Chapter 7: Confused

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-Wylder- The wolf who stood in front of me was nothing but a small little thing, yet I sensed something in her. Something dark almost. Something powerful. I wondered why that was. I wanted to know more. I wanted to see just how dark it was inside that little heart of hers. She seemed to have some guts as well, daring to tell me to let her go, but as my luna, was she not supposed to be able to challenge me? I had not tried being challenged like that before. Of course, others had fought against me, wanting to defeat me, even now I was at war. It seemed like the battles never ended for me, and now this little wolf shows up. Out of nowhere, asking for my uncle, who had died years ago. Poisoned with wolf’s bane, and I was still trying to kill his assassin. It was a low move. It was a f*****g coward’s move, and I had to watch him die. Now she was asking for him. Why was this wolf asking for him? I read the letter. I understood it was her mother sending her here, but who the f*ck was her mother? I wanted to know more. It was all a damn mystery, but then she had spoken of us marking each other, or at least I believed that at first. That was why I asked if she didn’t want some privacy for it and not just let me have her out here in the open. I didn’t mind. We could do it in my car if that was what she was up for. She was one enticing little thing I wanted to uncover slowly and then f*ck so the whole car shook. It already had my blood pumping, but then she suddenly said she had done this before. Something possessive I had never felt before rose inside of me, and I had charged forward, wanting to see the mark that had been placed on her. Something only I should do. I found nothing though when I ripped open her shirt, and it confused me. What was even more confusing is she seemed more shocked than me? “I don’t have a mate…” she said. I smiled darkly. “That’s where you’re wrong,” I said. “You just found me.” She looked somehow even more shocked, if that was possible. “So, how could you have done this before?” I asked her. “Because it happened before.” “But you don’t carry a mark.” “What?” “Listen, I am eager too to make you mine, but I don’t understand where this mark you speak of has gone.” “What are you talking about? Making me yours… When did I ask you to?” she asked. Oh, she really had guts, didn’t she? I sort of liked it, not that I wouldn’t teach her what else her mouth could be used for. “Just now.” “When?” “You said go ahead,” I said. “So, since you so sweetly asked…” I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her up against me, and her eyes turned huge. They were nothing but big round circles, as if she had not expected that to happen. “I can tell them to turn around or we can just do it in my car if you’re so eager,” I leaned down to her ear and whispered. “Eager for what?” she asked and pressed a hand into my chest. Oh, I like that! My wolf, Dayton, suddenly jumped forward. He was excited and wanted me to allow him to play with the little wolf already. He was not very patient and was already imagining the fastest way we could get her beneath us and screaming with pleasure. “You said go ahead and get it over with. You must be in a hurry, then.” “Yes!” “To be mine.” “To get away from you!” she corrected me. To… what? What is that little wolf talking about? Yes, now I was very confused as well, and slightly pissed. I didn’t enjoy hearing this. “What?” “What did you think I was talking about?” she asked. “What were you talking about?” I asked her. “I asked first.” “I’m Alpha.” She narrowed her eyes as I pulled the alpha card, but then pressed me backwards even harder now with two hands. I moved not because she pushed me, but because I sensed she wanted a little space. I didn’t give her a lot, though. I kept my hands on her hips. She felt very warm and soft. Think about holding onto them as we take her from behind! It was getting hard to control myself when my wolf shoved such images to the front of my mind. I liked them a lot, though. The little wolf fixed her clothes and glared at me, so I sensed it might take a little time before I had her on all fours. “Reject me,” she finally said. “What?” What the f*ck is she talking about? “Why?” “What do you mean, why? That’s what you plan to do!” “I am?” “Yes!” “When did I say this?” I asked her. It was only getting stranger. What on earth was the little wolf talking about? “You’re an alpha!” “I’m aware.” “I’m a lone wolf.” “For now,” I said. “No, not for now. It’s my status,” she said. “It’s not changing.” “Well, if you’re mine, it already has,” I told her. “But you’re rejecting me.” “Okay, I am getting tired of hearing the damn word. When the f*ck did I say this?” I asked her. “You don’t have to. It’s what is meant to happen.” “Says who?” She groaned, annoyed, and covered her face with her hands, as if I was the one being an id!ot not understanding anything. “It has to happen!” “Why?” “Because I am no one!” “You’re mine,” I told her darkly. ”And soon I won’t be. So, can you get it over with?” “Has this happened before?” “I told you! I have done it before, yes. Can you just get it over with?” I looked at the little wolf, very puzzled. She had a story… one I needed to know more about. How had she done this before? Why was she expecting me so much to reject her? Had she never been taught how sacred and important the bond was? Had she not learned the soul-crushing consequences of rejection? “What’s your name?” I asked. “Huh?” “Your name.” “Why do you need to know that if you’re just going to…” “Tell me.” This time I used my alpha voice, and she sighed, crossing her arms. “Helena…” Oh, Helena… Uh, that is good for shouting when we come inside her. I smiled a little, unable to help myself as my wolf spoke. Helena found it strange, though. “Well, Helena,” I said. “I’m Alpha Wylder. Your mate, and you’re not going anywhere.” “What?” I threw her over my shoulder and she screamed and hit my back with her hands. “Put me down!” “No.” I carried her to my car and got her inside before I went to the open car door. “The wolf stays,” I told her fighters. “Careful not to look too long at her. She is mine.” They all bowed their heads, and I got in the car, seeing Helena sitting there on the other side, glaring at me. “Where are you taking me?” “Home.”
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