32. The Peacock

2015 Words
A lover who is drunk in love often does stupid things, as he is currently doing. Imdad snorted to himself irritably. He wore pajama pants and was shirtless, showing several red streaks on his chest and back from someone's nails. The person in question wrapped herself in a blanket and clung to his back, sneaking around occasionally looking if a maid passing by, then the two of them dashed across the room to the guest cabin at the back. Imdad is not worried about his men or servants seeing him. All the servants and men in his house were male. He just didn't want them to see his woman's face at that time. A face that glowed from the effects of her intense orgasm and the disheveled appearance of sleeping with him. Humans and animals can smell the scent of love, and they might be aroused by it. The two of them giggled when they arrived at Delisha's room and leaned against the door, gasping for breath with nervousness. Imdad was silent for a moment while enjoying the beauty of his lover's face, which was carved on her cheeks when she smiled. Subconsciously, his hand stroked that cheek. "You are very beautiful, Delisha-Ji," he muttered softly and when the woman looked at him in awe, he immediately clasped her slightly open lips, crushing them as if endless until she let out a weak groan. Delisha's hand was wrapped around Imdad's neck so that the blanket that was wrapping her body unwrapped and fell to the floor, again, showing her naked body which was full of red marks. Imdad stroked her neck and continued to fall over to the top of her chest, squeezing gently while sucking the two pink peaks alternately. "Please, stop me, Delisha-Ji!" Imdad asked in a voice that almost groaned in pain and then again crushed his woman's delicate body. "Don't ...," Delisha sighed as she squeezed Imdad's hair. "Do not stop ...." "Ah, you really drive me crazy!" Imdad said in despair. He lifted Delisha's body and dropped her on the single bed in the room. He got back on top of her and thrust himself into her soft crevice with the same passion as the first time he was with her. "I have an urgent appointment," Imdad sighed in a deep voice and his eyes closed as he pushed slowly into Delisha's body. "An important promise?" Delisha repeated, surprised that she didn't know the meaning of the words. Her body and mind begin to be controlled by something as the faster and stronger male pushes over her. "It concerns you ... that's why ... important ... ahhh!" The feeling of tightness because Imdad was about to explode made Delisha explode first and the man caught up with her with a huge burst in her core and then fell on top of her. Panting breaths wafted across her soft neck and the man said attentively, "We don't use safeguards, Delisha unless you're ready to bear my child, I don't mind. But whatever you decide, I just want to make sure you are really healthy and your body is ready to accept it. " Delisha was stunned to hear that. Imdad kissed her chin then looked in her eyes and close up to have a face-to-face conversation with her. "This appointment, you must come with me, because it is not me who will make the decisions," he said with a thoughtful face. Delisha got anxious. "Where are we going?" "Obstetricians." ***** In a pink robe suit and a scarf wrapped around her shoulders, Delisha is in the car with Imdad. The pink shirt and white trousers that the man was wearing really made them both like devotees. Delisha is surprised that a man like Imdad has a penchant for pink. They headed for a quite luxurious private clinic in City ND. Around 2.30pm, the clinic was deserted. They met a gynecologist named dr.Zaara. Doctor Zaara is a young woman with long, glossy black hair like satin. Her body is tall and gorgeous. Her face was beautiful with sharp eyes, sharp nose, and sensual red lips. She wore thin glasses and a white knee-length coat, overlaid the shirt with a low cleavage and the miniskirt she wore. She looked charming and flowery when he saw Imdad's arrival in her room. "Ah, Raaj, it took you a long time to appear here! Did you miss me?" asked Dr. Zaara, hugging Imdad and kissing him on the cheek. Imdad gave him a quick hug and kissed him on the cheek, as was the custom. Delisha who was a few steps behind Imdad felt neglected. Imdad can always make her feel knocked down. Dr.Zaara glanced at her watch. "You're two hours past the time you promised, Raaj, you've never been like this before. What's wrong with you suddenly making an appointment with me?" Imdad turned to the woman behind him who looked down shyly. The woman's brown hair fell down and her cheeks formed a curve even though she only smiled slightly. "Oh, who is this?" said Dr. Zaara in amazement. "She looks a slight like July, doesn't she, Raj?" dr. Zaara nudged Imdad's stomach with his elbow. Delisha felt inferior when faced with Dr. Zaara. The woman was very beautiful, especially in the eyes of Delisha that her aura was a very beautiful peacock with brightly colored spread wide tail feathers. After hearing Imdad's explanation, dr. Zaara comes into the checking room with Delisha. Delisha had blood drawn for hormone tests and a TORCH test. She is also required to answer questions about the menstrual cycle and her complaints during menstruation or during intercourse. Furthermore, dr. Zaara asks her to lie on the gynecologist table. Doctor Zaara performed a series of external and internal examinations on Delisha's uterus area with Abdominal and Transvaginal ultrasound to detect any tumors, cysts, symptoms of cancer, or other abnormalities. She exclaimed in amazement as she opened Delisha's cervix. "Wohooo, wow!" She said, shaking her head, "Imdad is really doing well. The very small wound he made. Neat scratches like made with a very sharp scalpel. I'm sure you guys have done it many times and it doesn't hurt. He really is experienced, right? " she said, glancing at Delisha between the thighs straddling her. Delisha just nodded because she was nervous. The examination really frightened her. Moreover, the equipment that dr. Zaara is moving in her womb. The doctor looked at the monitor and closely watched the condition in Delisha's uterus. "Ah, Imdad is an extraordinary man. I am not surprised if he does very well. It was not in vain that I taught him," she said meaningfully then glanced softly at Delisha. So, Imdad and this woman …. Delisha couldn't help thinking about anything further. The woman took out her tool from Delisha's uterus then stood up and stepped to Delisha's side, stroked her face then kissed Delisha gently on the cheek and suddenly crushed Delisha's lips, made Delisha startled and pushed the doctor. "What are you doing?" Delisha asked in anger as she lowered her feet from the gynecologist's bed, sat down, and rubbed her lips. She glared at Dr.Zaara. There were only two of them in the room. Dr. Zaara laughed as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, "Fhuhuhu ...." Laughing like a bad woman in movies, she saw the flushed face of the woman in front of her. "So Imdad's taste is like this, huh? I thought his taste was more classy. Ah, I didn't think Imdad likes innocent and naive little girls." "Don't--" Delisha was about to point her finger at the woman, but dr. Zaara immediately brought her face in front of Delisha's face. "Don't what?" Dr. Zaara said, "There's nothing you can deny, it's obvious that you're not an experienced woman, especially about men. Let me tell you one thing, Miss. Even though Imdad is very nice, but if you can't satisfy him, he might turn away from you one day. I'm saying this because I care about you. " Delisha lowered her hand and scowled irritably at the doctor. The doctor turn back on her and walked out of the room saying the results of her examination. "You don't have any problems with your uterus, so you are safe if you want to get pregnant or use any form of contraception if you don't want to." "Weird! Bizarre woman!" grumbled Delisha while putting on her underwear and her pants again. "What if I'm inexperienced? After all, Imdad chose me, you bastard! Just because you taught him, then you feel entitled or know everything about Imdad? Uh, annoying, I'm annoyed! Watch out, Imdad, I'll counter to you later! I'll counter you !!" She leaves the room and sees Imdad sitting opposite Dr.Zaara discussing something. She sits beside Imdad. The two of them then looked at her expectantly. "So, have you decided?" Dr.Zaara asked. Delisha took a deep breath. "Yes, I will do contraception, injections for 3 months." Imdad smiled in response. "A good choice!" exclaimed Dr.Zaara. He then led Delisha to an examination bed behind the curtain and prepared an injection of the birth control hormone. She also has to swallow the birth control pill which is effective in preventing pregnancy 2 x 24 hours after intercourse. Imdad was in the middle of receiving a phone call when the doctor had her butt injected and she stared longingly and in awe at the man. She never thought that the man she had chosen for her heart had such concern for her. Suddenly, she sighed in despair. Better not get your hopes up, Delisha! She begged herself. The man can make her soar high in the sky, also can knock her to the lowest point. While in the car Delisha was silent because she was lost in her own thoughts. "What is wrong?" asked Imdad as he drove, "What are you thinking?" "Nothing!" She said briefly, turning her face to her side to stare at the street. "Oh come on, Delisha, don't hesitate, just be candid. You know I don't like misunderstandings." With a sad face, Delisha revealed her heart. "Doctor Zaara scared me, she's ... a little weird." Imdad's forehead knitted deeply. "Oh? Did she do something or says something to you?" "She ... kissed me." "What ?!" Imdad almost stopped his car suddenly. "What, she did it?? Still, dare she do it? To my woman ?? Insolent !!" said Imdad, fists and punching the steering wheel. His face was bright red, seemed really angry. "Ugh! I'm sorry, Delisha, I won't take you to her place again. Damn! Even though I believed her. Apparently, she took a chance in the tight spot!" "Oh, are you mad? Why? Isn't she your friend?" Imdad pulled over his car to cup her woman's face and said, "Delisha, Zaara is a male ...." Delisha's eyes widened at that. Beautiful woman in that beautiful feathered peacock look ... So Imdad and Zaara... Delisha cried blood inside. "Honey, let me kiss you where he kisses you ..." Imdad brought his lips closer to kiss Delisha, but Delisha pushed him away. "Wh-why? Is something wrong?" Delisha almost sobbed. "Za-Zaara said ... she taught you everything ...." Hearing that, Imdad's eyes widened. So Zaara tells Delisha ... all of them ?? Zaara bastard !! In her study, Zaara laughed in a manner that covered her mouth with the back of her hand, "Fhufhuhuhuuhu ...." ******** Imdad's Note: Don't get me wrong. I don't like misunderstandings. Zaara is actually in her 40s, but due to surgery and therapy, she looks young. His real name is Veer Pratav Singh. He is my senior, also July and other brothers in Khuda Jaane. He is the mentor of Xin Corp. Of course, he taught me everything I know today, be it weapons, combat techniques, even serving women. He said that just to disturb my relationship with Delisha. Maybe her love life wasn't going smoothly which bothered Delisha and me. You Zaara !! You are envious !! *** A good idea by me. klik follow me and add this story to your library. that would be awesome \(^o^)/
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