Episode 1

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“You have to choose between her and this kingdom” An old man with gray hair all over his head let out gently as he stared at the moon which was just coming out in all its glory. The moon was shining gently and slowly. The old man who was identified to be Alpha Damien stood by the window of his room with his door opened wide ajar as his only child and son, Alpha October stood by the door, watching his father. Alpha's Damien's back was turned to his son. “But..father, you cannot say that. Alina is my mate and I love her. The moon goddess had made us mate. I confirmed it when I felt the mate pull, I…”Alpha October tried to explain as his eyes were becoming teary. He could not afford to lose her. He loved her so much and was willing to do anything to marry her. “You see, son” Alpha Damien gently turned, beholding his son. Alpha October quickly bowed as a sign of respect. “The moon goddess often makes mistakes”. “That’s blasphemy father” Alpha October quickly corrected, still not looking up. “How dare you say that to me?!” Alpha Damien yelled in anger. “I am sorry father, forgive me” Alpha October went to his knees. “I am just your son, forgive me for my foolishness” “It's fine” Alpha Damien breathed out in relief. “Get up” “Yes, father” “You are the heir to the throne of Moon Spark Park. As you know, this park is one of the most blessed and one of the strongest parks that has ever existed from our ancestors. In history, the sons of this kingdom have always been mated to the daughters of powerful Alphas and that is why we have always been better and stronger as royalty plus royalty yields even a stronger force. Every alpha of other parks is always willing to give out their most precious and beautiful daughters to us” Alpha Damien walked over to his bed and sat. “Come over, sit” “Thanks, father, I will rather remain on my feet” Alpha October tried to manage his anger which was threatening to unleash itself. “I insist” With a bow, Alpha October took a seat by his father. “Never in history has it been heard that a member of this family was mated with a commoner, a pauper, a maid of no future” "Even maids are like us. They are not just born into royal homes. If given the chance, they could be like us or even better." He paused. "Being a maid would even be of help to us, father. She is a maid and she knows what others are going through. She would be able to understand their needs as she is closer to them". Alpha October was enraged but decided to stay calm. "You would not get married to her. Never has it been recorded in history and it would not start with me, with my child.” He paused. “Alpha Jay's daughter, Jayne, would be present at the mating ball ceremony tonight. I want you to reject that stupid maid as your wolf and accept Jayne to be your wolf, your Luna. Is that clear?” “No, father” “No, what?” “No, father. I won't reject my mate and I would never marry Jayne” He retorted. “You will never marry that maid. Not now, not ever. Not when I am alive. Not in my presence will you marry Alina” “Then I would gladly marry her in your absence. When you are dead” He answered rudely. “Are you crazy?!” Alpha Damien stood up in anger and so did October. “Until this day, I have never been rude to you neither have I gone against you father but today, if you can not abide by what I want, I will go against you a million times” He turned to leave but stopped abruptly at the sound of his father. “If you go on to marry Alina, kiss the throne goodbye” Alpha Damien stood his ground. “It is not in your place to decide” Alpha October answered and walked out of the room with a frown glued to his face. Just as he headed out of the room, his eyes met with Alina. She was right outside the door with a jug that contained tea for the Alpha. He looked into her eyes and there were tears in them. “I heard everything” She managed to say as she wiped her eyes, trying to stay strong. “Do not listen to Father. Nothing of such is going to happen” October assured as he placed his hand on her shoulders. The tears made her hazel eyes glitter the more. “No. If your father, if the Alpha does not approve of our relationship, then I guess you should do as he has requested.” “Are you out of your mind?” His brows furrowed. “What do you mean? Do you not love me?” He questioned. “No, do not get me wrong. I love you so much and I can do anything for you but I cannot watch you lose the throne because of me. I cannot. Please, if you truly love me, reject me just as your father has requested, please” She pleaded. “Stop this rubbish. I am not going to lose the throne. I am going to marry you and you will be my Luna. If I lose the throne? Are you not more than the throne? I am ready to lose anything for you. “ He tried to comfort her. “Please, do..” “Not a word from you anymore” He commanded and walked away, away to Luna's chamber. His mother. “Mother” He called as he gently placed a knock on her door. Luna, Luna Eleana, was getting prepared for the ceremony. She was the only one he could talk to. She was the only one he could trust as she had always been supportive of him. “Come in, son” She beckoned him as she directed him to sit by her side. The love of a mother! “Mother, I want to elope” “What! Why?” She questioned. “As you know Alina is my mate and I love her so much but Father wants me to reject her for Alpha Jay's daughter, Jayne because of some tradition. No doubt, Jayne is very beautiful and humble but I do not love her nor do I want her. It is Alina that I want." He explained to his mother. “I understand you, my dear. It is fine if you elope but how about me and your father? Who will take the throne when your father dies?” She questioned with patience. “I am not running away forever, mother. It is just for a couple of months. When I accept Alina as my mate, I would get her pregnant. At that, father won't be able to say no. He will have no choice but to accept her as my mate. I promise you, mother." He held her hand. “I am not going away forever. I will come back mother” He assured. “Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything” The Luna pressed on. “Yes, mother”. “When do you intend to leave?” “Now. I would go over to tell Alina to get prepared. I know she might not want to but I am going to force her and she has no option but her parents..” “I would take care of them. You should leave now.” She smiled at him before embracing him. “I will miss you so much but I want the very best for you” She smiled. “Thanks, mother” He hurriedly stood up and walked away. Seeing that he was out of sight, Luna hurriedly stood up, called a guard, and whispered something into his ear while he nodded. Getting the consent of his mother, October was so happy as he quietly rushed over to the maids' quarters to inform Alina of his plan but she was not there. Wondering where she could have gone, he sighted her at a distance, doing some laundry. What was she doing there all alone? Ensuring no one was there, he hurriedly ran over to meet her and whispered his plans to her. She was more shocked to see him than to hear what his plan was. What was he doing there? “I am sorry but I can't” She answered quickly as she continued with her laundry. “If you do not come with me, then, I would kill myself” He threatened. Her eyes widened in shock as she quickly placed her hand on his lips to stop him from talking. She looked at him in fear and sighed. “When do we leave?” She questioned. “Right now” “Right now? How about..” “My mother is in support of us. She promised to take care of them” “The Luna…” “We should leave now before Father begins to search for me” He held her hand and just as they were about to leave, they were suddenly surrounded by soldiers. Fear gripped Alina as she watched in shock. She didn’t want any of this to happen. “What is going on? Who sent you here?” October asked in confusion as his father could not have easily known where he was only if… “I did” A voice answered from behind, leaving October and Alina even more shocked. October prayed his guesses were wrong as she slowly turned to behold the owner of the voice but unfortunately, it was true. “Mother!”
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