Chapter 4: Her Mate

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-Helena- As Alpha William pressed his lips against me, I felt disgusted and even more so as he deepened the kiss. I didn’t like it! I hated it! It felt wrong. It felt so, so, so wrong! I wanted to break free, but he was so strong! “Please…” I croaked out. “Stop…” He didn’t listen to me, and then suddenly he spun me around, pressing me into the door. “Nothing stops me now,” he whispered. “You’re eighteen.” F*ck! Do something! I wanted to ask what, but I was frozen. His lips were on my neck now, and he was moving down to where someone would mark me. It was a very sensitive spot on all wolves. Anything touching it made you feel pleasure, but even though the pleasure ran through me as his lips touched the spot, disgust followed right after. “Please…” “Yes, beg me, beautiful Helena.” Okay, if you aren’t doing anything, I am! I didn’t get to react. I was already so vulnerable that nothing stopped Amaya from taking over. She charged forward and before I knew it, she moved our leg in between his, kneeing him hard in his private area. Alpha William groaned and even got on his knees so hard I had done it. Amaya wasn’t done, though. She grabbed his head and then head-butted him. This time I got hurt too, though. It was enough to keep him occupied as I made a run for it. I heard a loud growl following me down the hallway, and I knew the monster was going to come after me now. I didn’t think as I ran, but as I reached the staircase, a group of wolves were coming my way. I feared they would stop me. I bet the alpha was already coming my way. They would all soon know what I had done. I ran the other way, trying to find a way to escape. I needed a moment just to breathe and think. Maybe he would even let this go. I just… needed to get away. I didn’t really think about where I was going. I just chose a random door on the next floor, but when I burst in, I found a horrible sight in front of me. All tangled up in sheets and body parts was Carter with female wolves in his bed. They all sat up because I had made so much noise running inside. I was about to apologize and tell them it was an accident when Carter and I locked eyes. It was like time froze… it couldn’t be. Mate! Oh sh!t! Carter is our mate! Amaya was shouting so loudly in my head, but I couldn’t move. Nothing had prepared me for that moment. I never thought… he was an alpha, for Goddess’s sake! He wasn’t supposed to be my mate. Our statuses didn’t mix. Carter looked at me, just as shocked as I knew I was looking at him. The female wolves were still touching him and it made a growl leave my lips. They all looked at me, even more shocked. “Sh!t… sorry…” I looked away, still used to being the underling. The one who served and not the one who… well, growled. “What the f*ck are you doing in here?” Carter asked. I looked up, seeing how angry he suddenly was. I didn’t get it… I mean, I knew I was no luna, but he had never spoken to me like that. He had never really spoken much to me, actually, but when he had, it was not with an evil tone. He got off the bed, holding the sheets round him, and dragging them off the other two wolves, leaving them naked in front of me. I suddenly found a very interesting spot on the ceiling. I didn’t get to study it for long before Carter wrapped his hand around my jaw and made me look at him. “You’re not my f*cking mate,” he growled low in my face. I felt icy fear go through me. I knew it must be a shock, but he seemed… he seemed almost like he was blaming me for this match. As if I had had any control over it. “You’re f*cking nothing!” He shouted it this time, and I stared at him. Please… make him stop. Our wolves were more sensitive to the bond in the beginning than we were. Carter’s words were hurting Amaya badly, because, as our mate, he was not supposed to treat us like this. He was supposed to be loving and kind and put us above everything. “I… I’m sorry,” I whispered, not sure what else to say. “You’re sorry?” he asked mockingly. “You’re a lone wolf. You can’t be my mate. Do you understand?” I nodded and looked down, even though anger swirled inside of me. How had this turned out to be my birthday? First the dad of my mate tried to touch me and then I hurt him… and now my mate I had only just found, and who I had dreamt of for so long would look my way, did not want me. “I reject you.” I looked up into his eyes, feeling a stinging feeling in my heart. “I Carter, the next alpha of the Grey Hunters Pack, reject you, Helena Smith… wolf of nothing,” he added, just for fun. The stinging feeling grew. It grew until it was burning in my heart and tears ran down the sides of my face, as I was still forced to look up at him. He smiled… he actually smiled! “Now get the f*ck out!” he growled at me. I couldn’t move at first. So, he shoved me backwards. I tripped, almost falling, and just barely caught the doorframe to catch myself, but then he pushed me the rest of the way and I fell to the floor. The others laughed, though, and before I knew it, Carter slammed the door in my face. How? Why? I didn’t get it… I knew I had no status. I knew I wasn’t anything, really, but I was not an evil person. I was not… Helena… we need to go… please! Let’s go! We did. We couldn’t stay there, so I got up. I wasn’t sure if Alpha William might come after me with other wolves or what was going to happen now, but something told me we could never come back here. I ran back the way I had come. Luckily, no one got in my way this time and then… I didn’t stop running. I just ran all the way home even though I lived miles away. What else could I do? *** “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to…” I stepped inside the house I lived in. It really was in the middle of nowhere and my mother always took the car to drive to the nearest city for work. When she saw the look on my face as I stepped inside, she stopped singing and put the cake with the burning candles in it that she was holding, down. “Helena?” She walked closer to me. I couldn’t speak. I felt nothing but pure pain inside of me. I had tried to ignore it as I ran home. Now it felt like I could finally rest, and my legs broke. I fell down on my knees. “HELENA!” My mother almost screamed my name, and jumped over to me, getting on her own knees as well. I screamed. I screamed because I was in so much pain and then I just cried. “What is happening to you?” My mother’s voice was like an echo in my world. I couldn’t hear her and I couldn’t talk. I was burning with pain. She didn’t know what else to do, but just hold me and try to soothe me. I did not know how much time had passed. Eventually, I stopped screaming at some point, but the pain was still there. My mother was rocking back and forth with me, as I laid on the floor, unable to move even one finger. “Shh, it’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m right here. I’m right here.” Her voice was slowly coming back. At least I could hear her now. “Is that what it is like?” I whispered, finally finding my voice. “What is, sweetheart?” “Getting your heart broken…” “What do you mean?” My mother was so confused, but my dad had been her true mate. Although he couldn’t accept their inferior statuses would never change, they had still been true mates. She knew what it was like losing one, even if he hadn’t rejected her. She had still lost him when he stupidly tried to challenge a member of a pack for his spot. “When your heart breaks… is this what it is like?” “Helena, you’re speaking in riddles. We should call a doctor!” I shook my head a little, getting some control over my body. “No doctor can fix a broken heart.” “Helena?” “Just let me lie here… please.” “Helena, you need help. You’re burning up. You’re white as a sheet. Tell me what happened to you!” she said, so scared. “He doesn’t want me… no one does…” “What do you mean?” “I found my mate…” “What?” “And he rejected me.”
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