place his hands on my shoulders. “I bring your breakfast.” leans forward to put the meal on my desk. “Bread Bowl Soup for my baby.” “I thought it’s just a baseless rumor but she really is your girlfriend??!” Sunny raising her eyebrow on me. Pluto kissed me on the cheek without hesitation. “She’s my woman.” “I don’t understand. Why her?!” she pointed her finger at me. “I don’t need you to understand neither explain myself to you or to anyone who questioned my relationship with my baby, we’re not even friends.” he answered her coldly. “Tch. Is it because I dumped you that you just get a random girl to be your girlfriend?!” she’s making scandal to get attention. “Hahaha!” Pluto burst out laughing. “I didn’t talk before and let you live with your fantasy but I don’t want my ‘real girlfriend’ to misunderstand the situation. Do you really insist your lie to make a scene in front of everyone?” “What lie?! You were sending me flowers every day before, I still keep those letters that you gave me. You’ve seen them, too right?” Sunny asking support from her girls. “That’s right! We also read those love letters from you before.” her girls agree with her. “But have you seen me giving it to her directly?” Pluto asked conceitedly. “Anyone? … No one witnessed it right?” “B-but you were always around when Sunny got her flowers, maybe we just missed it.” one of the girls responded and the other girls nodded at her reasoning. Well, Sunny is a beauty and she look like a model from a magazine so I also believe that Pluto might like her before. It’s like I’m watching a drama so I eat the delicious breakfast Pluto brought for me while they’re having an argument. “Is it delicious?” one of the girls asked me softly as she takes a sit beside me. “May I have some? I didn’t eat breakfast yet.” “Sure.” I share the bread with her as we watch the two with their scene like we’re watching a drama. I already forgot what Pluto did to me as it’s just a simple kiss on the cheek to show off and he probably used me to get this lady jealous. “You! How dare you eat in a situation like this?!” Sunny turned to me. “It’s none of my business, what happened between you two before it’s all on you guys.” I secured the bread on the side as she might get crazy next. “Leave her alone, let my baby eat comfortably.” Pluto patted my head gently. “Look, I don’t know who gave you those flowers and wrote those letters but it’s definitely not me. Aside from my baby, I never take the initiative to approach a girl, you can ask my ‘real friends’ about that fact.” “What’s happening here?” Professor Lee called everyone’s attention. “Forget about transferring, you’re not welcome anymore.” Sunny took the form from my desk. “Let’s go girls.” “I’m Dahye by the way.” the girl who ate with me introduced herself. “Desa, you can take this if you want.” handing over the bread to her. “I can’t eat today we’re having a quiz.” “Really, thank you.” she took the bread from me and follow her group. “Why did you give your breakfast to her?” Pluto watching the Dahye leaves the room. “Aren’t you leaving too? Professor Lee is already here.” asking him to leave as well. “What time is your class Student Nevaeh?” Professor Lee asked him. “I don’t have my first class today Prof. Lee.” Pluto replied to him. “Then will you do me a favor and monitor the class for a while? They’re having a quiz today.” Prof. Lee distributing the papers in front. “Get one and pass. I feel unwell today, will you be this class proctor for today?” “Sure thing Prof. Lee. Just take a rest in the faculty I’ll give their papers to you later.” Pluto agreed to him without hesitation. “Thank you, it’s good for half an hour and here’s the answer key let them check their papers later. I can trust you with this, right?” Prof. Lee handing over the answer key to Pluto. “Of course. Prof. Lee.” Pluto took the small piece of paper from Prof. Lee. “I can dismiss them earlier once their done, right?” “Yes. I’ll leave everything to you then.” Prof. Lee left the classroom. “Alright class answer your quiz now. Stop looking at me, I won’t give the answers to you.” Pluto sits on the Professors desk. I’m trying not to be distracted like everyone else but when I look in front, I met Pluto’s eyes staring back at me. “Are you done, baby?” he smiles at me seductively. “Not yet.” I quickly look back at my quiz paper again and think of the answer while sensing that he’s still staring at me. He shouldn’t be the proctor of a class while having a quiz, he’s an irresistible distraction to everyone since most of us are ladies. “Alright, time is up everyone!” he said with a loud voice. “Pass your papers to your left side, for those who doesn’t have a seatmate on the left pass it at the back.” he walks up to the back row. “I’ll transfer the papers here. Now pass the papers on your hand two times, I’ll do the counting too. One … Two.” It’s a unique way of checking papers but he did some effort too on passing the papers at the back before we proceed. “Hmm … 14/15 not bad.” Pluto reacted on my score. “Not perfect but 93% is high enough.” We still have 45 minutes left before the next class so some went out for the classroom, probably spreading the news about what happened earlier. Pluto came back after taking the papers to the faculty and explained himself to me about Sunny. “I get it, you don’t have to explain everything. I’ve been listening to your argument earlier, you’re not her admirer.” I responded to him. “As long as we’re clear, I don’t want you to misunderstand about me and her. She’s barely my acquaintance as she always come to the party with her parents.” he continued. “Which reminds me, it’s my mother’s birthday this Friday, I invited everyone in SOS, you’re coming as my date.” “Why??” frowning at him. “Because everyone has a partner, also I’m going to introduce you to my Mama.” he replied. “Huh??! Why are you going to introduce me?! Don’t you think …” “Haha.” he leans forward to whisper on my ear. “Relax, I’m only introducing you as my friend but if you want, I’ll tell her that you’re …” he’s about to spurt out a lie when I covered his mouth. “No, let’s not involved our family with your façade, alright?” I look at him in the eyes and he’s just staring back at me when I suddenly remembered yesterday when he’s about to kiss me. “Why are you looking at me with lustful eyes?” he asked as he take my hands off from his mouth. “What are you thinking right now?” he intertwined his fingers with mine. “N-Nothing. W-Why are you holding my hand like this??” I want to pull my hand away from him but his touch makes me feel at ease. “Just because. Your hand is really small, I feel like I’m holding a child’s hand when I’m holding your hand.” smiling like a kid to me. “Geez. Aren’t you going to the main campus yet? You’re overstaying here. Also, you already had enough for a show today.” “You’re right. I’m going now.” he immediately let go of my hand and stand up to make his leave. “I’ll be back tomorrow, baby.” “Oh, please don’t come again baby.” gritting my teeth as I acted along with his play. But he did come back everyday like what he did last week, until it’s finally Friday, the day he invited me for a party. I actually forgot about it but he came to Caracciolo and had me excused to the manager. He brought me to the residence I only heard about, the Nevaeh residences in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, a district in Seoul where rich people live and their family is no doubt the wealthiest of them all, he’s literally living in a castle-like mansion. “This won’t do.” Pluto look at me from head to toe as we got off from his car. “Hyun-ah.” he called one of the maids around. “Where’s Tia?” “Young Miss Hestia is in the party hall as of the moment, Young Master Pluto.” the maid answered him politely. “Do you want me to call Young Miss?” “Yes, please. Tell her I brought a doll for her to dress up.” Pluto glances at me with a smirk. “Doll??!” pointing at myself. “Hey! You just dragged me here unprepared and you’re complaining of how I look?!!” I yelled at him. “Hey?? How dare you call me hey?” he flicked my forehead slightly. “I told you about the party since Monday even this morning but you didn’t even prepare at all.” “Because I don’t have a fancy dress to wear, though there’s one that Troye and Alessia gave me before but it’s fiery red and it’ll be rude to wear such color to someone’s birthday.” I responded to him shyly. “That’s why I’m asking my younger sister to dress you up.” he said. Pluto’s sister, Hestia, she’s a goddess and her attitude is too far from his kingly brother. “Finally, that dress finds its owner!” Hestia exclaimed as she turns me around to look myself through the mirror. “It looks perfect on you, Desa. Toto will fall in love with you more when he sees you looking like an angel.” “Oh no, we’re not in that kind of relationship. Your brother and I are just friends, nothing more.” denying immediately. “Come on, I’m a psychology major, the way Toto looks at you isn’t the same way he looks at Alessia. Also, you’re the first girl he brought home and he even asked me a favor for you. My brother never did this before until tonight.” she gets a pair of shoes on the rack that matches the color of my ochre gown. “Here, put it on.” “Thanks. Your walk-in closet looks like a boutique.” putting on the shoes she gave to me. It wasn’t my party but it felt like it’s my birthday and I’m a princess while climbing downstairs to meet the prince who’s looking up at me like he’s asking my hand for marriage. -End of Chapter 20-
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