Chapter 4

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Chapter 4   Theodore I woke up to a terrible headache, I felt sick and so thirsty, and very confused. Fucking hangover? Clutching my head as I sat up, I realized I was in a bed. I rubbed the sleepiness off my eyes and tried to see where I was and I felt relieved when I saw the dark colored canopy of my bed and the painting of a beautiful island on the wall. Thank goodness I'm in my bedroom. I can't remember anything that happened to me after I fell drunk and walked out of the club I went in with my stupid friend. And how did I get home? My clothes had been changed, too? Sniff...Sniff... I don't smell alcohol. f**k! I feel like an i***t right now. Who the hell brought me here?! I got off my bed, cursed under my breath for the horrible hangover I was having, and headed to the bathroom. I was greeted by my butler the minute I was out of my bedroom. "Good morning, master Theodore." I groaned as I tied the belt of my robe around my waist. "For the last time, Arjun. You work for me. Not my father. Drop the master. It makes me cringe. Teddy is fine." "Yes, mas-- T-Teddy. Sir Teddy." Oh god. Since he graduated from a butler training school in London, he came to work for me. His father works for my father. But I don't want to be like my old fashioned dad, with this butler in formal clothes and calling me master. I like the authority and the control but Arjun is like a big brother to me. I don't like him calling me master. It feels weird. When we arrived at the breakfast table, my food was ready along with some hangover drinks old Arnault used to give me after my drinking parties with my friends. Arnault is Arjun's father. I've moved out of my dad's house when I graduated from Bella Terra University. And here in this six bedroom house, I live alone. After a couple sips of the carrot ginger apple juice drink, I felt myself calming down, my headache slowly disappearing. It tastes like crap but I need this to get my hangover gone. I ate a little, the French toast, fried eggs... "Coffee. Black." Arjun poured me a cup and after a sip, I was in heaven. No morning is complete without this thing. "By the way, who brought me home last night? I'm sure it wasn't Kim." "Some young man, Sir. He accompanied you in a taxi." "Huh... Where is he?" Arjun looked like he wasn't believing my question. "Well...he went home, Sir." "Do I know him?" He shook his head. "I don't believe so, Sir. He thought you worked here, even asked for your 'supposedly boss' to pay him for the fare, and his as well, so he could go home." I chuckled loudly after hearing the ridiculous story. "Me? Work here?" I wiped my lips with a napkin and got off my chair. "So you gave him some money to get home, right?" "Yes, Sir." "Did you tell him I live here and not as a worker?" "No, Sir." I paused in front of the glass sliding doors and stared at the pool in the back of my house. "Who the hell brings someone home like that? What an idiot." Arjun cleared his throat as he stood behind me. "Well, I thought the same, too. He went out of his way to bring you here. No one does that anymore." He cleared his throat again. "Um. Sir, could it be that you um..." "Nope. I don't remember sleeping with someone last night and the last thing I can recall was me passing out in an alley--  Hey, do something for me." It was curiosity that drove me to know the person who brought me home. Usually on my weekends I would be drowning myself in work. But here I was asking Arjun to show me the photage of me being brought in from the taxi last night and also to get a copy of CCTV recording of the club I went to specifically the one showing the alleyway I last remember walking at. Two hours later, I was in front of my computer inside my home office, grinning at the screen. It's him. The beautiful and handsome waiter. I snorted a laugh as I watched his figure in the alley in front of dead drunk me, looking like he was battling himself whether to help me or not. And then he looked a little pissed off as he struggled to take me and bring me to the side of the road and hail a cab. What a gentleman... I must have been sitting in my swivel chair for an hour while I kept replaying and freezing the video of him asking Arjun to give him some money for the cab. So adorable... A knock at my door took the smile off my face and made me almost jump off my seat feeling like being caught doing something naughty the way I would have felt when I was seven. I'm gonna be 32 soon. God! "Yeah?" Arjun came inside my office and handed me something. I rubbed my chin as I stared at the folder. "That's all the information we got from the club." I licked the side of my mouth as I opened the contents of the folder. Earlier I asked Arjun to get the waiter's information from the club so I told him I saw him work there. He gave me a knowing look but I shrugged it off. He was probably thinking how coincidental it was. It is, indeed. For me, because the adorable waiter happens to be my good Samaritan. It's a very good coincidence. I know a smile was permanently plastered on my face as I examined the waiter's photo attached to his resume. I've never been this interested much more amused over someone's handsome face. So, his name is Sebastian Scion. Hello, beautiful... I didn't waste time to get to know the beautiful waiter so later that afternoon, I drove Arjun's old Chevrolet sedan to the address the adorable boy left on his resume at the club. I arrived at a humble seven story residential building. Now, how do I find him here? Do I walk in and knock at every door? I was staring at the fading white facade of the building when I heard a knock on my windows. I lowered it and little boy greeted me a good afternoon. "Mr. You're not allowed to park here. You'll get towed. And you'll have to--" The kid didn't finish his words to me when a person called him. "Bran!" "Sorry. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Bye!" The kid whose face looked so familiar left just as fast as he came and knocked at my windows. And while I was pondering on what he said, a familiar figure caught my attention. It's him! My beautiful waiter! He looks more handsome in the daylight. Hmmm? Are they siblings? They look so similar. I smiled at myself thinly while watching his interaction with the little kid. My beautiful waiter looked so worried of the younger one. He hugged him as he bent a knee down on the pavement in front of the building entrance. He checked on his brother and made sure he was okay. So beautiful...and kind... I was so caught up with just watching him, I didn't realize Arjun's car was getting towed. Oh, f**k.   To be continued… ______________________ ______________________    
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