Chapter 16: His Room

1596 Words
-Wylder- Helena was very easy to shock. Especially if it came to anything s****l. She would grow silent right away, and it just showed me how little she had been pleased. I was going to change that. I was going to change a lot of f*cking things. She would see, and she would be happy about the changes. She just needed a little time. My mate was guarded, and I needed to find a way for her to let that guard down and let me in. Once Helena did, she would experience a whole new world. How I wished that other alpha, whoever he was, hadn’t f*cked her up so much. It would really have made a lot of things easier. I couldn’t fix that now, though. I couldn’t go back in time, but I could make sure my little mate was going to be taken care of from now on. She would be safe with me. I would make sure of it. And she would learn not to go so mute whenever I spoke of using her mouth for something else. “Stop that,” she said. “What?” “Doing that…” “Doing what?” I liked to play with her. It was always very fun to see her reaction. “Making those… comments or say something like that.” “Why?” I asked her. “Because it makes me… think!” I chuckled, and I knew she hadn’t meant it like that. She meant thinking about what it was I meant. “I mean… I meant…” “I know what you meant,” I chuckled. Helena sighed and fell back against her chair, sighing deeply. “Well, I am glad I can amuse you,” she said. “You certainly do.” She looked at me, annoyed, and I nodded to the food. “Continue to eat,” I told her. “You’re very commanding.” “Well, I am an alpha.” “Yes, and despite that, I will go to work tomorrow.” “Try it,” I challenged. “Oh, I will.” We looked at each other, both challenging each other with our eyes, before Helena began to eat again. Oh, she could try, but she would quickly learn why that was such a mistake. I almost wanted her to do it, actually. She would quickly learn what happened. Oh, let’s hope she runs. We will chase her down and tie her to the bed, and then we make sure she will never want to leave it. I liked that idea. *** After we had eaten, I believed Helena needed some rest. Today had been quite a long one for her, and she had been through a lot. She needed to rest. I brought her back to my room, but when she stepped inside, she smelled the air and quickly realized it was not a random or unoccupied room I had chosen. No, it was mine. “Wh-What am I doing in here?” She looked at her bag, which had been placed on the huge king-sized bed at the other end of the room. She looked at the bag, almost like she wanted to grab it and run. “You’re staying here, of course,” I told her. She shook her head, and I chuckled a little. “No, I am not.” “You are, though,” I said and walked further inside. “Wylder!” “Yes, beautiful?” “Stop calling me that!” “But it’s true,” I told her. “It fits you perfectly.” She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. “I want my own room.” “This is your room,” I told her. “No, it’s yours!” “More like ours now.” I went and sat down on a couch in the middle of the room, and smiled at her as I placed an arm on the back of the couch and then patted the seat beside me. “Come here.” “No.” “Little mate, I will keep my hands to myself… for now.” She didn’t look very certain if she should trust me, but then she walked over to me and sat down at the other end of the couch. I chuckled a little. “You will sleep here,” I told her. “But I just said…” “As my mate, it wouldn’t be right if you didn’t sleep here,” I told her. “I might be your mate, but we have not marked each other and I have not accepted you as mine, meaning I get to get my own room.” “I am not changing my mind about this,” I said. “Maybe I am not either.” She was very stubborn, my mate. She would keep me on my toes, but I enjoyed it quite a bit actually, and I just laughed a little as I shook my head. “This is your room,” I told her. Helena stood up and lowered her arms, glaring at me. “If you won’t take me to another, then I will find another myself!” She turned around, but I was up from the couch so fast, right on her heel. Just as she had opened the door, I pressed my hand into it and slammed it shut. I could hear her gasp, shocked, not expecting me to do that, but now I was also pressed up against her, and I loved feeling her warm body. It felt amazing against mine, and I really wished she wouldn’t keep me at an arm’s length but finally allow me close enough so I could really touch her. “You’re not going anywhere, little mate.” She slowly turned, her eyes big, and I hated she felt scared now, but she had really pushed me when she tried leaving this room. “Am I your prisoner now?” she whispered. “You belong in this room,” I told her. “I belong where I want to belong.” I smiled a little. Always so defiant, the little one, I thought. “I can’t allow you to sleep somewhere else?” “Why not?” She crossed her arms. “You have little experience with being mates, huh? Despite being the only one who has had one before.” “We were barely mates,” she said. “What does that mean?” “It means he rejected me five seconds after finding out we were mates.” I looked at her, surprised. “Five seconds?” “Yes… must be the fastest rejection in history, huh?” I sighed and shook my head. “He was a fool.” She looked at me surprised, not expecting me to say this, but again, I didn’t care where Helena came from, if it was from the inferior status wolves or high ones. I just wanted her, and she needed to hear me. “Listen,” I told her. “You do belong in this room. To me it feels wrong if you sleep somewhere else, and it makes it seem like there is something going on between us. That we won’t accept each other.” “We won’t!” “Helena!” She looked at me like she didn’t see the problem. “But I do want you,” I told her. “And I don’t want my pack to think I don’t.” “Why not?” “It creates… uncertainty if the alpha and luna aren’t in sync. It sends the wrong message, and it often alarms the pack members. We are the pillars. You and I connect it all. If you are not in my room, what does that not say?” She seemed to understand what I was saying, but I quickly realized that Helena, of course, had never been part of a pack. She didn’t know what it meant being connected to an alpha and luna who brought power and stability to that pack. Helena had never felt what it was like when they were not in sync or if they were violently ripped from the pack. I had tried that. Twice… first my parents, then my uncle. Even though I was there to take over, it created chaos inside the pack. The connection was shaken, and it weakened us for a while until I learned how to take control over it all and bring back some stability, but I wasn’t alone now. Not after finding Helena. “I see…” “If you sleep somewhere else… it wouldn’t calm the members. It would upset them.” “But… I am not really a part of the pack,” she said. “We represent something.” She sighed and looked away for a moment. I couldn’t quite say what went on inside her, but then she turned her head and seemed to concede. “Fine!” “What?” I asked. “I will sleep in here.” “You will?” It honestly surprised me she didn’t fight me harder. I had expected it. “What? Don’t you want me to now?” she asked. I chuckled a little, and I believed I saw the hint of a smile on her lips. “I do.” “Very well, then,” she said. “I will sleep here. But I have got rules!” She slipped around me, and I smiled. “Of course, you do.”
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