Chapter 41: Yeah … (2 of 2)

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“Do you want to hold my hand then?” he extends his hand to me. “Why would I hold your hand??” keeping my distance from him. “So, that you won’t get lost.” he moves closer to my side. “There’s no need for that.” I pushed him away from me. “I won’t roam around for me not to get lost.” “Aww, you’re no fun. Come on, don’t be shy. Let’s hold hands.” he continues teasing me. “No. How far is the library anyway? You’re not walking in circles, right?” getting suspicious at his intention. “It’s on the 2nd floor.” he smirks at me. “Eh? We already passed by the stairs! Where exactly are you taking me, Pluto Nevaeh?!” I shouted. “Relax, I’m not taking you to the s*x dungeon, there’s a stair here.” “W-What dungeon??!” I stuttered as I heard him clearly. “Hahaha!” he laughed at my flushed face. “I’m just messing with you; we don’t have that here … unfortunately.” “You!” I clenched my fist and about to punch his shoulder but then one of their maids greeted him. “Young Master Pluto, you’re home early today.” the maid came down from the stairs while carrying some cloths. “Yeah, I’m going to the library.” Pluto responded. “Will you please tell Eun Haeng to bring some snacks for me and my guest?” “Of course, Young Master Pluto.” the maid nodded at him politely. “So, the flowers are for Young Miss …” she noticed my bouquet. “My name is Desa Ha.” I introduced myself politely at the maid. “Young Miss Desa.” the maid smile at me. “I’ll go ahead then and tell Eun Haeng your order Young Master Pluto.” she bowed her head to us before she took her leave. “Thank you, Jen.” Pluto then leads me to the staircase. “This way is nearer to the library.” “How many staffs do you have at this mansion?” I asked curiously as I climbed upstairs with him. “77, 17 attends to Papa, 12 to Mama, then me and my siblings got 8 each.” he replied. “And you know everyone’s name??” I continued asking him. “Yes. Not that I’m gloating but I’m the best at memorization among my siblings.” he stated as we finally reached the 2nd floor. “Yeah, I heard from your fan girls that you’re the no. 1 in the university entrance exam and you’re the top student at your course.” “Hmm … what else have you heard about me??” he smiles at me as we walk along the hallway. “Well they always talk how perfect you are. Everyone in the campus adore you and fear you at the same time. Everybody knows about your temper so no one dares to provoke you.” I responded. “There’s actually one brave soul who always challenge my patience.” “Really? Is he or she still alive? You’re scary when you’re angry.” “Yeah. I’m actually talking to her right now.” he smirks at me. “Me??” pointing at myself. “Are you patient towards me??” I doubt. “Ms. Desa Ha. You’re the only person who can make me wait for long, others pay a price when they made me wait even for a minute. But you, you manage to keep me in bay for a decade and until now you’re making me wait for you to submit yourself to me.” he looks at me with serious face. “I don’t mind waiting, since you’re worth my time.” He stopped in front of a door and opened it for me as he led me inside the library, and it’s literally a library and not just a study room, as there are 24 shelves of books in total aside from the books at the shelves on the wall. “Wow! You really have a library at home!” I’m fascinated with all the books around us. “Medical books are on the 4th row shelves.” he walks towards the balcony and opened its door. “No wonder that you’re a top student. You’ve got everything you need aside from your brain.” I walk towards the 4th row shelves to find the books I need. “I can read books here all day.” I usually study at home and review my notes and the books I borrowed from the library, I really don’t get it why all libraries have ghosts, but here I can finally relax in this library. “I’ll take you here from now on, you can live here with me if you want. My parents won’t mind it.” he’s talking to me from a distance. “But my parents will.” I carry all the books in my arms as I walk towards the table where I left my stuffs. “How many books have you read here??” I asked him curiously as I sit on the chair. “I don’t know. I’m not counting. But I do like reading a book while listening to quiet music.” he sits beside me as he rests his head at the back of his left hand while staring at me. “Aren’t you going to study? I’m uncomfortable being watch.” I said. “Hmm …” he bites his lower lips that makes him so sexy. “Fine. I’ll get a book to read.” he stands up and walk towards the shelves. That guy is he seducing me?! Though he has a habit of often biting his lips but still it distracts me every time he does that. He’s handsome and he knows it but damn he’s sexy too, not just his lips but also his body is oozing with manliness. How come he’s so ethereal like he’s not here from earth and he’s not a human being?! He’s also princely too that’s why there’s no doubt every girl in campus either wanted to be me or get rid of me because they want him to themselves. “If you keep on staring at me like that, I might lose control.” His magnetic voice pulled me back to reality. “I-I’m not staring!” I denied quickly and look at the book instead. “Yeah, right.” he’s smirking even if I don’t look at his direction, I just know that he’s making fun of me. But I have to focus on reviewing instead of being wary by his presence beside me, there’s no ghost in here but his aura isn’t easy to ignored by a human girl like me. I tried so hard not to look at his direction and focus on my study. A few minutes later, someone came in to deliver snacks for us and broke the silence between us. We chatted for a while as we nibble then I reviewed again. Maybe I got used to him that I finally focused on studying that I even lost track of time as it’s already dark outside and I subconsciously turned on the lamp earlier. If not for the cold breeze coming from the balcony, I wouldn’t look at the side and notice the time as well as I’m all alone in the room. I closed the glass door at the balcony before I tidy up my stuff to my bag and pile the books I used. I’m about to return the books to the shelves when someone knocked on the library door. “Uh, come in.” I responded as I waited for the person behind the door to come in. “Butler Kim, sorry I lost track of time.” “No need to apologize, Young Miss Desa. Please leave the books on the table, someone will take care of them. Young Master Pluto, is asking for you to join him for dinner.” Butler Kim said. “Ah right, it’s almost 7pm.” I looked up at the wall clock. “Is it really alright, to leave these books here??” “Of course, Young Miss Desa.” he smiled at me. “Better than keep Young Master Pluto waiting.” he uttered. “Right.” I put my bag on my shoulders and carry the bouquet he gave to me earlier. “You must have a hard time serving an ill-temper Young Master, Butler Kim.” He just smiled at me in response which is enough for me to understand that he won’t tell but I got it right. I thought he’ll lead me to the dining area but he took me outside and left me in front of the greenhouse after he opened the door for me. There are candles on my path that leads me to the table where Pluto is waiting for me like a Prince. “What’s all of these??” I look around before I take a seat to the chair, he pulled for me. “What’s the meaning of this??” “A Valentine dinner.” he sits across me. “Do you like it?” “Honestly, instead of romantic vibe, it kinda feel creepy. But I do like it!” I smile at him. “So, you have a gothic garden too??!” “Uh-huh.” he also looks around. “Come to think of it, it does look creepy at night and with the candles there to light the path.” “Yeah, because of the dark flowers you have in here and the moonlight above us. But really, I actually like it instead of a romantic place that couples usually dine in during Valentines.” I’m still looking around as the place look somewhat the same as the Crossey’s greenhouse. “Where did you get these plants anyway??” “From Mr. Crossey, I asked him for the seeds and planted them all here. Though it’s mostly Gom’s work because he has a green thumb.” “That explains why this garden seems familiar. Are you into Gothic garden too??” I’m still amazed of his greenhouse. “Not exactly garden, I only had the idea when I found out that you like the Crossey’s greenhouse so I made one for you. But yeah, I do like Gothic designs, you’ve been into my room, right?” he responded. “You mean you made this greenhouse for me??” I look at him in disbelief because of the effort he exerted to impress me. “Yes. I can do and give anything for you, Desa.” he grabs my hand and pull it closer to him for a kiss. “That’s what Papa told me, if I love someone I must do and give everything she needs and wants.” “Pluto … I … I don’t know what to say. I’m embarrass right now; it feels like I’m taking you for granted.” having mixed emotions at the moment as I feel sorry and thankful to him at the same time. “That’s not what I want you to feel for me. Please don’t feel burden. I’m doing this because this is what I want, I want to give my very best to pursue the girl I love.” he’s staring straight to my eyes. “Thank you, I really appreciate everything you’re doing for me. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for me.” I hold his hand back. “Don’t apologize. I know the reason you keep me on the bay, that’s because you’re taking relationship seriously and you’re not getting sway by your emotions easily.” he understands me without a word from me to explain myself. “You really are kind-hearted.” I smile at him sweetly. “But I won’t take back that you’re cold and arrogant because you are sometimes.” “Haha. Maybe that’s the time when I’m not in the mood.” he released my hand and lean his back on his chair. “Do you want some music?” “As long as that’s not romantic songs then I’m fine with it.” I said. “Haha, no don’t worry.” he snapped his fingers and two of his men appeared to play a music for us and serve our meal. “I suddenly feel out of place because of my clothes. I didn’t know that you’ll prepare our dinner like this.” I leaned over the table to talk to him softly. “Nah, you’re amazing just the way you are. It doesn’t matter what you wear, I can date you even if you’re wearing your usual home clothes but of course it should be in a private place.” he replied. “Geez. You’re crazy!” I laughed at him. “I guess you can say that to me when it comes to you.” he smirks. He took me back home after we had our dinner and without a word to my parents, they definitely know that I had a date for Valentines. Going home after dinner with a bouquet of flowers in my hand and the smile on my face, those are the evidence they need. “It’s definitely not the boy next door because he came here looking for you earlier so it’s the young master.” Mom began teasing me. “Well, he took me to his place.” I sit between my Mom and Dad on the sofa. “We studied on their library at home then we had dinner at his greenhouse.” clinging on Dad’s left arm. “Were you this happy Mom when Dad is pursuing you?” I put my head on Dad’s shoulder. “Did you pursue me?” Mom look at my Dad. “I actually don’t remember as it happened so fast.” “Well, you always rejected me so what I did for my last love confession to your mother, I kneeled on one-knee and asked for her hand to marriage.” Dad tapped my arms that wraps around him. “Yeah, and I actually said yes to him on the spot.” Mom put her arm on the backrest of the sofa to pat my Dad’s head. “Your father was the only one who’s so persistent towards me. My other suitors backed down immediately after I rejected them once. But this man, no matter how many times I pushed him away, he always come back to me, so when he asked me for marriage, I didn’t have to think twice because I knew that I’ll lose him if I rejected his proposal.” “I’m actually about to give up and had a plan to move on if I got rejected for one last time. But come to think of it, I don’t think I can do that and I probably ask you again and again until you say yes.” “Uhh … you’re so sweet Honey.” Mom lean towards my Dad and give him a smack on the lips. “That’s because I love you, Honey.” Dad kiss my Mom back. “Get a room! You’re squeezing me here!” I pushed them away from each other to get out from the sofa. “Hahaha.” they laughed at me before they continue romancing each other like I’m not around. “Fine. I’m going to my room now! Good night, lovebirds!” I turned my back to them and walked towards my bedroom as I don’t have any intention to watch my parents making love to each other. I put the flowers on a glass container I have in my room before I took a quick shower and went to bed. As I lay down in bed, I just keep on staring at the Silver-laced primroses I got from Pluto while reminiscing the date we had. I never thought that he’ll make a Gothic garden just for me, so much effort just to impress me this Valentines. The next day, since it’s the last day of exams, when the day is over, two weeks’ vacation is finally here. Alessia and Troye took me to a mall for shopping of clothes, shoes, and accessories. If not for the money I earned from the mission I won’t spend so much on shopping and save what I have instead but it’s not like every day that I’m spending too much for myself, as Troye said it’s not bad to have some fun once in a while and feel like a millionaire in a day. Well we are millionaires thanks to Mr. Crossey who’s our very generous client, that €70,000 worth ₩100,000,000 and I had to lie to my parents as to where I got that money from. One month later, I’m on my 2nd year of college, Ashton graduated so Pluto is now the President of SOS and Alessia is the Vice-President. Next year, Pluto, Troye, Michael and Calum are graduating and it’ll be me, Alessia and Luke still on college, but we have a year left to make a lot of memories with most of us still university students. Today is March 14, White Day or Valentine’s Day here in Korea, another Monday in the campus, but romance is obviously in the air. Students, mostly girls, are gathering outside my classroom so I thought that Pluto is making a scene again but to my surprise he’s not the one who’s sitting on my chair. “Diso-sunbae??!” walking towards my seat. “What are you doing here?” the bouquet of black dahlias and box of chocolates on my desk caught my attention. “Waiting for you to come.” Diso smiles at me. “Did you know that this was my seat when I was a sophomore?” “Huh??” I’m still confused of what’s happening right now. “Come here. Look at these initials, I know it’s vandalism but I don’t care.” he points at the D and R letters on my desk. “I thought it means doctor, so that DR is actually your initials??” “Uh-huh. Diso Richy, see even my initials means doctor, I’m almost there to get that title to my name.” he stands up and lead me to my desk. “Anyway, these are for you, see me after your class. Let’s have a dinner date tonight.” he left before I could even say a word so I’ve got no other choice but to meet him after class. -End of Chapter 41-
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