King Sirius

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Chapter 3 Sirius’ pov I have a pretty great life here in the West dragon kingdom, I mean, being the future king growing up, and then the king himself gives me a lot of people to play with. Let’s just say people are attracted to power, and the most powerful of each of our species do tend to have a bit more going for them in the looks category, and I am no different. Hell, I know I am a catch, and yes, I have used it to my advantage many of times, I mean, who am I to say no when they are practically begging for my attention. I am an equal opportunities type of guy, I don’t care if you are male, female, or what species you are as long as they have a great body and are stunning. I mean, with my 6ft 6 muscular frame and my long dark blonde hair and clear blue eyes, I know I am one amazing looking individual. Even if I do have the throne, it doesn’t stop my parents from nagging at me to find my mate and have some whelps for them to run after, being an only child I am their only hope for some grandchild after all. I myself am in no rush to find my mate, Blaze, my fire dragon, on the other hand, very much wants to meet her or perhaps him. I am having much to much fun as a single man to put a stop to that. Unless that little minx Rayne would finally take me up on my offer. For her, I would take her and mark her as my own. I think she is about the only one that Blaze would agree on taking other than our destined mate, but she will not let me pin her down at all, waiting for her second chance. Her first is an absolute fool who let’s a girl like that go, strong, intelligent, sexy as hell, and totally pure just waiting on being corrupted. It has almost become a competition on which of us rulers can manage to get her. She has plenty of admirers. At least the Fae prince is out of the running, I would have loved to have seen his face when he realised it was his cousin he had sent a mate request to. I know it was supposed to just be the family that knew but well people can not help talking and his and Rayne’s grandfather on the council apparently took great delight in laughing at his grandson as he told the rest of the members all about it. I mean, the only real contenders left are myself, the dragon in the east and and the vampire prince. I won’t even bother counting the numerous Alpha’s they are not strong enough for her and well the Lycan King in the South has not wanted a mate since he lost his first, he is happy to play with the females in his pack and not have anything serious as far as I have heard. I do have other reasons for wanting Rayne. I mean, she saved my life on one of her missions in the kingdom. I was hit with a poisoned spear and fell from a great height. It was just as well that I didn’t turn back into my human body until after I hit the ground. She treated the wound and got me back to my castle. At the time, none of us knew she was a princess or a hybrid, and I wasn’t fooled by her pretend relationship either. Being a royal hybrid just added to the appeal, but it was the fact she saved us that made Blaze like her and agree with me unless we found our mate before we could get her to agree to us. I am not sure how happy her family would be about her choice if I got her to agree. Her brother, the future Lycan King, is still pi.ssy with me just because I used to sleep with his sexy mate, Vladimir the Vampire beta. Ok, I may like to push his buttons by still flirting with Vlad whenever we are in the same room. I don’t forget about him, I mean he is a future king and a very attractive man. I have made it more than clear that I am also attracted to him, and if they ever want to experiment, I am happy to be of help to them. I do tone down the flirting when Rayne is around, I mean, she is the big prize after all, and I wouldn’t want to spoil my chances flirting with her brother in front of her. My best friend and Beta Chris is actively looking for his mate and thinks I should be starting to settle down a bit and try and look for my mate as well. He is not totally innocent, but he is more discreet about his flings than I am. I think he just wants to set a good example for his little sister Crimson. That is one woman that is off limits to me. No matter how good she looks now, she is almost all grown up. At 17, she already blows most women out of the water. Even when she hits 18, I need to keep my hands to myself. We have already been told by a witch that she is going to be really powerful, but she will not stay in my kingdom, so I know she definitely will not be my mate. The last thing I would do is ruin my friendship with Chris, I always make sure that they are over 18 and usually have met Chris, so I know I don’t accidentally sleep with his mate. It is an easy mistake to make, and it wouldn’t be the first time it has happened, I just don’t want it to happen with his future mate. That’s what got me into bother in the first place, how was I to know the woman was his mate, he hadn’t marked her to spear me was a bit extreme and cost him his life. I was also not the first person she had a dalliance with, I was just the one she bragged about, so he found out a name. She is no longer a part of my kingdom and now lives in the East kingdom. So ok fine maybe my extra curricular activities do occasionally cause some trouble to happen, when we are thinking about it percentage wise I am still definitely on top with the harmless fun taking up the much higher side of the equation. It is just that every now and again, there may be a little slip up or 2. I work hard for my kingdom, we are thriving, and everyone is well looked after. I always make sure the pack and businesses are running well and all my paperwork is in order. I just play as hard as I work, and I will not apologise for that. I know I am a good king to my people and that I have the perfect men next to me, so everything runs smoothly. Besides, I am 20 bloody 5 at this moment, and there is no sign of a mate yet, in either of the dragon kingdoms. How long will they make me wait to meet and see if she is suitable for being my Queen, at this rate, I will be old enough to be her father. Unless, of course, she is not a dragon, I mean Rayne is the product of a mixed mating, and now her brother is mated to a vampire. My mate could easily be from another species, and that is why I have not found her. I am sure they are not the only ones it is just before they would have rejected each other in private and hoped their second chance was the same species as them. Now, people may start accepting their mate regardless of who and what they are. If it wasn’t for Blaze, I would not care less about it, but he harps on about it all the bloody time. I need to try and talk Rayne into being mine, or hope this mate of mine is just as amazing as her or Blaze will just have to wait for his second chance and be happy about it. I have certain standards that I would expect my queen to meet, and I don’t care if that makes me a hypocrite or any other bloody thing. All of this they are your perfect other half is a joke, if they were then everyone would take their first mate and be happy. Others say it is a lesson to one of them if the bond is not a good match and they need to learn it to get their second chance if they it up. I think that the people just like to make it up as they go along to try and make sense of things that just don’t make sense. Ok, fair, enough, probably about 80 per cent of mate bonds go well, but that still leaves 20 per cent, which are a total show. It could even be more, and they just haven’t mentioned their terrible first mate. I mean, it was a shock to everyone to find out that King Christian and Princess Ruby were mates. They managed to keep that well and truly under wraps. So the numbers for rejected mate bond is probably so much higher than we first thought, so maybe just maybe these forced bonds are not all they are cracked up to be. We have just had it shoved down our throats for so long that we all started to believe in it. Oh well, I have King Callum and Vlad’s coronation ceremony coming up soon, and that gives me either another chance at Rayne. Or perhaps I may find this illustrious mate that Blaze keeps harping on about. I mean, there will be lovely ladies and men from all over Elysium attending. I swear Blaze has gotten worse ever since my other best friend and Gamma Zach found their mate a few months ago. I swear seeing them together all in love has sent him soft. He did get a cracker, the betas daughter from the Eastern pack. Shannon is strong and sexy as hell. He is a lucky guy, I would have no problems accepting a mate like that if I have to have one.
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