Chapter 3: Temporary Living Space And Checking The Farms

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After three days, the servants left for their one-month vacation. All of them left with a smile and gazed with worry as they left the premises of the territory. Three months were the entire days of their first-ever vacation, but it was only a month of rest. The two months are for traveling since it takes a whole month to leave the fief and a month when you reach the capital of Louis’s fief. All of the servants left, leaving Louis and Rosette in the capital of his territory. Even though it's the center of his fief, no residents were present. The sound of people only returned. Louis arrived with his servants. The retainers could even hear the others scream from the mansion to the town. Louis, riding a horse, gazed at the mansion while Rosette was standing next to the horse, wearing a green dress. Louis turns his gaze to Rosette before stretching his hand towards his wife while bearing a smile. Rosette grabs her husband's hand, who helps her get on top of the horse. Louis notices how his wife is shaking in fear. Louis asks, “Are you okay?” “I-I’m a-a little n-nervous since I-Its my first.” Louis was shocked after knowing such a thing from his wife, which he thinks is strange since all nobles are taught to ride a horse at a young age. He then thought of teaching Rosette horseback riding, but that is for another time. Since Louis is planning to take Rosette to another house that he built using the system, Louis created the place for a temporary shelter since the White House will be made in three days. My currency is still limited so being cheap is a necessity the currency I have is not enough to make things easier. I wish the White House to replace the old mansion in an instant which is possible, but the system will take some of my currency. Losing more money in the early stage is not an option for me. Also, I can earn currency by completing some of the side quests. One of the side quests that I must do to make currency is to check on the farmlands of this fief. Most farms here are infertile, but I do not believe that all farmlands here are useless. If it is not used for years, then there’s a chance those unused lands have become fertile. While traveling to the temporary house, Rosette is mute and only gazes at her husband. Someone told her that his husband was abusive, which she experienced firsthand after arriving in his territory. However, Louis being kind was something she never expected. Rosette remembers how her family tells her that a dysfunctional noblewoman fits to be the bride of a lowly abusive baron. For the first time, a smile that’s not full of painful lies forms on her lips. Rosette thought, so this is what you feel towards a kind person. Minutes later, the two arrived at a remote place in the middle of the forest where a three-hundred-square-meter house painted in white stood out. Its construction was unlike the other structures of this world, a combination of stone, clay, and wood. Some are even made of pure stone and rock since it's made to withstand a siege. The house that’s in front of them is not used for such since it was made in the twenty-first century. Rosette was amazed at the incredible smoothness of the building. Louis gets off the horse and helps his wife down. Louis notices how his wife’s face was of a child seeing something new for the first time. Louis assists his wife. Due to her left leg seems to have a problem. When they entered the house, Rosette was even more amazed. Louis helps Rosette walk to their room, where a queen-sized awaits them. Rosette had never seen such strange things in her life. She looks at the mirror, which was the door to the secret to a walk-in closet. Rosette sits down on the bed and notices how comfortable the bed is. Nobility like Rosette enjoys the softest bed there is, but softness does not mean comfort. Rosette had a fear of soft beds, which the high-class people had access to. When laying on such soft beds, Rosette feels like she’s drowning as her body goes down, making her question what comfort is. But the bed she’s currently sitting in now was the perfect balance of softness and hardness. Louis shows his wife the bathroom. Of course, Louis also taught her how to use such things. When Rosette first went to the bathroom, she saw a cleanroom. However, strange things are sticking out too much, such as the glass dividing the room into two parts. And then there’s a peculiar stool made of smooth porcelain. “L-Louis is this the d-dining room I-if such, why is there o-only one s-seat,” Rosette asks with confusion. “Rose, this is not the dining room.” “I-if I-it’s not a di-dining room wha-what such clean ro-room.” “Well, Rose, this room is for doing…” Louis moves his mouth near to Rosette’s ears and whispers the use of the room. Rosette’s face turns red in embarrassment after Louis tells her the use of the room. Louis then shows her how the toilet is used, which makes her even redder. Then Louis shows her how to use the shower and the bathtub, and then Louis tells her about the shampoo and soap. Rosette couldn’t believe such things existed. She thought that her family had locked her up for too long that she was not told about such things. Louis notices his wife’s expression, which does not surprise him since, according to his memories. Rosette was the child which the duke is ashamed a daughter with a disability taints his status and name. Louis’s blood boils after remembering such knowledge about his wife. George never thought about it before, but maybe God told him to conquer this world in order to destroy the rotten people of this world. George, who possesses the body of Louis, swears unto himself that he will make sure to take revenge against his wife’s family. After that, Louis leaves Rose alone in the house as he needs to inspect the farms. Also, to check the mansion's progress after saying goodbye to Rose, Louis gallops his horse towards the fields, which are two hours from the capital by horse. Rose now looks at his husband from the window, getting farther and farther away. Is that truly the man my husband? It seems different from our wedding day and while we are traveling to this territory. He was violent, crude, alcoholic, and a pervert. But during that incident where he slept for three days, it seemed he changed. All of the traits that my sisters and brothers told me of his personality were true in the first few days. But after that accident, he’s kind. He is the second person who has given me an act of kindness. However, what is this feeling when I’m with him chest keeps drumming, especially when I’m close to him. But is it alright for a noble to be kind to someone like me, a girl that her family sees as useless? Louis arrives at the farm and sees a flat field with nothing growing, and not far from the area are houses. Using his hand Louis grabs a handful of the earth below his feet before his system analyzes the soil. After a mere ten seconds, the result's analysis did not surprise Louis. “So the soil is infertile due to lack of nutrients, and it seems the cause of it is the plantation of one crop. Wheat is the only crop that the previous cultivators choose to plant. But this is what I expect a middle ages farmer will do. However, I can still save it with the system. I only have to use some currency.” Louis opens his system, which leads to a transparent screen appearing in his vision. He went to the system shop and searched for a specific thing. He browsed for seconds before he saw what he was looking for. “There it is!” “Land revitalization and suitable mapping area for farming. Price five hundred currency. Press purchase to affect your territory. Press return to shop if this is not the item you need.” “Such a specified instruction. However, it's cheap, but I will earn more currency when I revitalize the land. One thousand currency is the total currency I’ll earn from this side quest. Not a bad thing at all.” Louis opens his system to check his current currency points. Name: Louis Mariano/ George Level: 3 Currency Points: 5000 “With five-thousand points, I’ll earn five hundred currency, and not to mention while browsing, I saw the capital town rebuilding, which is only five hundred currency points. Not to say it’s a side quest that means rebuilding town and earning points. The system serves the currency points to me on a silver platter.
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