Chapter 23: The Way You Take Away My Breath (1 of 2)

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“W-What are you trying to do?” my heart already skipped a beat when Pluto suddenly pulled me closer to him and now it’s beating to fast like it’s about to explode. I just close my eyes when our lips are just inches away from each other as I already anticipated that he’s going to kiss me but a knock at the door interrupted the moment. “Desa, open up!” Luke’s voice in a hurry. “What is Luke doing here?!” Pluto uttered with irritation on his tone. “I don’t know.” I immediately get off from him and walk over to the door. “Why? What’s the matter??” “Calum, he’s missing.” Luke replied with devastation. “What do you mean he’s missing?” Pluto stand behind me. “Pluto??” Luke gaze at him confusingly. “We were in a cemetery earlier to visit Avex grave, he suddenly disappeared. Ashton and Michael are still looking around the cemetery.” “So, you’re asking me to come to you to the cemetery and look for him at this time of day?” I’m a bit hesitant because it’s almost dark. “I already made a phone call to Alessia and they’re heading there with Troye but it’ll be much easier if you’re with us since you can see what we can’t.” Luke pleading me with his eyes. “Fine, give me a few minutes to get ready.” I walk towards my closet to get the consecrated cross necklace that was given to me as a gift by a Canadian priest when I was 8. I never want to go to the cemetery as much as possible specially when it’s already night time but Calum is a friend and I have to help him even if it means I’m risking my well-being. Pluto drive me to the cemetery as we follow Luke’s car, and I admit I’m trembling in fear because I know what’s waiting for me in that place so I’m just praying until we finally arrived. “Hey, I’m here, you’re not alone.” Pluto squeezed my hand before we get off from his car. “But I’m the only one who can see here.” looking around and as expected the spirits are all over the place. “Hahh.” breathing coldly. “Take us, where you last saw Calum. Desa can’t stay here for long, we need to find him as soon as possible.” Pluto said to Luke as he grabs my hand. “You’re ice cold, Desa.” “I know. Let’s run, I need to keep my temperature normal.” I said to Luke who’s looking at me and Pluto. “Sure, follow me.” Luke started running as we follow him from behind. “This way.” I wanted to keep my eyes close while running but I have to muster my courage and passed by all the spirits on my way. “Desa.” Alessia come to me as soon as we reached the area. “Calum is just around this area but we can’t find him.” “He’s probably unconscious somewhere, I can’t get anything from him.” Troye uttered. “Who’s in that mausoleum?” pointing at the mausoleum nearby. “What mausoleum?” Ashton asked. “Ah right, there was a mausoleum there last year but now it’s gone.” “It was a mausoleum before for English women who died in this country during the war.” Michael said. “Wait, does it mean that Calum is in there?” “I’m not sure, have you checked on that area yet, Alessia?” I turned to Alessia beside me. “I only smelled women’s perfume in there but not Calum’s scent.” Alessia replied. “You want to check it again?” “I’m coming with you.” Pluto is about to come along but Troye stopped him. “Why? They can’t just go there by themselves.” “Just stay here. That’s a no man zone, I’ll come with them, maybe they’ll be nice to me.” Troye follow us from behind. “What do you mean it’s a no man zone?” I asked Troye while we’re on the way to the mausoleum. “These women were r***d before getting killed so they most likely detest men.” Alessia explained to me. “Will you be fine, Troye?” “I’m not leaving you girls on your own.” Troye come between us. “Can you hear that? Music? Like there’s a party in here.” I opened the door that only I can see and the next thing happened amazed me as it looks like we were in a different dimension. “Uh … where are we??” Alessia uttered. “And why the hell, I’m wearing this dress?!” looking at her English dress. “I actually like it in here, they dress me up too.” Troye also wearing a dress and got some wig too. “This is not real, so pull yourself together girls.” looking around. “And what are you three standing there for?” a woman in a beautiful white dress appeared behind us. “Guests should be staying on the side and not in the middle.” “Guests??” Alessia muttered as we give way to the woman. “What kind of party is this?” observing the area. “Oh my gosh!” Troye exclaimed. “Is that Calum??” “But that’s impossible.” Alessia responded. “He’s definitely around Avex’s grave, but that guy he doesn’t have any scent at all.” Calum is currently lying on the bed full of roses like he’s some kind of sleeping beauty in a fairy tale. “Excuse me, darling.” Troye trying to have a conversation with the woman in front of us. “What is happening here?” “Lady April, finally meet the man she’s supposed to marry.” the woman replied without looking back to us. “But why is that man lying down there?” Troye continued. “Because he doesn’t belong in this world yet but he will be when the clock strikes to midnight and there’s only few minutes left until they reunited again.” the woman responded. “Lady April found a way for us to be reunited with our loved ones again and she’s showing it to us as a proof of her success.” “Necromancy.” Alessia whispered to me. “That woman in white is a necromancer, I think I know now where Calum’s body is. I need to get out of here before it’s too late.” “Alright, I’ll help you out.”  I gestured to Troye to keep on talking with others while I help Alessia out from the door and not to get too much attention at the moment. But when I closed the door after I successfully let Alessia out it made a sound that is loud enough for everyone to hear. “Ah … hahaha … forgive me ladies I’m an attention-seeker, while we’re waiting to witness the grand event for the night, I would like to perform a dance to celebrate this reunion.” I suddenly spurt out nonsense as I don’t know what else to do but lie. “Lady April, do you mind if I take the floor for a moment?” “As long as it won’t ruin the night with my love, do as you please.” Lady April sits on the sofa near Calum’s bed. I talked to the pianist and told her to play a symphony for me and when I took the center of the floor, she started playing a familiar song that I used to dance along when I was in elementary. I always get shy performing in front of other people but maybe because they’re all dead here and we’re all ladies except for Troye who’s dressing up as one at the moment, I just danced confidently on my own without anyone’s encouragement. “Magnificent!” Troye applauded me first and everyone follows. “Impressive.” Lady April also clapped for me. “You should perform another dance for me and my love later.” “I’ll coordinate with our great pianist here for another number, Lady April.” showing courtesy at her before I went to the pianist to thank her. “That’s a good choice of song, what else can you play?” “Ah … I can play …” the pianist tells me everything piece she knows. But I notice that Troye is making a move since we’re running out of time and he probably got some information from the ladies he talked with earlier. I don’t know what he’s trying to do but when he went near to Calum’s bed, he made a signal to me to create a distraction. “Sure, can you play that one now.” I nodded to the pianist and take the center again to get everyone’s attention. “I’m not satisfied to what I’ve shown to everyone, so here’s another dance.” I performed the dance of the swan princess to buy some time whatever Troye is up to at the moment but when it’s just a minute to go before midnight, Lady April told me to halt and look back at Calum’s body behind her. “I don’t understand, this shouldn’t be happening.” Lady April sound confused and frustrated. “The tree, why is it taking my love away?!” “Let’s go, Desa.” Troye grabbed me by the arm while everyone is focused in front. We’re about to leave when someone noticed us getting out from the door, Troye successfully got out before the door shut immediately. “You!!” Lady April flicker to get in front of me and lifted me up while choking my neck. “You trickster! You think you can get out of here after what you’ve done?! Do you know how long I’ve been waited to be reunited with my love?!!” “He’s not your man. His name is Calum Thomas and he’s only 20 ½ he can’t possibly be your man when your 5x his age. If you really want to be reunited with the one you love, crossover.” choking. “Crossover??” she put me down on the floor. “T-That’s right.” rubbing my neck. “All of you, you don’t need to perform any of this crap, you only need to follow the light that leads you to afterlife. I’m certain that your men are waiting for you too.” “We’ve been waiting for that light but it never comes to any of us here.” the pianist responded. “Not even a reaper came upon us.” “You hear that, they need a reaper.” I can sense my angel beside me even if I don’t see him. “Who are you talking to?” Lady April looking at me with confusion. “I’m your guardian and not a reaper but fine … I’ll take these souls.” a man’s voice speaks to me. “Get out of here, you can’t be here when I reap souls. Turn around and don’t ever look back when you open the door, leave now!” I do what he says and the moment I stepped out from other dimension, I bumped onto something that made us both fell to the ground, it took a while when I realized who it is. “Sorry.” I immediately get off from Pluto’s back. “It’s fine.” Pluto stand up and turn to me. “Are you alright?” “Mmm.” I nodded. “My guardian angel keeps me safe all the time so don’t worry about me. I won’t die easily.” “You.” he suddenly embraces me. “I thought I’ve lost you.” “But I’m here now.” I can hear his heart beating as he hugs me tight. “Desa!” Troye calls out to me and Pluto released me immediately. “I’m glad your safe!” he hugs me tight too. “I should be the one who got out last but you … I thought you’ll be stuck in there.” cries in my shoulder. “I won’t forgive myself if something bad happened to you.” “Shh …” patting his back. “I’m fine and nothing bad will happen to me, I’m being guarded, remember?” “That woman, she hurt you right? Those words that she told you were full of rage and I could imagine what she did to you inside.” “Well, she lifted me up with her hand on my neck but I talked it over so she put me down.” I pushed him away slightly. “I’ve got an angel of death beside me all the time, so I let him reap their souls.” “Right, that angel of yours.” he smiled in relief. “I’m so glad that you’re fine and back here unscathed.” “Well, I landed onto someone that kept me safe from a fall.” I turned to Pluto who’s standing near us. “That’s the other thing I’m worried about, he was about to beat me up when I got out alone. I already felt miserable but he made me feel worse.” Troye whispered to me. “I’ve never seen him so furious like that before, he scared the life out of me.” Calum’s body was found inside the tree near the grave where he vanished, he was unconscious and full of scratches all over his body but I didn’t see him dying yet so he’ll be fine after few days stay in the hospital where we took him. Pluto drove me home that night and left as soon as I reached my rooftop apartment. A lot of things happened tonight and I’m so exhausted that’s why I just dropped down on my bed and slept like a log until morning. I didn’t drink a half-bottle beer but I’m totally knocked out and woke up late. I wish, I could also flicker like the spirits but I’m only human who can run at this situation like I’m in a race. It’s Monday so I’m late for Professor Lee’s class for the third time. ... To be Continued ...
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