Chapter 11: I've Never Ever Wanted to Be So Bad (2 of 2)

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“I’ll help you get rid of that ghost but you have to pay me in exchange, you know that it’s SOS business, right?” smirks at her. “I have no money to pay you.” she sits at the couch beside me as she catches her breath and clenching her fists. “I don’t need money.” I suddenly got the chills like its winter cold inside the VIP room. “Do we have an accord?” “Whatever just get rid of him!” she pointed at the corner of the room where a dark shadow is standing by. I immediately took out the small gun from my pocket and shot the shadow which made the spirit exposed his true form. “You have a gun?!!” she exclaimed while looking at my gun. “Yeah, for emergency purposes. I shot him with salt to immobilize him but it won’t hold him for too long. We need to burn his body, that’s how you get rid of a spirit.” trying to recognize the man’s face. “Why? What’s wrong?? Is your bullet can’t hold him back anymore??” “You’re in a serious trouble, tsk.” shaking my head. “This man he’s a serial r****t, so even he’s dead his spirit continues on preying at girls and currently, you’re his target.” glancing at Desa who’s trembling in fear. “Is this your first time to encounter such vicious spirit?” “Y-Yes.” stuttering. “What do I do now??! It’s not liked his body is around the corner and we can just burn it right away.” “If I’m a r****t, I’ll go after girls who are always alone because it’s easier for me to take them on.” thinking like how a r****t thinks. “Why are you looking at me like that?!” Desa’s eyes are wavering. “Let’s show him that you’re with me.” I pulled her closer to me and touch her lips with my lips. The bullet could immobilize spirits for 3 minutes only, I’ve been counting in my head but Desa’s frozen reaction is so amusing that I almost got distracted from being on guard. I pulled away from Desa after a while and look around the room. “Is he still here? Although the room temperature’s go back to normal.” “Huh?? Uh … no. I don’t see him anywhere.” Desa looking around. “It means that r****t got principles as a man.” taking a sip of the ice-cold coffee at the table. “Hmm … the taste isn’t that bad.” “Did you just kissed me to prove your theory and your uncertain if it works or not??!” she’s frowning at me with her hands on her waist. “It worked right? So, that kiss was worth a try.” drinking the coffee again. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never done it before to anyone.” “I’m not trying to be emotional here but that was my first kiss and you took it away from me just like that.” she suddenly starts crying. “Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?!” getting confused on what’s happening to her. “It’s not like I want to kiss you, I just thought that he’ll back off when we pretended to be together, that kiss means nothing, it doesn’t mean anything at all.” “I know and that’s what makes me sadder, I was saving it for the man I love although I don’t know that I’ll love someone else … still I never thought that it’ll be taken away from me that easy.” sobbing. “Gosh!” looking at her in disbelief when I suddenly remember what I came for. “Fine. I’ll take responsibility for that kiss. I’ll be your …” “Responsibility?? It’s not like you got me pregnant.” she cuts me off. “What??” I can’t believe what I just heard from her. “You said it yourself it’s nothing. Besides, I understand why you did what you did.” wiping her tears. “Let’s just forget about it.” “You don’t understand, you’re missing the point here, I’m about to give you an offer that could change your life.” pushing my luck. “Why did I cry about it anyway??” Desa stand up like she didn’t hear. “If you didn’t cut me off, I’m about to tell you that …” I uttered. “Maybe I got affected by that spirit’s energy that I became emotional.” talking to herself. “He won’t bother me now, right??” “He will if he saw you alone again.” I just dropped the topic for now. “Yeah, he probably will. Because if I’m his target he’ll just wait for the right time to attack me again.” she furrows her brows. “It’s not safe for you to go home, you’re living alone, right?” “Hmm … I think I’ll be fine.” she said confidently. “It’s Friday today.” “What does Friday got to do with your safety??” I asked curiously. “My parents are at my apartment today, they’re staying with me this weekend, so I’m not home alone.” she replied. “Ah, that’s a relief then.” I was thinking of asking her to come home with me and get her cornered at my turf but it failed too. “Thank you by the way.” about to leave me in the room. “I haven’t gotten rid of that spirit completely but I’ll work on it tonight, don’t forget our agreement.” I uttered. “As long as it’s not about money, I give or do whatever you want but you should ask for reasonable payment.” she closed the door as she leaves the VIP room. “She really piques my interest, haha.” I mumbled. “May I take your order, Sir Nevaeh?” waiter comes in after a minute. “I want chicken and rice.” I told him without looking at the menu. “Also bring Ms. Ha back in here, you know I don’t eat alone, right?” “Of course, Sir Nevaeh.” he nodded at me. “I’ll tell Ms. Ha to stay with you while your dining.” “Also ask her what she wants to eat, it’ll be uncomfortable for me if she only watches me eat.” I told the waiter before he leaves. When the waiter came back to serve my order, he brought Desa with him as he followed what I told him to do. Desa was staring blankly at me when she entered the room like she wanted to tell me something but she’s holding back. “Are you going to stand there and watch me??” I asked. “You … No, that’s not right … Argh, now I’m confused how to address you.” scratching her head as she averted her gaze. “What’s the matter with you now?” frowning at her. “Are you really … you’re a Nevaeh??” she asked anxiously. “You don’t know my last name?” looking at her in disbelief. “I just found out now.” she walked towards me and sit on the couch at my right side before she leans on me. “Now I understand, why you threatened me, if I expose your family’s secret.” she whispered. “You!” I swallowed hard. “Don’t you dare!” “I won’t. That secret of yours saved my father, so I’ll keep it.” “I want to believe your words but people change so I still have to do precautionary measures.” crossing my arms. “Do what you must but keep my family out of that matter. I’m the only one who knows it so focus on me and not them. They’re the only people I got in this world, so don’t cause them any harm.” she said. “Fair enough, let’s keep it to ourselves and leave our family out.” “As long as we’re clear on that.” she nodded at me. I left the restaurant after an hour stay at the VIP room with Desa, she actually told me why she needed my secret that time. If I’m not used to peculiar events happening around, I won’t believe her story but everything is possible even if it sounds crazy at all. I failed today on making her on my side like what I’ve planned but tomorrow is another day. So today, I should make it more obvious what I intend to do so there’s no way for her to cut me off anymore. It’s Saturday, which means we’ll see each other again during dance practice, but instead of taking the front to instruct the crew with the steps I just went for an observation. “You’re off the beat! … You forgot to spin! … You skipped the jump!” I reprimanded anyone who committed mistakes. “Again!” After 2 hours of giving them hell, I told them to have their lunch break, and continue the practice after 30 minutes. “Dante.” I walked up to him at the side of the room. “I’m going to leave now, I got something to do this afternoon.” “Sure. The crew finally can breathe easily, but I won’t let them slack off just because you’re not around.” he responded. “I know you won’t. Haha.” I noticed that Desa is about to leave. “I gotta go now, see you next week.” I followed Desa out immediately and called out her name that attracts everyone attention. “Desa.” “Yes?” she looked back at me. “Oh, it’s you.” annoyed. “Hey, are you taking it personally? I only corrected you once.” catching her pace. “Should I be biased to you?” “Tch. You’re so strict, nothing past you unnoticed.” she replied. “Nah, they’re all used to me. Besides it’s for their sake anyway, they know that I only want what’s for the best to our crew.” I uttered. “If you’re not that handsome I’m sure they curse you for giving them a hard time.” she glances at me. “Looks change how people perceive treatment, it’s alright for them to be yelled at and they’ll be understanding no matter what good-looking people say or do.” “So, you’re saying I’m handsome and I’m abusing my good-looks?” “Uh-huh.” she nodded as she glances at me again. “Last night, I went to SOS HQ and I found out where Han Sungwoon was buried last month. I got rid of him like I said I would, now I’m asking for my payment of hard work I had.” I look around and saw people looking at us. “Listen up, everyone!” I shouted. “What the hell are you doing?!” she’s about to runaway from me but I grabbed her hand and pull her closer to me. “Hey, let go of me.” “Desa Ha …” I look at her in the eyes. “And I, Pluto Nevaeh, are officially dating today.” smirking at her surprised reaction. People are chattering around us after my shocking announcement. “You’re crazy!” Desa stepped on my shoes. “Oww!” crouching down to tend on my injured foot. “Baby! Wait up!” “I’m not your baby!” she yelled back at me as she walks away. It’s just like how I tease my younger sister and I’m having fun seeing Desa’s annoyed reaction. I followed her behind as we arrived to the campus cafeteria and fall in line, even though I usually dine at restaurants around the area. “King of SNU??!” Desa look back at me after hearing a lot of murmurs from everyone around us. “You’re the king, they’re talking about?? The legendary handsome and genius student of SNU?!” “I don’t know who gave me that nickname but that’s what everyone calls me … King.” getting shy of such overwhelming flattery. “Ha … Haha … you’ve got to be kidding me.” she moved forward after the person in front of us moved sideward. “Set A, please.” “Will that be enough for you? Why don’t you get the Combo set??” “That’s double the price of my meal. I have limited budget.” she said. “You’re my girlfriend now, money isn’t a problem.” I responded. “Will you stop it?!” she frowns at me when people around us heard me. “Have I wronged you? Why are you doing this to me?!” “Because I want you to be by my side.” I answered her bluntly. “You’re out of your mind.” she leaves as soon as she got her meal. “I’ll have the Combo Set C.” I chose the meal with soup and dessert. After I got my meal set, I look around the cafeteria to look for Desa and I found her sharing a table with a girl. “Oh my gosh, King!” the girl exclaimed when I approached Desa on their table. “I can’t believe you’re standing right in front of me now!” “I’ll also sit in front of you.” I replied to her. “Baby, your bag.” telling Desa to remove her bag on the chair. “Thanks for saving me a seat.” “Baby??” the girl looks at Desa in disbelief. “You’re the King’s lover?” “No, I’m not.” Desa denied right away. “He’s just into character, he told me that he was cast in a play.” “Pfft! Am I??” I hold back my laughter when I realized the girl in front of us. “Do you believe her?” “If I’m not your number fan, I would but I know you, King.” Mira replied. “So, you’re in a relationship, now, huh?” “Yeah, she doesn’t want anyone to know that’s why she keeps on denying it. Maybe she’s embarrassed of me.” pretending like I’m sad. “You’re embarrassed of our King?!!” Mira exclaimed. “Don’t you know how many of us wants to be in your position right now, and yet you!” “Mira, no.” stopping her. “It’s my fault that I’m not perfect for her so I have to work hard for her to be proud of me.” “King, you don’t have to do anything. You’re already perfect.” glares. “So, this is how it’s gonna be, huh?” Desa giving me a look of a player. -End of Chapter 11-
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