Chapter 30: Do You Talk About Me? (1 of 2)

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On our 3rd day at Jeju Island after everyone enjoyed the sea until afternoon, we had our late lunch before 2pm since almost everybody except me woke up at 10am. “Alright, listen up, this is an optional tour to the waterfalls here in Jeju.” our tour guide making his announcement. “We prepared 3 cars outside that is good for 6 people and each car have different destination. Whoever wants to avail this tour, must inform me now, because I’ll send the drivers off by 3:30 with or without passengers in their cars.” he’s looking at everyone in the dining room. “Do you wanna go, Desa?” Pluto asking my opinion. “Well it’s not like everyday we’re here in Jeju so I’ll go.” I nodded at him. “What are the choices anyway?” 6 boys headed to Cheonjeyeon, 6 girls to Chenjiyeon and 3 girls and boys including me and Pluto were in transit to Jeongyibang. Alessia and Troye are with the band’s car following ours from behind since they want to come with us too. Dante at the passenger seat; me, Jennie, and Krystal at the backseat while Pluto and Kon at the 2nd row. “Look how tan you are now Desa.” Jennie looking at my arms. “How long did you bathe under the sun??” “2 hours, I guess. It’s alright, being tan isn’t a big deal in Canada.” “I know what you mean. I’m from San Francisco, California and it’s normal to see people getting tan during summer.” Krystal uttered. “But Desa, we’re in Korea, people here have to maintain white complexion as pale as possible.” “Yeah, that’s right. Western antics isn’t acknowledged here.” Jennie added. “Here. Apply this to your skin, it’ll help to whiten your skin again.” handing me a whitening lotion. “Thanks, you’re from Canada too, right?” applying the lotion Jennie lend to me. “We’re both from Vancouver.” “Uh-huh. I’m practically raised there until I graduated from high school.” Jennie replied in English. “Really?? Me too!” I exclaimed and we both start conversing in English along with Krystal while the boys are all silent. “Pluto, your family got a mansion in LA, right?” Krystal asked Pluto who’s sitting in front of him. “Yes. Do you want to go to LA, Desa?” Pluto turned his head back to look at me. “I can bring you there next week if you want.” “Hey, you’re only inviting Desa?!” Krystal crossed her arms. “I’ll be in trouble if I throw a party in LA.” Pluto replied to her. “Party?!” Jennie raised her eyebrow. “If it’s me and Krystal coming along, you’re thinking of throwing a party?!” “I know you two. You’re not coming to LA just to chill and relax. You girls love to party just like last night.” Pluto responded. “Can you blame us? We got great music and a lot of soju of course we’ll have a blast.” Krystal uttered. “Take us to LA with you, please.” “We don’t need to party in your place, there’s a lot of place to go in LA. Krystal and I will behave, invite us too.” Jennie added. “It’ll be unfair to others if I invite you two.” Pluto shaking his head. “Aren’t we your friends too? Or you just want to have some time alone with Desa?!” Jennie giving me a meaningful look. “I heard you and Troye gave your room to Aussie boys and you two slept at Desa’s room.” Krystal also having the same look at me. “That’s true, Desa and I slept at the same bed.” Pluto said without hesitation like he’s being proud of what happened. “Hey! Be careful of your words!” I yelled at him. “Even though we shared the same bed we didn’t do anything inappropriate. Pluto is actually a gentleman, I’m proud of you my friend.” tapping his shoulder. “He didn’t take advantage of my drunken state.” “Is that true?” Kon look at Pluto. “Just because you guys are speaking in English doesn’t mean I can’t understand a word you guys are talking about.” “Why is it hard to believe that a man can behave in bed with a woman he likes lying next to him??” Dante look back at us. “Hey! I’m not like you guys. I know what I should and shouldn’t do.” Pluto yelled at Kon and Dante. “I’m fine being friends with Desa and I respect her so why would I do something indecent towards her?!” “Should we build a statue for you when we get back to the campus?” Dante making fun of Pluto. “Or give you an award for being the nicest guy living on earth?” “I don’t need anybody’s recognition, what matters to me is what Desa thinks of me.” Pluto glance at me again. “She just said that she’s proud of me, that’s the only recognition I need.” “Are you two really friends?” Jennie looking at me and Pluto. “You sounded like you’re pursuing her and you …” she pointed at me. “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you see that Pluto still likes you?!” “Yeah, you two are quite obvious that it’s hard to ignore the facts.” Krystal added. “You regret broking up with Desa so you’re trying to take her back but Desa … although it’s hard to believe … doesn’t want to be with you again.” “It’s not like that …” sighing deeply out of frustration. People around us might think that is the case between us, Pluto broke up with me in front of everyone then he acted like nothing happened as he still shows to everybody that we’re good. Well we’re actually good as friends but it made him look like that, he’s pursuing me and I’m the one who’s being hard to please. Even if he doesn’t tell me directly yet that he like me because he doesn’t want me to reject him, he’s showing his feelings through his actions and sometimes in words. Like the promise he told me that he’ll wait for me to be ready for a romantic relationship since I clearly told him love isn’t my priority. When we arrived at the waterfall, we could only take pictures and enjoy the majestic view of nature since it’s not safe to swim because of its depth and the fact that the water flows to the open sea. We just stayed there waiting for time to passed by until sunset as we’re reuniting with others in a yacht for dinner. Dinner by the sea around the whole Jeju island although there’s nothing much to see from the yacht because Jeju isn’t like Seoul. Evening dresses were sent to our rooms since last night that we didn’t care that much at first because we’re all wasted but this evening, we’re all like were attending a ball in a cruise. I’m wearing a yellow evening dress which somehow made my tan complexion standout, what can I say I’m the only girl who got burn under the sun after swimming. “Look how brown am I, Desa.” Alessia had a naturally light brown complexion but now she got dark brown skin. “Yeah, we’re the two crazy girls who didn’t even bother to put some sunscreen on before enjoying the beach.” sharing the same sentiments with her. “It’s fine for the boys because their men.” “Yeah, they actually look smoking hot with their tan skin.” Troye changed a little but he’s still white though not pale white like before. “But Pluto didn’t swim, right?” Alessia confirming to Troye. “No, the nearest he got to the water was when he stood up behind Desa when she washed away by the wave.” Troye responded. “Maybe, he can’t swim. You know he’s not a sporty guy at all.” Alessia concluded. “He just followed Desa the whole day like a bodyguard.” “He’s not following me, just accompanying. You’re making it sound like he only got his eyes for me.” I responded. “Well, that’s somehow true and speaking of the devil, he’s coming at our direction.” Troye looking behind me as well as Alessia. “I’ll go and talk with the other girls.” I almost runaway when I sensed that Pluto is coming at me. I don’t even know why I’m running away when we’re good as friends, I just feel like avoiding him for a while. I spent time talking with the other members of our dance crew as we all gathered at the party hall of the yacht. When our dinner table has been prepared for us to feast, I got in between Troye and Alessia instead of sitting beside him but he’s just across my seat so I just focused on dining and talking with the two while ignoring his gaze at me. After our sumptuous meal, an orchestra start to play, although I’m the only one who requested for an orchestra the organizer still granted my wish and it’s just right for the occasion because we’re all look like prince and princesses with our formal clothes. “May I have this dance?” Luke offering his hand to Alessia. “You know I’m not a good dancer so don’t blame me if I stepped on to your shoes later.” Alessia still take Luke’s hand and off they go to the dance floor with the others. “Desa …” Pluto must be asking the same thing but I cut him off immediately before he says his thing. “Troye, shall we get more dessert from the table?” giving Troye a slight squeeze as I grab his arm. “Uh, sure. Pluto you want some too?” Troye turned to Pluto. “Nah, I already had enough of sweets for tonight.” Pluto declined. Intentional or not, Pluto kicked my shoes slightly under the table. “Let’s go Troye, I want another serving of that sorbet.” I stand up and almost dragging Troye to come along with me. “Just for the record, I don’t like being used Desa.” Troye said. “What’s up with you? Why are you avoiding him??” “I’m not avoiding him. I really just want to have some more desserts because I’m craving for sweets.” I’m not lying so can’t tell it’s a lie. “Hmm … that’s a tricky one. You’re not avoiding him but you’re purposely ignoring him.” Troye uttered. “Fine, I just want to keep distance from him somehow.” I blurted. “Why?? If you’re just friends with him, why put some effort from keeping distance?” Troye gets his sorbet first. “Because he’s making me used to him always around and we both know that he doesn’t treat me just a friend, right?” gets my sorbet too. “Ah … so you’re anxious of his presence now. Does he make you uncomfortable?” Troye giving me a serious look. “No, he’s actually making me feel safe and secure when he’s around.” “Then, what the hell is wrong with you? You’re afraid to fall in love with him or you’re afraid to fall in love at all??” he asked. “I don’t even know what love is so how can I be afraid of it?” I said. “You’re really a piece of work, Desa.” he sighs heavily. We returned to our table with the desserts we got in plate, after a while of watching me eat, Pluto mingled with others at the party after getting a nod from me when he asked my permission. I ate a lot so I take a walk outside to get some air while digesting too as Troye danced with others when the music got upbeat. The sea underneath and the sky full of stars above me, what else can I say, I’ve got a beautiful view at the moment while holding the rail of the yacht as I stand at its beak. “You’re not going to jump just to avoid me, are you?” Pluto suddenly appeared from behind me. ‘You startled me! You should’ve made a sound, why are you sneaking?!” clenching my chest out of surprised. “I-I’m not avoiding you.” “Then, you’re ignoring me.” he stands beside me. “Have I wronged you? Did I offend you or something that I’m unaware of?” “I’m not. It’s just that … why are you always around me??” I asked anxiously even though I know his answer. “Do I have to answer that stupid question? You want confirmation?” “Then, I’ll change my question. Why do you like me?” I glanced at him. “You’re Pluto Nevaeh and I’m just Desa Ha, a nobody.” “Because you made me forget of my first love.” he answered with a faint smile on his face. “Your first love??” looking at him with interest of his story. “I’m still a kid when I met that girl with a scar on her right palm.” he starts telling his story. “She was in pain but when I touched her scar, she got all better like magic. I thought that I had a magic touch that time.” he chuckles. “And this girl, she asked me to hold her hand and take her with me. We’re strangers but she was willing to come with me without knowing where I’m going.” “Why does your story sound familiar??” thinking deeply until I realized that he’s talking about me. A flashback of memory suddenly played in my head, he’s the boy who released me from that excruciating pain of my scar when I was young, he’s the one I had a crush on when I was little. “Desa.” he’s waving his hand on my face to get my attention. “Are you even listening to my story? Do you want me to continue or you want to be in your own little world at the moment?” “You’re that boy??” grinning at him. “Come to think of it, you already told me that you were a Nevaeh that time. You told me your last name and I mistook it for an English band!” “Wait. Are you saying that you’re that girl?!” he exclaimed with his eyes and mouth wide open in surprised. “I-I just had her huge scar to recognize since her appearance might change after sometime.” he grabbed my right hand and look at my palm. “It’s gone. As soon as I lost that huge scar, I gained my ability to see things I couldn’t see before.” I explained. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe that you’re actually that boy.” “And you’re the girl I’ve been searching for.” he kissed the back of my hand. “I think I like you better now.” “I-I’m your first love?” I asked shyly. “If it’s not love I don’t know what it is. I’ve searched for you for a decade before I gave up and let it be a great memory.” he caresses my face with his right hand while holding my hand with his left. “I looked for you the next day too but I got no luck to see you.” looking straight to his eyes that pierces right to my soul. “I want to kiss you right now. Will you allow me?” asking my permission before he make a move. Maybe I’m still in trance with his charming look that I just nodded at him without thinking so he closed our gap and we’re about to kiss each other’s lips when someone called out his name. “Bad timing.” Ashton walking backwards as the expression guilty is written all over his face. “Go ahead, continue what you two are doing. It’s nothing urgent anyway.” about to leave us two alone again. “What is it Ashton?!” Pluto sounds irritated as he turned to Ashton. “I’m just looking for you to talk about some matters but maybe later. Please proceed to what you are doing. Sorry, for the interruption.” “You’re not interrupting anything.” I moved away from Pluto. “Talk to him if you needed to. I’ll go back inside.” taking my right hand away from Pluto’s grip as I walk off. “Are you sure it’s fine Desa?” Ashton looking worried at me. “I can wait really and he’ll be mad at me.” he whispered. “I don’t think he will if it’s important matter.” I tapped his shoulder as I walked past by him. That’s a close call. If Ashton didn’t come, Pluto and I might be kissing under the moonlight. We’re just happy to find each other again but a kiss isn’t necessary for such reunion. After the cruise party, we all headed back to the villa, since we’ll be leaving tomorrow, we need to pack up or stuffs in our luggage. Troye and Pluto came to our room with their luggage since the Aussie boys are occupying their room but this time, we got 2 extra mattresses in our room instead of sharing the same bed. Troye took the mattress between me and Alessia while Pluto had the mattress near the door where my bed is. The Aussie boys should be using the mattresses and sleeping in the living room but the two gave up their room to them. “Will you be fine sleeping on the floor?” watching Pluto prepare his bed on my left side. “We can switch you know.” ... To be Continued ...
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