Chapter 21: When the Girls Talk Boys (2 of 2)

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I’m about to look for Diso after talking with the gang for a while when he finally showed up with Desa when she came back to our table, but I noticed his coat on her first and it somehow upsets me. To be honest, I’m not sure of what I feel towards Desa, my day won’t be complete without seeing her and when Diso caught me about to kiss Desa, I admit I felt the urge to kiss her lips without knowing why, I just felt like doing it with her at that moment. Diso asked me that same day if do like Desa but I told him I don’t and asked him the same question too but he said he isn’t sure yet. Diso is someone who thinks carefully before he committed himself in a serious relationship, unlike his older brother. When the party ended, everyone had a drink since it’s Friday night so I asked my men to drive them off to their home. “I’ll take you home since I’m the one who brought you here.” I said to Desa after everyone got home. “It’s alright I’ll just take a cab to get home.” Desa replied. “It’s hard to get a cab here, Desa.” Diso walks up to us with Ace on his shoulder. “I’ll take you home, since we’re heading the same way.” Right, everyone got drunk except for Diso who kept himself sober since he’s the one who’s driving his drunk brother home. “Go with Diso.” I put Ace left arm on me to help Diso with his 6’4” brother. “He’s right, cabs are rarely available in this area.” “Thanks.” Diso uttered as we put Diso at the backseat of his car. “Let’s go Desa, I’ll drive you home.” “Uhm … alright.” Desa nodded in agreement. I opened the car door for her to sit at the passenger seat. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the campus.” “Huh? I thought we’re on break tomorrow, aren’t we?” Desa asked curiously as she gets in. “You’re my dance partner, remember? You’re going to help me to do the next choreography, so you’re going to the practice room tomorrow, also you’re a freshman so your attendance is a must.” “Fine.” she uttered with dismay. “I thought I could finally sleep until late afternoon tomorrow.” “Be on time tomorrow.” I smirked at her. “Diso, drive safely.” “You don’t have to tell me, Ace-hyung will vomit if I drive my usual pace.” Diso smiled at me. “We’re going now.” he steps on the gas and drive away as I watched them leave. “You let your friend drive your girl home?” Zeus walks towards me. “She’s not my girl.” I replied in a lower voice. “What are you doing here outside?” “Waiting for someone to show up.” he sighed heavily. “She’s not coming, ever since she started working, she never showed up here no matter what occasion it is.”  tapping his shoulders. “It’s alright I’ll just keep on waiting for her until midnight, it’s our mother’s birthday anyway, and she’s working in the capital now.” “I should be mad at you but I pity you instead, brother.” sighing. “If only I can stop loving her, I won’t be this miserable, I’m also disappointed in myself but I just lover her so much.” he uttered. “You know you can’t, she’s not someone who can be yours.” I feel sorry for him because of his forbidden love. “I know, that’s why I’m staying still even though I want to go to her badly … but she’ll despise me more.” he smiled bitterly. “I don’t care if I’m saying these words in repeat but move on, she already does so you can do it too. Stop being so hard on yourself.” “Maybe I’ll get tired eventually since it’s just unrequited love but for now let me be stupid.” he glanced at me with sad eyes. “Your lovesick brother, you really need help.” shaking my head. “Yeah, I’m overdosed with this crazy love.” he chuckles. He’s actually the reason I don’t want to fall in love, seeing my genius brother to be so stupid because of such emotion, I don’t want it to be me someday. The next day, I brought all the Michael Jackson’s album with me to introduce his music to Desa. I want her to know my idol and not be clueless again because it truly offended me when she doesn’t know someone who’s that great. “I like that ‘Music & Me’, ‘Got to Be There’ is better, but I like ‘Ben’ the best.” Desa commented after listening to all the songs I played for her. “I feel the loneliness in that song along with his voice.” “I agree being that famous at such a young age must be hard for him. He’s just a year younger than you, you know. He was born on August 29, 1958.” I added. “Oh wow, I think I like him better now. Thank you, for introducing his music to me.” she smiles at me brightly. “By the way, aren’t we supposed to make a choreography today? We just listened to Michael Jackson’s songs for an hour.” “Maybe tomorrow, I’m still looking for the best song for jazz dance.” “Jazz?? We’re doing jazz this time?!” she exclaimed. “Uh-huh. I just received the heads-up from coach earlier the contest is on July 31, so we’ll be practicing every day after finals.” “I see. Hmm … I’ve never dance other genre before, you just introduced a new kind of music to me today and tomorrow you’re teaching me to dance jazz. You’re so great Pluto.” she smiles at me. “I know, you should start calling me master from now on.” I jokingly said. “You said it yourself, I’m great.” “Master … my foot. I’m not one of your butlers or maids to call you that.” she stands up abruptly. “We’re done for today, right? I’ll go now to have lunch before my next class.” “Let’s grab lunch together.” tidying all the albums. “Are we going out? I actually want to try the dishes on the new restaurant near the Jongno 5-ga Station but they said that they only allow couples to eat there. Alessia and Troye already ate there so I’m asking Troye to go back again but he’s not available until next week. Although I can wait for him but my curiosity is killing me now.” “So, you’re asking me for a date, baby?” making fun of her. “No! Of course not! I shouldn’t have asked you.” she scowls at me. “Haha, let’s have lunch there then. Why do you have to asked Troye when you have me?” carrying my stuffs. “Next time, if you want to do something, do it with me and don’t asked someone else.” “As if we’re in a real relationship.” she talked back. “Real or not, we’re close friends, right? You said it yourself to my parents and it’s not a lie since we agreed not to lie on our families.” “But I only said it because …” she stopped talking and just follow me to the car. “Hey, do you really mean it?” “I meant every word I said.” walking along with her to the parking lot. “You didn’t lie to my parents, right?” “It was a lie but I guess we can make it true, right?” she glances at me as she stands on the side of my car. “Sure, we can also make our fake relationship true if you want.” “Huh??!” she blushes like a red tomato. “Hahaha. I’m just messing with you; I got a high standard you know.” “Tch. You think you’re my type?! I like your older brother than you.” “He likes a girl with a cat-face and you don’t look like cat with that big eyes and full lips of yours.” I smirked as I get in to my car. “I’m just saying that he’s better looking than you are.” she gets in at the passenger seat. “By the way, thank you for last night.” “What have I done last night for you to be grateful at me??” buckling up as I asked her curiously. “I tend to have hypothermia when I see a lot of spirits around but miraculously touching you keeps me warm, also you’re a perfect distraction when I’m about to lose it. I guess I need you too.” “So, in other words, I’m important to you now?” I glance at her. “My friends are important to me and you’re one of them, so yes.” “Sure, let’s be close friends like you want us to.” I smiled at her before I step on to the gas to hit the road. We arrived at the restaurant after 6 minutes’ drive and she’s right it’s just for couples, the interior is too romantic and the meals are for couples to share but what she likes the most is the price of each dish as they aren’t expensive for her and she can eat as much as she wants like she’s a food fighter.  “Why aren’t you eating?” Desa finally notice that I’m just watching her eat. “They’re delicious. Also, it’s my treat so it up.” “Just watching you eat makes me full.” smiling at her. “Geez. Here. Try it.” she’s feeding me the meat using her fork. I was stunned at first but I ate it anyway. “Mmm … it’s good.” “I told you, also they have a lot of pastries here. I don’t know what to get for dessert because I want to try them all.” she continues eating her meal. “Get them all, it’s not like you’re coming here everyday so you must seize the opportunity when you’re here.” I start eating my meal too. “But the thing is it might exceed my budget, I can’t just spend my half-month’s earning to a single meal.” she replied sadly. “Haist. This meal is on you right? I’ll pay for the pastries get them all. Why are you worrying about money when you’re with me?” I raised my hand to call the waitress. “Please give us one of each pastry you have.” “Seriously, you’re taking them all??” she’s looking at me surprisedly. “I just ordered them; do I still look like joking to you?” smirking. “Oh, you’re so generous, Mr. Nevaeh.” giving me a thumbs up. “You love pastry and bread, right? Troye told me that you regularly buy them in a bakery every Thursday.” I noticed the sauce at the corner of her lips. “True, it’s actually because of Mom. She bakes a lot and since then I can’t last a day without a bread or pastry.” she glances back at me. “You have a sauce at the corner of your lips.” It bothers me so I told her to wipe it off but she wipes the other side. “Dummy, it’s my left so definitely it’s your right.” I wipe it off for her with the tissue. “Ah right, thanks.” she smiles at me like an i***t. “Oh gosh! What time is it??!” “12:30.” I look at the wall clock on the side. “You’re social welfare class? It’s alright, you’re not late yet.” “What do you mean I’m not late yet?! It starts at 12:30.” eating quickly like she’s on for a race. “Take your time. That’s your professor for social welfare class, right?” pointing at her professor at the corner. “Huh?” she turns her head at the direction where I’m pointing. “Does it mean I don’t have social welfare class today?” “He doesn’t look like he’s going anytime soon.” watching the other couples having their sweet time together. “You’re right.” she turned back to face me again. “I guess I don’t have class today. I should’ve stayed at home if only I know.” “Hey, then you won’t be able spend time with me if you just stayed at home today.” I uttered in dismay. “We’ve been seeing each other everyday because you’re going to my class every morning to deliver breakfast.” she responded. “That’s because …” I couldn’t think of any reason to tell her. “Because you want to show off how good boyfriend you are. You’re actually putting a lot of effort for a fake relationship, baby.” “I like it.” I smiled happily when she called me such endearment. “What??” she’s almost done eating her meal. “When you call me baby.” I shyly said. “H-Huh?? I-I didn’t mean it like that.” she stutters. “You make my heart flutter, baby.” teasing her more. “S-Stop it.” she blushes. “It’s just us in here we don’t need to …” “Sir, here are the pastries you ordered.” the waitress came with the tray of pastries. “We’ll clean your table first. Are you done with this Ma’am?” asking for Desa’s permission. “Ah yes.” she forgot what she’s saying as her eyes are on the pastries now. “What’s your bestselling pastry here?” “This Gorgonzola Cheesecake with Pear, Ma’am.” waitress serving the dish to Desa. “You’re lucky to have a boyfriend like Sir who give everything to you. He’s so handsome too.” “He knows that he’s handsome. Thank you, uhm … I’ll just have this one will you put everything else in a box for take away?” “Yes, Ma’am.” waitress left our table along with the tray of pastries. -End of Chapter 21-
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