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FUSE “Boss is looking to talk to you, get your ass to his office.” I heard Rowdy shout through he door and I rolled my eyes and got up before slipping on jeans and a black t. I slipped some shoes on and headed down to see Raid leaving the office. I nodded at him and walked in before we both took seats as I watched Tank hang up his phone. “What do ya need boss man?” “Fuse, we need you down south.” I turned my head as I heard that and felt my stomach drop. Some s**t was going down now and it was taking me away from Daisy. Right when she might need me the most. I bit the inside of my cheek and made sure that we were alone before asking what was going on. I sat back and he called for Gash to join us. Apparently we were needed in Vegas dealing with pieces of s**t the Razorbacks needed help with. “If it didn’t come from my cousin I wouldn’t be sending anyone. She just thinks having another club as back up would help.” He said and I worked my jaw as I looked over at Gash. “Just us as backup?” I asked and Tank seemed to pause as he looked down at his desk. “Sending Trigger and Raid too. You’ll need to make sure that Trigger isn’t tempted or doing bad s**t, if he does, if he slips, he knows he’s going to rehab as soon as he’s caught.” “How long?” I asked, making sure that it couldn’t be too long. I needed to be here in two and a half weeks to greet my parents after their Ireland trip. Heaven forbid my mama doesn’t see me the minute she hits her front door. “A week, week and a half at most.” He told me and I just worked my jaw. “Ok.” I nodded and knew to make sure to pack my s**t right after this. Gash stood up and I moved towards the door before pausing and closing it. “I need a favor while I am gone.” I told Tank and he paused and looked around before getting the door handle and locking it now. “Speak your peace.” He told me and I grunted as I moved to sit back down. “Daisy, she needs to be watched over-“ “Something happen to her-“ “Rowdy told me about the debt that was supposed to be hers… but it’s not. She moved out of the trailer park-“ “I know.” He cut me off with his hand up and moved to go back to writing. Just… make sure that there aren’t any more phone calls making her cry. Maybe get Fiona to do some-“ “Fiona says this is her busy season. I can check in when I go and pick up food, send Rowdy there a few nights to check things out.” He told me and I nodded slowly. “That good for you or do you want her in house? You think the assholes at the park would be bugging her?” “No.. she should be fine.” I told him with a shrug and he nodded at me again and seemed to wait on me. “We got her. You’ll be gone a week. If anything happens you have permission to come right back and deal out punishments.” He told me and I just nodded at that before standing. “I‘ll get packed up. Heading out tomorrow morning?” I asked and he worked his jaw and I knew that meant leaving as soon as possible. “You need to go and meet up with them south before they all go to Vegas, that way it’s not a meet up where the boys you‘re looking for get taken out before you even enter the state.” We worked out a time all four of us had to be ready to leave, and since i was the oldest, I was the one in charge until we got to the Razorbacks and while we were there as backup, if it was proven we weren’t needed, we could travel right back home. Easy as pie. If only. I got to my room, got my duffle bag from my closet and filled it with jeans and plain t-shirts and an extra pair of more comfortable shoes. I put socks and boxers in before moving to get my guns and bullets all stashed in before grabbing my taser and my crowbar. I had my bag and headed down to get the rest of the gear I would need for the long rides on. I got my patches on my jackets and my Bluetooth helmet all hooked up before getting the bag settled on the back of my bike and then I had the idea to stop and get food before we hit the road. So I called out to Gash who was also mostly all put together and ready to leave. It had been two days since I laid eyes on Daisy, and I wanted to see her and let her know I was leaving town for a week. He and I made sure Trigger and Raid knew where to meet up with us before we were headed out to the highway. We got to the diner and I was ready to let her know that I would be back soon and that she could still call me and I would have it all handled if Tucker called her. But I walked in and didn’t see her. So I went to her regular area and looked around hoping to spot her but someone else came over to take our order. Bri, apparently picked up shifts when my girl wasn’t working like tonight…she apparently had too much overtime for the rest of the month and needed to get off early the next couple of nights. I took a breath and declined to ‘leave a message’ for her. She would know. Tank would have guys here watching out fo her. I just needed to get some s**t done and be back. I made sure that we got to the Razorback compound before dawn and we were given the low down by another Travis, and Marcus tell us about girls and drugs and human trafficking. I could see why they needed more than one club as back up. So we were settled and headed out just a few hours later, and the next time we stopped we were half way there and I was already missing my bed. “I made sure that we were there before dark. We will get there in a few hours. We can eat, relax, shower, and then head to the old compound, see what those assholes are up to.” Marcus told us and I made sure that we were all on the same page of what we were there for and any minimal signals beforehand so I knew when enough was enough. It was going to be a long week if we were holed up waiting for them to try something. Or invite us into the fold so we could see what was going to be happening when we left. As far as I knew that was Gash’s job, to be all buddy buddy, get in easy, and he would be the one ‘happy for a change’… he was our actor. If only it was that simple. Daisy Two weeks… that’s how long Tucker backed off. And then he was in the diner, with his wife, denying to leave until I paid him something. He was there an hour before Gash showed up. Kenneth was looking at them and then at me before he went to their table. I saw him on the phone messaging someone and he was there and making sure they both didn’t leave this time. I bit my lip knowing it was 7am. I didn’t want to call any of the MC, including Victor, until after 9. It took 10 minutes before 4 men walked in, one being Victor. He met my eye, hardened his look and pointed at a seat. I sat and he turned his head to the couple. He used some choice words and then Maddox and Johnny took them both out and Victor headed my way “Look at me.” He used a finger to guide my jaw and I let him. “You didn’t call me, why?” Maybe because in the two weeks since I heard from them last you haven't been here. “It’s so early.” I told him and he shook his head. “It is. I don’t know what time you wake up, what if you just went to bed at 5? What if you had company or, I don’t know forgot about-“ “Woman, this is not something I will blow off. You are now under club protection. Those assholes got someone to buy your debt for 10gs and now they want you to pay them more.” He told me and I gulped. “Who could they sell my debt to? Wait! There is no debt.” This was starting to feel real, the money I never owed to them was now actually owed to someone else? “No one who does legal debts cares. Tucker just told Gash about it. That you’re not their problem anymore. They told your private information, your forwarding address, phone number, work address… now you’re out there.” “What does that mean?” “Means I’m going to make sure no one f***s with you. I will have a prospect here all day and I will be taking you to and from work every day. I’ll either be watching the place or have someone watching-“ “You think they’d try and break in?” He didn’t say anything and I covered my face. “Should I get extra locks?” “I am your extra lock.” He ground out and I felt like crying. All this for selfish people. “You’re off at 10?” He asked and I nodded. “Glad you wore jeans love, you’ll be on the back of my bike tonight.” “But-“ “No buts. A prospect will be sitting in this diner from start to finish of your day. Until we talk to who bought your debt you’re safe with me. With the club.” He corrected himself and I just nodded slowly. “Ok.” I would take the help, I didn’t have a chance on my own. He nodded at me before telling me he would be back in later for lunch. I waited, for hours. I worked and ate my first break and he strolled in 20 minutes before 2 and sat at the tables closest to where I was currently taking an order. I went to put them in, grabbed a coffee mug and the coffee and headed over. “Let me actually have an iced tea.” He told me and I nodded before going to get that for him. “Sit.” “I can’t I have orders-“ “Daisy sit down before I follow you around the diner.” He would probably do it too. I sighed and sat slowly and gulped. “We found out who bought your debt.” He told me and I just waited. “They won’t drop it. Not unless the Tuckers pay their money back.” “But… why?” I asked slowly and sighed. Rubbing my head. I don’t think the pounding would ever stop now. “The Rubiano family-“ my head jerked up so fast at the name I felt like I slept on it wrong all of a sudden. “The what?” There was no way I heard that right. “Rubiano’s, they’re a family closer to Richmond.” “My mom... she was with one of them.” I cut him off and he just waited for more, but that was kind of all I knew. She used to say I could be one of their daughters but she was never sure. “With one? Like you remember one of them?” He asked and I knew what he meant... and I just shook my head. “More like she said that might be my real last name.” I told him softly and he looked over my face like this was changing something. I gulped and he nodded slowly. As if answering a question. “We have a meeting with them.” He told me and I just waited for more information. Did I have to be there? Should I try and find that old school book with their picture together? “But you think they’re going to try and get me to pay before they come to a meeting with us?” “Not us baby. Just the club. We are going to explain that you’re taken, that you’re protected, there is no debt.” He told me and I just gulped and bit my thumb nail as I thought about it. “And... and if one of them knows about me? If they think I am their kid?” I asked and he just glared. “You’re still mine baby. We can try and get one of them to provide a DNA sample if thats what you want.” He suggested and I just shook my head. I had enough issues, I didn’t need daddy issues adding onto it.
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