Chapter 26: Tell Me What You Say (1 of 2)

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Since that day when I announced that I’ll be single during college and I made it clear to Pluto that we’re just friends, instead of keeping his distance he sticks like a glue to me. After 2 weeks of dance practice, it’s finally the day that we’ve been waiting for, the Jazz Dance Competition. “Oh wow! The grand prize for this contest is a luxury trip to Jeju Island?!!” I’m the only one who have a surprise reaction when I saw the poster outside the building where the contest is being organize. “Seriously? You didn’t know the prize until now? Not just that trip but also the $10,000 US dollars?” Pluto looking at me suspiciously. “$10,000 US dollars??! This competition is that big?!!” mouth opens widely out of shock. “I … I don’t know what to say.” “Hey, you think that they will spend their precious summer vacation doing hard work without anything to gain?” he refers to our members who are gathering separately near us. “Well you got a point. I still have the US$300 in my bank account from the prize we’ve won last month, since everyone contributed US$20 only for our dinner that night. Now less the 4 seniors who are on their intern this summer we’re only 18, does it mean each of us will have US$500 or more if we win this competition?!!” “US$500 or less, we won US$10,000 before too but we have to give the US$3,000 to the university for using the facility as well as the utilities expenses, it ain’t true that we keep all the prize money to ourselves.” he explained. “As for this competition the university is asking for only 15% of our prize since it’s summer vacation.” “Ah, so in that case, it really is US$500 or less for us 18. Still that’s better than last month, there’s also a trip to Jeju in this contest.” “That’s exactly the reason everyone is eager to win this competition. 4 days and 3 nights trip in Jeju plus the prize money.” he uttered. “So, all this time you didn’t have a clue of the grand prize??” “I only know that there’s money involved because the club only joins to competition with such prize but I didn’t know that this is big.” “It’s a national competition so definitely this is different level than what we had before.” he suddenly grabs my hand and dragging me inside the building. “We should get inside and look for our team’s dressing room.” “Desa!!” Yuto calling me out from the crowd. “Wait, that’s Yuto.” I plead with my eyes to let me go. “Please, he also has a soccer match today but he made an effort to get here.” “Fine. Let’s go together.” he doesn’t want to let go of my hand as we walk outside again to meet Yuto. “I thought I’m not going to meet you today.” Yuto panting. “Good luck with your competition, Desa-chan.” patting my head gently. “Hey, you’re messing with her hair.” Pluto sneers at Yuto. “Geez, how many times do I have to tell you that Desa is like a younger sister to me?!” Yuto put his hands on his pockets. “I’m not your rival, alright?” “Yes, you are. I should be the only guy she’s closest to.” Pluto replied. “Yeah, he’s too clingy for a best friend.” I took my hand away from Pluto’s grip. “Good luck on your match today too, Yuto-chan.” “Mmm. I can’t stay here for too long. I just want to see my sister before my match.” Yuto pinch my cheeks. “I wish you all the best.” “Likewise.” I pinch his cheeks back too. “Bye, Desa.” Yuto waves his hand as he walks away from us. “Bye.” waving my hand too. “W-Why are you looking me like that?” “You just let him touch your face like that?!” Pluto crossing his arms. “What’s wrong with that?” I turn around to go back inside. “But I don’t want other men touching your skin.” he mumbles. “I thought our dance crew’s name is SNUllet but being the unofficial representative of SNU can change name however we want it.” looking for our name on one of the doors at the hallway. “SNUzz sounds cool for a jazz dance crew.” “Well thank you, I just incorporate our university name to the genre of our dance.” he found our dressing room first and opened the door immediately. “Is everyone here already?” leader mode on. “We’re currently signing up our attendance sheet.” Dante responded. Once we’re done with the attendance, we shooed the boys out first for us girls to change our clothes since we take a lot of time to dress up and prepare than them. I had to go shopping for the costume last Sunday because I don’t have anything to wear for jazz. Pluto came along to help me pick up my blouse and pants, he suggested red, so I’m fiery red in my costume. “Hmm … I like the color but you’re too conservative on that look Desa.” Krystal looking at my long sleeves blouse that only shows my neck and hands compare to her blouse that is the same as mine only that it’s see-through black. “I think so too.” Jennie nodded as she’s wearing a sleeveless and backless hook blouse. “Maybe we could at least lift your blouse a little bit and show your tummy.” she does as she says. “Wait, if I raise my hand like this how much skin will it show?” scratching the back of my head as I look myself through the mirror. “The length is just fine.” Jennie fixing my blouse. “Right, Krystal?” “Uh-huh.” Krystal nodded. “Better than earlier. Did you pick this blouse yourself? I don’t think this is your style though.” “I actually don’t have any idea what to wear. Pluto told me that he’ll help me pick clothes and he chose this one for me.” I explained. “Ah, that’s why.” Jennie responded as she exchanges glances with Krystal. “I really don’t understand men they like looking at other women body but they don’t want their own woman to wear something revealing. They’re so complicated.” “Exactly my sentiments.” Krystal shaking her head. “If I were you, I’ll wear whatever makes me comfortable, I won’t listen to my boyfriend.” she’s staring at our reflection through the mirror. “I’m not Pluto’s woman neither he’s my boyfriend. I won’t be trick by him again. I should’ve just asked Alessia or Troye but they’re both out of the country this summer.” sighing. “Yeah right, you two are just friends.” Jennie smiles at me. “Although it’s obvious to everyone that Pluto still have feelings for you. Why does he need to break up with you if he’s acting like that?” “It makes him look like that he’s chasing after you when it should be the other way around, no offense.” Krystal added. “Some taken. You girls can have him.” I look at the two at my sides. “I mean he already broken up with me, he dumped me so he’s just being friendly that’s all. It’s not that he’s chasing after me, I’m a nobody, so why would a Pluto Nevaeh want me back, right?” “Well, come to think of it, he’s a friend to everyone though sometimes when he loses his temper, he can be a formidable foe.” Jennie turn her back from the mirror. “Are you sure that he’s not getting back with you?” “I’m positive. We’re just close friends and I want us to stay like that. I’ve got no time for romantic relationship.” I replied. “Is that the reason he broke up with you? Because you’re not romantic? Does Pluto wanted you to be affectionate to him but you can’t give what he wants?” Krystal asked curiously. “Probably.” I don’t know if she’s merely asking or she’s dissing me. “If affection is what he wants I can give to him more than that.” Jennie putting on her lipstick. “Oh, it’s on!” Krystal also fixing her make-up. Both of them are already beautiful even without make-up on, one of them should be Pluto’s girlfriend and not me. I’m already bothered by spirits I don’t want to be disturbed by his girls too that are chasing after him. After an hour of preparation, it’s the boys turn to use the dressing room, but Pluto doesn’t seem to take his eyes off me. “What happened to your blouse? It’s not supposed to be that short.” “The girls fixed it for me.” I turned him around and give him a little push. “Just go and change your clothes, we don’t have much time.” “Why do you have to lift that blouse?! It’s exposing your tummy.” “It’s fine. Just go.” pushing him inside the dressing room. I’m hanging out with the girls at the back stage as we watch the staff preparation when Pluto came as hot as the sun. He really knows how to make an entrance without so much effort. He’s wearing red long sleeves too and he left it half unbuttoned which exposed his sun-kissed chest that made him so sexy. And from his usual messy hair, he changed his hairstyle to combed and sleek, just perfect for his attire. “You’re drooling.” Pluto teased me as soon as he stands beside me. “No, I’m not!” I turn my head back to the stage. “We’re the 9th group, right?” confirming our sequence. “Uh-huh. You’re not nervous like before.” he uttered. “Because the coast is clear. This is indeed a new building.” I glance back at him but he got too close with me. “Will you give me some space?” pushed him a little. “Oh wow, the texture of your cloth is so smooth aside from being shiny red.” “It’s silk that’s why.” he replied. “Do you really have to wear that blouse lifted up? I don’t want other guys look at your flat tummy.” “I want to wear it this way just like how you wear your clothes, so please let’s drop this matter.” looking at his bare skin. “Let’s have a deal. I’ll button up mine even the collar if you put your blouse down. Deal?” he’s biting his lower lip. “No, let’s leave it this way. The girls seem to like it anyway.” looking at the girls around us. “You’re doing great, Young Master.” “Don’t call me Young Master if you won’t obey my orders.” pouting. “Why would I obey you? you’re neither my Dad nor Mom.” I sneered. “As if you’re an obedient daughter to your parents.” smirks. “I rarely disobey them so you can say that I am obedient.” I smiled. “You don’t look like one to me.” teasing me continuously. “I’m pretty sure I’m better than you are.” getting back at him. “Because you’re an only child and I’m a 5th child, so technically you can’t compare me to you.” crossing his arms. “It’s doesn’t matter, the issue here is being a good child towards their parents.” I’m not letting him win in an argument. “It matters, as well as the fact that we have different situation.” “Ah right, you’re a spoiled rich kid.” I laughed at him. “Spoiled??! Me??” he chuckles. “If I am spoiled then I’ll throw a tantrum of I don’t get everything and anything I want.” “Haven’t you done it before ever?” glancing at him. “Well, I’ve done it but Mom s***k me.” he replied shyly. “I’m not a spoiled jerk considering that I’ve got five siblings. Most likely it’s you, who’s a spoiled brat.” “Huh?! How can I be spoiled when I’m not even well-off?? I’m being loved by my parents not spoiled.” I smirked at him. “Then why don’t you let me love you too?” he whispered back to me. “Nah, I’m good.” I brushed off his sudden comment. “What if I can’t wait for you until you graduate?” he continued. “I-I’m not asking you to wait for me. Will you please stop flirting with me? We should focus on the competition.” fanning my hands. “If we win, will you grant me a wish?” he grabbed my chin and lifted my face up to look at him. “Why would I grant you a wish? I’m not a genie.” trying not to look at his captivating eyes. “You’re no fun Desa. Let’s have a bet then.” he holds my face with both hands to make me focus on him. “I’m not a gambler.” I rejected him again. “I’ll kiss you now if you don’t make a bet with me.” giving me a serious look. “So, what’s it going to be?” “W-What do you want?!” I grab his wrists to let go of me. “Tell me your new address. I can find it if I want to but it’s different if it comes to you personally.” he put his hands down and hold mine. “Geez. You already know where, so why do you have to make a bet on that?” I laughed at his silliness. “You mean, you’re really moving in to ‘The Unit’ building?!” he exclaimed that made everyone look at us. “Is your family moving …” “Next door at Diso-sunbae.” I complete his sentence. There are 10 groups in the contest, all selected participants were based from the sponsors preferences and it happened that Nevaeh Construction is one of them. The scores are given by the audience which made us surprised as we all thought that there would be judges but it’ll be the crowd. The reason the contest starts at 7am as there are 2 elimination rounds until 3 groups remain and considering the tallying of scores from 1,000 people in the crowd, there’s no doubt that it’ll end at evening to announce the grand winner. From 10, we’re down to 6, then to 3, we barely made it to the top 3 if not for Jennie and Krystal getting the attention from the crowd on our 6-minute performance at the 2nd round. Yeah, that’s right. from the usual 3-minute to select the 6 groups to semi-finals, we had to perform for 6-minute straight to get to the finals, and for the finals it’s just 2 minutes performance to determine the final ranking. “Wow, those two groups alone made the 500 score, look at the 1st they got 262 votes while the 2nd got 238 and us on the 3rd place is 213 just 14 points difference from the 4th placer.” Dante analyzing the score sheets. “Tch. That’s not even real.” one of our crew disses the score. “I heard that the 4th placer bought people votes but still we secured the 3rd place. Look at the scores of 2 teams 45 and 43, they won’t make it to the semi-finals if they only got that number.” “Hey, don’t spread baseless rumors. We don’t know the truth behind those numbers, we could say that people change their minds after each group’s performance. Are you implying that we also buy votes because we got increase in number too?” Pluto telling her to quiet. “Pluto’s right. We don’t know what everyone thinks, they might change their mind too now that we’re only down to 3 groups.” Krystal added. “As long as we don’t get 2 digits score, I’m fine with it.” “Be a little bit ambitious, Krystal, we’re getting 300 this time.” Jennie embraces Krystal. “Pluto got a special number for the girls.” “Are you ready for your solo?” I asked Pluto beside me. “It’s just 20 seconds solo stage, it’s not a big deal.” Pluto sitting comfortably at the couch. “There are professional dancers in those 2 groups, so it’ll be hard for us to win this time, but let’s do our best to win this competition.” We all prepared 3 costumes as we claimed that we’ll get into the finals, so for the final stage all of us girls are on our best attire. “Hey, are you girls a cheering squad?! Why are you all exposing your legs and tummies?!” Pluto yelled at us when we stepped out from the dressing room. “We’re doing jazz and not burlesque dance.” The girls from the 1st group passed by the hallway wearing almost bathing suits inside their transparent costumes. “See, we’re decent than them.” Krystal responded. “I wonder what the 2nd group is wearing.” Jennie walks with Krystal. “Hey.” Pluto grabbed me by the arm. “Why are you exposing too much skin?” putting his coat on me. “You should be wearing the costume we bought, why are you wearing that short and hanging blouse?” “This is the one we bought; the girls modified it for me.” I give back his coat. “Don’t be so overprotective, alright? I’ll wear whatever I want to wear and I’m comfortable at this.” walks off. ... To be Continued ...
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