Chapter 10: 'Cause When You Look Like That (2 of 2)

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“You said that your sunbae gave it to you, so technically it’s yours now. I’ve always wanted to buy some sweets from that shop but I have to fall in a long line. What do you got there anyway?” she asked. “Different Korean desserts but it’s almost garbage now because I absent-mindedly ate everything on my way here.” I answered. “Ah, I see.” she’s a bit disappointed but she still smiles at me. “I’ll check if I still got something for you, I’ll give it later after I change to my uniform.” there’s still some weight in the bag so it’s not all plastic inside. It must be from someone who likes Diso, well he’s a pretty man so definitely there are ladies who are after him, considering that he’s also a medical student, but still it’s a gift for him that I took away. I gave the remaining sweets to Edna when I go back at the reception area to be on my post, if not for her I won’t find out how popular the sweet shop is. “Oh, by the way, the rooftop is reserved at 7pm onwards. Will you take care of the preparations?” Edna looked at the wall clock. “Sure, I’ll take care of it.” I still have an hour to prepare the rooftop so it’s not much of a hassle. It was past 7pm when the guest who reserved the rooftop came, and it’s Ashton, along with Michael, Calum, and Luke. “So, it’s you four, huh.” I accompanied them to the rooftop. “We got band practice and we just wrapped it up because we’re all hungry.” Ashton said. “I suggested to grab dinner here at Caracciolo and also to give you this.” handing me a key. “We got our own key to HQ because one key won’t be enough, so if you lost it at least others can still unlock the door for you.” Michael uttered. “But don’t get high hopes with Diso, he either lose or break his key, that’s what his hands do to objects.” “Yeah that’s right.” Calum nodded. “He got these magic hands that can cause convenience or inconvenience to everyone depending on the situation, but he’s handy when we’re on a case.” “Why don’t you join us for dinner?” Luke offered. “It’ll be our first time to have dinner together.” “I can’t, I’m on duty. Maybe next time when I’m not at work.” I said. “Oh, I see. Then how about tomorrow? You’re off work, right?” Luke still insists his offer. “Tomorrow, I’m doing laundry and clean the house too so I probably just stay at home after my household chores.” I replied. “We’ll go to your place.” Calum also persisted. “You live at the attic, right? We can make some BBQ for dinner.” “That’s actually a good idea!” Michael exclaimed. “It’s been too long since we last had a BBQ party. Don’t worry Desa, we’ll do the labor.” “You just moved to that apartment last month, right?” Ashton taking a sip of his beer. “It’s not too late for a housewarming party.” “Ah … haha … sure if that’s what you guys want.” I don’t think they get what I’m trying to say when I refused them twice. These four are part of SOS and the president is with them so how can I say no to them directly?? Because they all drank beer, in the end I became their driver. They used Luke’s car so we went to Ashton’s apartment first, then to Michael and Calum’s house, well their neighbors so it’s easier to dropped them off, and when it comes to Luke, he’s living in a mansion. “Wow! You’re so rich Luke!” I exclaimed as soon as we arrived at the gate of their mansion at Segok-dong in Gangnam-gu. “My dad is one of the board of directors at Nevaeh Group and my mom’s a model, so am I, aside from the band I do modeling.” he said. Well, Luke got the best look among the Aussie members of SOS, he’s the lead and backing vocals of NSW or New South Wales band, who plays rhythm guitar and piano, in Korean boy groups he’s the face or visual of their 4-member band. “Why are you giving your car key back to me??” I already threw his car key to him as I’m about to leave but he throws it back to me. “Use it for tonight, it’s hard to hail a cab from here at this time also there are no available bus and train now, how are you going to get home? Unless you want to sleepover here, be my guest.” he said. “But how am I going to give it back to you??” rubbing my nape. “We’re going to your house tomorrow, right? Bye, Desa!” he entered the gate as soon as it opened for him. I got my driver’s license just for the purpose of having an ID aside from my student ID but driving a car on my way home is such a luxury for me although it’s just for a night. The next day, I did the laundry as soon as I’m done with my breakfast, had my lunch and clean the house in the afternoon. I originally planned to clean inside but because the guys are crushing in to my place later, I had to clean the porch too. I was folding my dried clothes when the boys came and I think they’re having a feast instead of a simple dinner. “That’s one case of beer and box of meat, can you guys eat everything?!” looking at them in disbelief as soon as I saw what they bring for dinner. “No, but we can come back here though.” Michael uttered as he set the equipment for BBQ at the corner. “Yeah, this is a good hang out place, now that it’s no longer haunted.” Calum agreed to Michael’s suggestion. “Where can I prepare the ingredients for the BBQ??” Ashton holding a basket of vegetables and fruits. “Oh, you may come inside, I’ll help you, later, I’ll just assist Luke with his groceries.” climbing down the stairs to give a hand at Luke. “How do you manage to climbed these stairs every day?” Luke sighs. “I got no choice but to get used to it.” I replied. “What else you got inside the car?” looking at the car they used. “Oh, that’s our instruments. These are all what we got for your housewarming presents.” Luke said while carrying huge plastic bags in his hands. “I’ll take that one.” About to get the other plastic bag but he moved his hand away. “Please let me carry it for you.” “It’s heavy and I can’t let you carry it. Just go upstairs and let us do everything.” he uttered. “Are you sure you don’t need help??” looking back at him again. “I’m sure. So, go ahead.” he gestured to me to go back upstairs. My apartment has a combined kitchen, dining room, and living room into one space, with a bathroom that is good enough for me to take a shower while sitting down at the toilet bowl. “Where’s your bedroom?” Ashton asked while we’re preparing the BBQ to be grilled. “The living room. That’s a sofa bed.” pointing at the sofa in the living room. “What about you? What’s your apartment looks like?” “Almost the same like this, the only difference is it has 3 bedrooms, and the bathroom got a tub.” Ashton replied. “Ah I see, so that’s what your apartment looks like, 3-LDK floor plan. 1-LDK apartment is costly, it’s just me living in it anyway and most of the time I’m not at home, so a studio-type apartment like this is good enough for me. Also, I got this space for a low price but I don’t know after 6 months of my stay, if the rent would go high or stay the same. I think the landlady will figure that it’s no longer haunted.” “I actually envy you; you’re living alone unlike us we’re living with our parents and siblings. This is not the college life I thought, maybe if we’re in Australia we’ll stay in the dormitories but here, we’ll only gain independence when we got a job at a company.” he uttered. “Well, I do prefer living with my parents instead, I don’t want to be far from them but this happened, I’m studying at SNU and cost of living here at the capital for us 3 would make us broke so they just send me here alone.” glancing at him. “President, may I ask you something?” grabbing the opportunity that we’re alone together. “President? So, it’s a SOS related question?” he smiles at me. “How do you guy managed SOS before Alessia and Troye joined??” “You mean when it’s just us regular guys?” he’s done with all the meat on the sticks. “We’re just using what we have, when we’re on a mission … most of the time we improvised, but having members like you three makes the case less dangerous because we have a plan.” “Hey those meat won’t grill themselves!” Michael peeked inside the house. “Are you guys done??” “Yeah, done!” Ashtons scoffs. “I’ll just give this tray to them then I’ll help you clean the kitchen.” he carries the tray outside. “They still have a lot of meat left.” I opened the cooler where they put the meat products they bought. I start cleaning up the kitchen to help Ashton at least because he did a lot more BBQ sticks than me, when we went outside the lowered table on top of the wooden pallet was already set. Calum was in charge of grilling while Luke was assisting him, as for Michael he’s on his guitar and playing some music. Although they brought a case of beer, they all got one bottle each because Ashton and Luke are driving their car while the two wanted it to be fair so they also had the same amount of beer. They’re completely sober when they went home after helping me to clean up the balcony so I just let them drive, besides I don’t have premonitions of their deaths, they’ll be safe. Most of the electronics, furniture and fixtures I have are from the previous tenants who left the attic, the landlady was also afraid to take anything because of Tae Ro so she made it look like that it’s fully furbished to attract tenants, I just got lucky that I’m not afraid of ghosts but it doesn’t mean they don’t surprise me at all. 3 days later, it’s Thursday morning and I’m about to take a walk to the bakery as usual but when I’m about to climbed down the stairs, Troye is standing in front of me. “What happened?” he doesn’t look like his usual self so I asked him. “I need a drink.” Troye walked past by me and went straight to my door. “Can I have a drink??” “Ah, sure.” I unlocked the door and let him in. “Why do you have a lot of beers in here?? And Meat in your freezer?” he went straight to my refrigerator and opened it. “The Aussie boys brought them last Sunday, we had BBQ for dinner, they threw a housewarming party for me.” I replied. “Oh, they’ll be hanging out here frequently.” he grabbed a bottled water to drink. “Now.” sighs deeply. “He kissed me.” “What?? Who??” I realized what he’s talking about. “The bread guy kissed you?!!” I opened my eyes widely from surprised. “Yes!!” he said enthusiastically. “It was a simple kiss at first, he apologized after that but then I pulled him back to me again and kissed him passionately. Oh Gosh, Desa! I’m going crazy right now!” “I’m happy for you! Congratulations! You finally got the man you have a crush on and it’s not just unrequited love as what you thought.” “I know right. I was afraid at first that I’m going to lose him if I showed who I really am, if he didn’t kiss me then I’ll be forever clueless that he got feelings for me too.” smiling happily. “Am I the first person to know that you’re in a relationship?” “Yeah, but I’ll tell it to Alessia later. Don’t tell her that you’re the first. I’m on the cloud nine right now.” looking at the ceiling like he’s daydreaming while reminiscing what happened to him earlier. I suddenly remembered Belle; she was like this when Smith kissed her for the first time. Before I get lonely, I ruined Troye’s moment and told him that we got to go to campus, so he gave me his car key and let me drive his car because he really was on his fantasy land at the moment. “Morning.” Alessia arrived at the campus the same time with us. “What’s wrong with Troye?” pointing at the Troye. “Why is he smiling like he won a lottery??” I just shrugged my shoulders because I don’t want to tell and gave Troye car key to her. Love, I never been in love before but I’ve been loved by two boys, one I rejected and one who didn’t have the chance to confess. I don’t think that it’s for me, my friends I love they’re gone because of me, it might be worse when I fall in love to someone. The reason I gave up on that delusion, I should be content being alone rather than bring curse to somebody. That’s why I don’t understand, the university king suddenly announced in public that him and I are dating. We’re not even friends to begin with and we just happen to be together by a lot of circumstances. The college life that I wanted for myself got ruined because of his rubbish lie, instead of being an outcast he made me the center of attention for being his woman. -End of Chapter 10-
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