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I stayed up late to the point it was already 1 A.M. Aiden hugging and comforting me still bothered me. Maybe I should welcome it? And just let it pass? When mom gets mad, he’s just always arguing back at her, and sometimes he doesn’t bother commenting at all. He’s never the comforting type. Zachary is much worse. I grabbed my bag and gave myself a last look in the mirror. I wore my favorite shirt, paired with my parka jacket and blue jeans. And I slipped on my Jordans to finally complete the look. I felt giddy not because of class but because it’s my first day of work. I gave myself a stare in the mirror. The bags under my eyes and how it looked squinted because of my lamentation last night. I took my final breath and walked out the door to go straight down the stairs two by two. The stairs pounded as my footsteps collided with the wood, a croaky wood disturbed everyone. Annoying. Neither my brothers nor my mother didn’t bother to fix this broken thing. I checked my wristwatch. Time shows that it's already 6:50 A.M. Mr. Sunshine hid today. It was cloudy outside. I’m sick of the rain. One day, I’m out. I had 40 minutes to spare. The first bell rings at 7:30. “Andy!” Bacon and Eggs filled the air as it touched my nose, I could feel the taste already craved by my insides. I ran towards the kitchen, “Yeah? What’s up?” The kitchen is the oddest room we have in the entire house. The living room and dining room were soft-toned. Some neighbors or people in Castle Rock really do comment that our family is well-off. In short, rich because of what my mom does. Maybe she was rich with what she had financially, I wasn’t rich--rich in love and in the family. The important things in life that I don’t have. Her family was also rich who came from a city. She never talked about her family so I didn’t bother asking. She’ll wave me off, as usual, not answering all my queries. It was Aiden. He cooked breakfast. I mean, he’s always the one who cooks. He squinted his eyes on me, “Oh, I thought you overslept...again.” “Well, I didn’t. Good morning!” I’m surprised even if I slept at 1 in the morning. Working in the coffee shop kept it going. My last hope to end this misery. My miracle. I’m more active at night but I still manage to wake up on time. “You sound like a mom, Aiden.” Zachary interrupted as he took a seat on the counter like he always does. “Oh, hello to our dearest little sister who cried her eyes out yesterday!” “Go to hell, Zachary,” I replied back with an eyebrow raised. Aiden just crossed his arms, facing Zach, “Don’t eat your breakfast then, Zach.” “Could we just eat breakfast in peace?” “Hallelujah!” Zach had both his hands in the air like he just won the lottery. I took my seat beside Zach. Aiden sat beside mom, who sat across us. I inquired, “Where’s mom?” Aiden informed with confidence in his voice. “In her study or asleep or maybe in the community hospital?” “Or maybe laid with some dude to relieve the stress!” Zach chuckled evilly. His words made my eyes bulge. I made a puking face. “Ew! Zach! What the hell? Early in the morning?” Zach trailed dryly, “She’s barely home. She’s been putting makeup all over her face. It’s so unlike her. She must be seeing someone.” Aiden set out our plates and another with all the bacon and eggs. My brother who stood up on the other side of the counter made it look like he owns a stall and sold bacon and eggs. Zach and I were the customers. Our kitchen was monochromatic. My mom upgraded the entire kitchen after the accident. She doesn’t even cook or even touch the kitchen. “I hope not,” Aiden answered in a dead-serious tone. “You’re 16, Andy. Don’t expect to understand things right now.” Zach spoke as he munched freely on his breakfast. Here we go again. I pursed my lips, pausing on my breakfast. People with this kind of mindset are trash. And I’m sick of it. He’s not even an adult yet and he’s treating me like I shouldn’t know things. His mindset is more like Karens around who want to dictate you on what you should do with your life. Being sixteen is the peak when you should know things and explore. Not getting shielded away. I gripped my spoon and fork. My hands started to perspire. “Stop treating me like a child. Stop treating me like I know nothing and I’m nothing.” “She’s being defensive,” Zach’s voice playful and mimicked how girls talk with their annoying high-pitched voices. I rolled my eyes at him. Aiden ate in silence across us. It was a waste of energy arguing with people who don’t listen to you. I finished my food hastily and placed my plate at the sink. In an instant, I washed my hands. The cold water ran through my fingers with the lavender scent of the soap. I finished it and went to grab my bag. “Where are you going, Andy?” Aiden called out. “School, stupid,” “You’re riding with us today. Text your hot best friend that you ain’t riding with her. I’m the one who’s riding her!” Zachary laughed his ass out. If it wasn’t Aiden who flirted with Izzy, it was Zach. I groaned with frustration igniting, “No. I ain’t coming with you. Poor Izzy then. Stop it with the s****l innuendos, Zach, or else I’ll stab you with your fork.” “Stop it, you two! Andy, you’re riding with us going to school. End of discussion.” Aiden demanded. If Zach was the immature one, Aiden was the mature version. These are rare moments that they want me to catch a ride with them to school. It never happens. Why are my brothers being ‘good samaritans’ lately? It was more than odd. “Fine!” I answered as I fetched my phone from my bag. Me: Hey Iz! Won’t be riding with you to school today. Bros got my back. Izzy replied in seconds after I hit send. Izzy: It’s okay. Good luck! That’s really odd. Xoxo Me: Thanks! Yeah, Good luck to me. See u in the first period. Izzy is lucky that she has a family who showers her with tender love and care. I never loathed her though. Maybe I did, just a little bit. Her family welcomed me whenever I came over to their house. Her mom makes the best dishes and bakes a lot for her. But I felt the tension that her mom didn't want me most of the time since she didn't want that Izzy might be influenced by me. I stopped coming over and kept reasoning out that I had things to do in the house. It made me so much more certain about the things that I want to have in the future. With a life I chose. “We’ll leave in 5 minutes! Finish up, soldiers!” Aiden announced. “Pshh..” I whispered to myself. Zach was the one who got finished late. Like Aiden, he showered himself with his perfume. And barely brought a bag to school. Everything is in his locker. He checked his look in the mirror in the living room and still was fixing his hair with all the pomade. The bubblegum could be smelled from here. It was strong. “Zach, I swear! We have 15 minutes left before the bell rings!” “Principal Austin wouldn’t mind to see me,” Zach just shrugged. I continued to watch them arguing. It’s amusing seeing them fight about the time and Zach doesn’t care. A twin who you share your life with. They say the other always had this connection to his twin on how he feels. The telepathic connection sounded really cool. Science always gets the best out of me. It interests me. Did it come with the genes with mom being a surgeon? Well, my dad was quite the adventurer. He hopped from town to town with his job as a mechanic. I knew he helped people. I never was able to understand. He’d take me out for a test drive. One of my favorite things I love doing with my dad as we go around Castle Rock. I didn't even know how mom and dad met. “Okay, Out of the house.” Aiden shooed us all as he locked the front door. I go straight to the back seat. It was sort of a rule that they both get to sit in the front seat. I didn’t mind as long as they don’t do anything stupid. Because whenever they're together, Aiden plus Zachary equal to mess. And I completely object to that. I felt safer in the backseat though. Sitting in the front seat is a nightmare I had to bear. They started the engine and fastened their seatbelts. Zachary drove. So it was Aiden on the other side. Finally, we drove away. Our house was getting smaller and smaller. Until I couldn't see it anymore. It wasn't home. I've read that girls like me should have a home. We're mostly misunderstood because of puberty and almost everything. I'll find a home that doesn't make me feel unwanted on most days. We passed by Izzy's house. Her car wasn't in her driveway anymore. She sure was already on her way to school. I still wondered why Kai and Izzy stuck with me after all the horrible things that happened. I'm still grateful though but I don't think I've shown it enough. I don't plan to. In the end, I'm leaving them behind. We now passed by a little farther from Eleanor's. The road is still wet and the skies gloomy. A sign that we were now one block away from school. Zachary stopped the car. I squinted my eyes as I tilted my head in confusion. "What's going on?" Zachary turned back to look at me, "Oh, sis. I'm sorry but you have to go down now. You aren't making it in the parking lot. We don't want to get seen with you early in the morning." One day I thought they've changed. Instead, here's another day they're making me feel awful. I thought things were getting any better. They weren't. Aiden didn't bother to speak up. He just let Zach be. I waited for a few more seconds if he's disagreeing yet his face stayed neutral. Unaffected. I nodded. It made my heart swell. "One day I thought you were a saint. I thought wrong. It's better if I didn't catch a ride with you." I got out of the car and slammed it, "Thanks for the save Aiden. You're no use. You corner me in school as you own me and now you're letting me walk a block away from school? Great. I have hysterical and mentally incapable brothers." Am I really that disgusting that they don't want to be seen with me? Okay. I get it that this town thinks I murdered my dad. It was an accident that truly scared me. They never knew how much trauma I've had to endure. How much I stayed away from cars because of that rainy night? How could they fall asleep knowing that this is a piece of baggage I couldn't get off my chest.   
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