chapter two

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Arya’s P . O . V “Mate,” but how?…. No I must be wrong. My wolf must be wrong …she can’t be my mate . She’s…she’s…well she’s a she, how can “she” be my mate. Why would the moon goddess mate me to another woman. A beautiful woman with welcoming eyes and an aura filled with warmth but still a woman none the less . What trickery is this? No am mistaken that’s it .I mumbled on and on to myself not sure what I was feeling or thinking , just pure confusion . Confused about my own thoughts and my own feelings. For as far as I know…I am not into woman ,I mean maybe an occasional dream here and there . I admire woman sure but we all admire women for they are beautiful creatures ,what’s there not to admire. I am in no way a lesbian ,I love men …not all men but still I’ve dated men before and kissed them all was fine. Oh my moon goddess what if my father finds out…what of my pack. What will I say ,how will I explain this ? How could this be ? Was this really happening to me. Maybe I am losing my mind . A lot of questions Kept running up and down the corners of my mind. I could not bring myself to get my mind off the picture of her, the pain and sorrow that field her eyes. How the white clothing she wore was all torn up and covered in blood… her blood. How her cheeks were littered with a stream if dry and wet tears of pain and agony. her eyes just covering a bottomless pit of pain and sorrow. It was not like anything I have ever seen , even the prisoners in our cells were not as tormented as she appeared to be. Her eyes held the most anguish I have ever seen in all my years in existence. I may be young but she had been through things in this world that no man could imagine I could just tell by the way that my wolf got riled up at the sight of her and how instinctively she’s over protective of her beautiful little mate. My wolf knew what happened to her I could tell just by her anger that whatever it was ,it was gruesome and torturous. The doctor came out of the hospital room looking beyond bewildered to say the least. I had been waiting outside my mates hospital room for some hours now…I cant believe I just called her that,” my mate,” . Should I really refer to the strange woman as my mate. Am admitting that she is indeed my … My mate? “You really did not have to wait outside for so long. I would have called you when I was done. The girl is not a threat to the pack …she’s quite far from it so they is no need to guard the door,” the doctor spoke in a drained but reassuring voice . I nodded my head at her as if I was standing by the door to protect my pack like she insinuated just to not tell her of what the women meant to me…I couldn’t tell anyone that the strange beauty is my mate. “She is stable. We have dressed all of her wounds. She is honestly in pretty bad shape. I really don’t Know exactly what to tell you Arya ,it is really not looking good. She hasn’t said anything to us not even a single word just silent tears and a grunt if pain here and there. she hasn’t made any moves to communicate with us .She doesn’t seem to be scared of us but fidgets and flinch at our touch. She won’t sit still and constantly shows signs of someone who had been constantly abused and mistreated for a long period of time,” I could feel my wolf whelp at the doctor’s words…my mate had been abused . “I am sure you can grasp the mixtures within her scent. It is as if she is one of us ,as if she is a member of our pack which we both know she is not yet she still reeks of being a rogue. Honestly a very rare case ,I know not what to call it,” the doctor said to me with a sense of disbelief at her own words . I could tell that the doctor was also struggling to make sense of what was going on whilst also sympathizing with the strangers pain or whatever the woman had gone through. As I listened on to the doctors words i couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to her or traumatized her to this extent. Who would do this to her and for what reason would someone show such cruelty to another human being . Who turned my mate into such a shell of a person . I could fell the deep anger burning with in me as my wolf was itching to have her wrath descend on whoever had caused my mate such pain. My anger grew more and more as my wolf was burning with the rage and anger at the thought of some laying hand and such a beautiful, dainty fragile soul. Was she really my mate though? Was that even a possibility for me? I quickly erased the thought from my mind and buried my feelings away. My head slightly moved up then down as I gave the guards a slight nod and gave them the strict instructions to update me if anything happens with the strange rogue. I bid the doctor fair well and quickly took my leave for i couldn’t bring myself to stay there a second longer. One of my pack warriors had carried her all the way to the hospital under my instructions. I could feel the jealousy within me seeing as he approached her ,touched her and carried her in his arms. I could have easily carried her myself but I was just too scared to risk physical contact with her when she was seemingly my mate . She flinched away for a while and made some efforts to escape his touch but in the end she ultimately agreed which fueled the jealousy within me. She looked every bit of traumatized as the doctor had declared. She did not want anyone touching her. She did not want anyone close to her but she also did not seem to have the energy or the willpower to fight it. She closed her eyes and just let him carry her all the way to the Infirmary with no complaining . No word left her mouth as she made no move or act of opposition. Whispers were going around the pack of the strange rogue , causing more curiosity to arouse within the pack members. If you still have not caught on by now… my name is Aria King. I am the only child of Alexander king ,alpha of the silver rose pack. Being alpha came with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of enemies. Many werewolves were after the position and willing to fight for it in order to get it at all cost even if it meant playing dirty. The supernatural realm ran with order, structure and tradition . Once an alpha passes on or chooses to retire out of old age or any other reason his first born son is crowned as the alpha. Every day I was constantly fighting to prove myself , fighting to earn the title of alpha. My father had finally named me as the future alpha of the pack and that had ultimately drew more eyes to be thrown my way. I could tell that my father did not in any way really mean to give me the alpha position for he was rooted in the old ways of tradition where woman were seen as weak and always expected to be the follower’s instead of leaders. He was part of the many people who did not mind not following tradition and supporting woman in leadership roles but the alpha title was a whole different ball game. He probably wouldn’t have given me the future alpha tittle if he had another choice but he did not want the alpha title to end with him nor did he want the alpha position to go out of his family. He did not want to erase the legacy that his father and his forefathers before him have built as the family of strong leaders and fearless warriors that rule with alpha blood. An alpha is a leader of a werewolf pack which is more or less something like a king but for a werewolf pack. Circumstances left my father as a shell of a man with no partner or mate. I was his only child meaning that I had a full right or claim to this position or title of alpha. A lot of people opposed me ascending the leadership role because of my gender in most cases a man is the one that is crowned as alpha and his mate or wife is crowned as the alpha female. Speak of the devil and he shall appear….my father was angrily walking towards the hospital room and I could not help but think his intentions were not good.
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